The Horace Mann League of the USA

Photos From the Tour of the Mooresville Graded School District
Grace Cunningham, a teacher at Mooresville Intermediate School, helping a student 

Martha Bruckner (IA) visiting with Mooresville High School  students.

Kristin Faucher, teacher at Mooresville Intermediate School, with students.  

Stan Olson (ID) visiting with Mooresville High School students

Students explain the assignment to Stan Olson (ID)

The discovery.

Mary McGee helping students in a Mooresville High School literature course.

Eisa Cox, Assistant Principal and David Sherrill, Help Desk Manager, explaining what is happening in the "Help Room" to HML Board members: Stan Olson (ID), Charles Fowler (NH), Gary Marx (VA), James Harvey (WA), Mark Edwards (NC) and Evelyn Blose-Holman (NY)
Students at Mooresville Intermediate School explaining their assignment with Martha Bruckner (IA)

A student showing Joe Hairston (MD) how the assignments make use of technology

#12  Mark Edwards and Joe Hairston discuss the student management system, Angel.

#13.  Mark Edwards explaining the adaption of technology to the high school curriculum

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