The Horace Mann League of the USA
HML Annual Meeting, Friday, February 22, 2013, 11:45 to 1:30 pm, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Los Angels, CA.  Click here for the HML Annual Meeting and Luncheon Meeting Registration Form.

Dr. Thomas Payzant
Senator Mark Warner
Dr. Tom Payzant will be awarded HML's "Outstanding Public Educator" award for 2013.  Tom was the Assistant Secretary of Education, long-time superintendent of the Boston Public Schools, and most recently a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education.  Tom is the recent author book,"Urban and District School Leadership.
U.S. Senator Mark Warner, representing the state of Virginia, has a long history of supporting public education while Governor of Virginia and in the U.S. Senate.  Senator Warner has led his colleagues in making significant modifications to NCLB and in support of educational policies that strengthen local school boards and school administrators.

Welcome to the January 28, 2013, edition of the Horace Mann League Blog

HML Annual Meeting, Friday, February 22, 2013, 11:45 to 1:30 pm, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Los Angels, CA.  Click here for the HML Annual Meeting and Luncheon Meeting Registration Form

Mark Edwards, President, The Horace Mann League of the U.S.A.
Jack McKay, Executive Director, The Horace Mann League of the U.S.A.

Click on the title to read the complete article.

This week's postings:
The 91st Horace Mann League Annual Meeting is set for Friday, February 22, 2013, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in downtown Los Angles, from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm.  Featured speakers are Senator Mark Warner, from Virginia, and Dr. Tom Payzant, former Boston Superintendent and Assistant Secretary of Education in the US Dept. of Education.


Topical Sections for the week of February 18, 2013


The Fleecing of Public Education
If the nightly news really wanted to look into the Fleecing of America, they need not look further than the serious fleecing that companies are doing to American schools.

Some other good articles posted this week. 


Tomorrow's Innovators: Essential Skills for a Changing World
Adams and Hamm argue that the education sector is at the core of all societal change, and that for students and educators to be left behind by what they consider a rapid and radical advance in technology would do great harm to our civilization. 


Charter School Report Provides Little Basis for Advocacy  

The overall research base is now clear that the charter school sector largely mirrors the conventional public school sector in terms of students' test scores.


The Secret to Fixing Bad Schools

WHAT would it really take to give students a first-rate education? Some argue that our schools are irremediably broken and that charter schools offer the only solution.


Empty Promises in Obama's Mis-Education Agenda

For me, the test question on any education proposal always is, "Is this the kind of education I want for my children and grandchildren?"  


Hazelwood at 25
Policymakers say they want civically aware students who graduate ready for meaningful participation in their government. But Hazelwood censorship undermines civic learning, by teaching young people that the government gets to decide how and when it may be criticized.

Some other postings of interest.



About Us
The Horace Mann League of the USA is an honorary society that promotes the ideals of Horace Mann by advocating for public education as the cornerstone of our democracy.


President: Mark Edwards, Supt., Mooresville Graded Schools, NC
President-elect: Joe Hairston, (ret.) Supt., Baltimore County Public Schools, MD
Vice President: Gary Marx, President, Center for Public Outreach, VA
Past President: Julie Underwood, Dean, Sch. of Ed. U. of WI, Madison, WI
2nd Past Pres: George Garcia, (ret.) Supt., Boulder Valley Schools, CO
3rd Past Pres: Steve Rasmussen, Supt., Issaquah School District, WA


Martha Bruckner, Supt., Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
Evelyn Blose-Holman, (ret.) Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, NY
Carol Choye, Instructor, Bank Street College, NY
Brent Clark, Exec. Dir., Illinois Assoc. of School Admin. IL
Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education, Stanford U. CA
Nancy DeFord, Supt. (Ret.) Park City Schools, UT
Charles Fowler, Exec. Dir., Suburban School Superintendents, NH
James Harvey, Exec. Dir., Superintendents Roundtable, WA
William Hite, Supt., Philadelphia City Public Schools, PA
Dwight Jones, Supt., Clark County Public Schools, NV
Eric King, Supt., (Ret.) Muncie Public Schools, IN
Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir., Americans United, Washington, DC
Stan Olson, Supt. (Ret.) Boise Public Schools, ID
Douglas Otto, Assoc.Prof.,Ed. Ad., University of North Texas, TX


Executive Director:
Jack McKay, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 
560 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (360) 821 9877
To become a member of the HML, click here to download an application.