The Horace Mann League of the USA
Welcome to the June 3rd, edition of the Horace Mann League Blog
Check out the redesigned  HML website.

Highlighted Posts for the week of June 3rd:



The ALEC goal to eliminate school districts and school boards is a bit shocking - but the idea is to make every school, public and private, independent through vouchers for all students.

The Arbitrary Albatross: Testing and Teacher Evaluation 

As a large body of research suggests, standardized test data are imprecise for two main reasons. First, they do not account for individual and environmental factors affecting student performance, factors over which teachers have no control. 



Learning First Alliance Honors Linda Darling Hammond with its 2013 Education Visionary Award

Learning First Alliance (LFA), a partnership of 16 leading education associations  with more than 10 million members dedicated to improving student learning in America's public schools has named Linda Darling Hammond as its 2013 Education Visionary Award winner.




 Signs of the Coming Revolution in America's Education System 

The recent revolt against standardized tests as well as legislative concern over testing corruption are just some of the of the signs of an approaching education "revolution." 



 Greed Is Good': Top 7 Most Piggish Commencement Speeches 

It's that time of year. The sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom and all across America, graduating students are forced to endure that dreaded rite of passage, the commencement speech. Often boring, typically clich�d and frequently self-aggrandizing, commencement speeches form their own subgenre of fatuous prose.



 Jeb Bush Talks Education At Mackinac, Pushes Michigan's Questionable Charter School Sector 

Jeb Bush praised charter schools and slammed traditional public schools and teachers unions in a speech here Wednesday, saying that public education "dumbs down standards to make adults look better." 


 10 Things Charter Schools Won't Tell You

A host of other studies on charter school outcomes have come up with sometimes contradictory results. As with traditional public schools, there are great charters and some that aren't so great. 


The problem, though, is not one of pedagogy or teaching personnel. It's a serious lack of leadership.





About Us
The Horace Mann League of the USA is an honorary society that promotes the ideals of Horace Mann by advocating for public education as the cornerstone of our democracy.


President: Joe Hairston, (former) Supt., Baltimore County Public Schools, MD
President-elect: Gary Marx, President, Center for Public Outreach, VA
Vice President: Charles Fowler, Executive Director, Suburban School Superintendents
1st Past President: Mark Edwards, Supt., Mooresville Graded Schools, NC
2nd Past President: Julie Underwood, Dean, Sch. of Ed. U. of WI, Madison, WI
3rd Past President: George Garcia, (ret.) Supt., Boulder Valley Schools, CO
4th Past President: Steve Rasmussen, Supt., Issaquah School District, WA


Martha Bruckner, Supt., Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
Evelyn Blose-Holman, (ret.) Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, NY
Carol Choye, Instructor, Bank Street College, NY
Brent Clark, Exec. Dir., Illinois Assoc. of School Admin. IL
Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education, Stanford U. CA
Charles Fowler, Exec. Dir., Suburban School Superintendents, NH
James Harvey, Exec. Dir., Superintendents Roundtable, WA
William Hite, Supt., Philadelphia City Public Schools, PA
Christine Johns-Hines, Superintendent, Shelby Township, Michigan 
Dwight Jones, Superintendent, Clark County Public Schools, NV
Eric King, Superintendent, (Ret.) Muncie Public Schools, IN
Steven Ladd, Superintendent, Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA 
Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir., Americans United, Washington, DC
Stan Olson, Superintendent, (Ret.) Boise Public Schools, ID


Executive Director:
Jack McKay, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 
560 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (360) 821 9877
To become a member of the HML, click here to download an application.