Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium

Creating a more Vibrant, Resilient & Sustainable NEO





Thanks for your continued interest in NEOSCC and the Vibrant NEO 2040 Initiative.


As we near the end of 2012, there is plenty Vibrant NEO 2040 activity around Northeast Ohio.  


We are in process of finalizing the selection of a planning firm to assist with development of the Vibrant NEO 2040 vision and framework.  A few facts about the planning process:



Who will be involved in the planning process?

We will be engaging stakeholders throughout the region through different ways and methods.


How will the planning process be conducted?

Regional engagement using a scenario planning process that creates a shared vision.


What is our objective?

We are focused on developing a framework to create a more vibrant, resilient and sustainable Northeast Ohio.


NEOSCC has also launched its regional analysis of impediments to fair housing choice study (see article below).


In our engagement efforts we have launched MPO/COG workshops as well as meetings with County Leadership Groups in each of the 12 counties:



9:00 - 11:00am @ City of Green Council Chambers


December 4 - Summit County

10:00 to noon @ Akron Urban League


December 5 - Eastgate COG Workshop

9:00 - 11:00am @ Davis Center


December 5 - Mahoning County 

3:00 - 5:00pm @ Davis Center


December 12 - Ashtabula County - 

3:00 - 5:00pm @Ashtabula County Commissioners Meeting Room


December 12 - Portage County 

4:30pm @ Portage County Regional Planning Commission

January 9 - Stark County 
@ Stark State - 9:00 - 11:00am
Other meeting dates are being finalized.  If you are interested in attending these meetings, we request that you RSVP to Jennifer Margolis,



Finding the tools to keep Northeast Ohio's future bright


In The Plain Dealer this past Sunday, Hunter Morrison, NEOSCC Executive Director and Jason Segedy, NEOSCC Board Chair contributed a guest column, "Finding the tools to keep Northeast Ohio's future bright",  to the Forum section discussing NEOSCC, the Conditions and Trends Platform and Vibrant NEO 2040.  Here is an excerpt from the piece:


"Admit it: You love Northeast Ohio. You love the people, or the history, the museums, the food, or the parks and the sports. For all of us, there are aspects of our region about which we are proud, unique qualities that make it a great place to live. We all want to see the things that we love about Northeast Ohio thrive and grow, just as we would like to see the challenges facing our region addressed and put behind us.


The Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium works to help residents preserve and build upon what we value, and to fix those things that are challenging -- on a regional scale. NEOSCC is a growing member-led collaboration of public agencies, elected officials, philanthropic and nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities and community members. Our collective work will serve as the foundation for the development of Vibrant NEO 2040, a regionwide planning and engagement effort convened by the consortium to spur the development of the vision and tools that will help Northeast Ohio become a more sustainable, resilient and vibrant place to live and work."

To continue reading


NEOSCC Fair Housing Survey Released



As part of the Vibrant NEO 2040 planning process, NEOSCC is conducting a regional analysis of impediments to fair housing choice (often called a Regional AI).  Western Economic Services -  is helping us craft a useful Regional AI for all of the communities in our 12-county region.  


Working with Western Economic Services, we have created two surveys to help gauge the status of fair housing in our communities.  If you are involved in the housing industry please take some time to complete the survey.


 We have created two surveys.  One for government officials and one for housing stakeholders.  Our definition of "housing stakeholders" are people like an advocate/ service provider, banking/ finance, construction/ development, condo or homeowner association leader, insurance, law/ legal services, property management, real estate, or resident advisory council leader. 

Click (here) for the government officials survey and click (here) for the housing stakeholders survey.  


Please fill out the most appropriate survey and forward both survey links to anyone else you think would like to participate in this research.  

The findings from the Regional AI will be incorporated into the final NEOSCC plans and recommendations in 2013.


Parks, Parks, and more Parks!


One of the more popular discoveries in the Conditions and Trends Platform is that 90% of NEO population is within 1 mile of a park or a green space.



The highest concentration of parks and protected spaces is in the center of the region, around the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Ravenna Arsenal in Summit and Portage Counties.



There are, however, areas concentrated along the edge of the region that are further than two miles from a park or protected space. These areas include western Lorain and Medina counties, southern Wayne and Stark Counties, and parts of Ashtabula, Trumbull, and Mahoning counties.

Redeveloping East Liberty Neighborhood, Pittsburgh


As part of a grantee peer-to-peer exchange in Pittsburgh, we were given a tour of the East Liberty Neighborhood redevelopment project.



From the East Liberty Development Corporation's website:

Our first community plan, A Vision for East Liberty, produced in 1999, helped guide our neighborhood's recovery from urban renewal efforts. Recognizing the success that followed the 1999 plan, we decided to come together again to include new and old neighbors and expand and refine our vision. Through a process of community meetings, a broad range of people who live, work, shop, play, worship, and invest in East Liberty shared our love for the neighborhood, our concerns, and our dreams for its future. The guiding principles below, which emerged from these meetings, will guide residents, developers, organizers, and stakeholders through the ever-evolving process of planning and development toward our community's goals.

Over the last 12 years, 1,400 high-rise public housing units have bee replaced by 450 new mixed-income units. The neighborhood has also attracted national retailers Home, Depot, Whole Foods and Target.

Learn more about the project:

  • Download a copy of the 1999 Community Plan, A Vision For East Liberty, or the 2010 Community Plan, Many Voices Driving Neighborhood Change.
  • The dramatic changes in East Liberty did not arise from the Community Plans alone. Planning and market research studies have informed the development progress of East Liberty and the entire East End.
Engaging MPOs in our Conditions and Trends Platform


At the first of our Metropolitan Planning Organization/Council of Governments workshops, at the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), we discussed the overall status of the project, the upcoming scenario planning process, project outcomes/products and engagement.




This conversation was followed by brief roundtable discussions on four of our work streams:  Economic Development, Environment, Connections and Housing and Communities.   Utilizing the findings from the Conditions and Trends Platform, we engaged local leaders in exploring the following:

  • What do these findings mean to you and your community?
  • What do these findings mean to the region?
  • What else do you need to know about your community?
  • What else do you need to know about Northeast Ohio?

Over the course of the next month, we will be holding similar meetings with the other MPO's and COG's as well as leadership meetings within each of the 12 counties. All of this is in preparation for the scenario planning process which we will be launching in 2013.



Volunteer Image

Measuring Sustainable Progress


Translating sustainability and the triple bottom line  into accessible concepts and actions has long been a difficult aspect of broadening the audience and stakeholders for sustainability initiatives.  This has been particularly true in how everyone can take action.



At its recent Sustainable Cleveland 2019 Summit, The City of Cleveland launched its new dashboard.  The new tool includes performance measures that will help to capture progress made along the 10 year initiative:

Measuring progress is essential to the success of Sustainable Cleveland. The performance indicators measure results, inform strategy, shine a light on what is working and they educate and inspire us through stories and metrics.

The framework focuses on sustainability initiatives in the areas of business, personal/social, built and natural. Most importantly, the site highlights how you can affect these areas at home, work and in your community.  While some of the measurements have yet to be published, it is definitely worth at look.  Visit the SC 2019 dashboard site to see where you can make a difference!

Lots of Green in Youngstown


Lots of Green  


Back in June, NEOSCC took its board meeting to Mahoning County.  As part of our 12 Counties in 12 Months Program, the NEOSCC Board had an opportunity to tour some of Youngstown's unique assets as well as some of the redevelopment work that is occurring.

Part of the tour was led by  Youngstown Neighborhood Development Council (YNDC), a multifaceted neighborhood development organization launched in 2009 in partnership with the City of Youngstown and The Raymond John Wean Foundation to catalyze strategic neighborhood reinvestment in neighborhoods throughout the city.  YNDC highlighted some of the neighborhood revitalization work during the tour.


We wanted to showcase a recent YNDC publication:  Lots of Green 2012 Impact Report.

YNDC's Lots of Green program is a nationally-recognized, vacant land reuse strategy implemented in Youngstown neighborhoods by the YNDC and multiple partner organizations. The program engages residents and volunteers through several programs, including Iron Roots Urban Farm, Market Gardener Training, Community Gardens, Green Jobs Training, Lots of Green 2.0, People's Garden, and Basic Land Stabilization, in reclaiming all vacant land in strategic neighborhoods, transforming the physical fabric of the neighborhood and increasing neighborhood pride and ownership.


 Continue reading the report.

Issue 10
November 2012
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Board Meeting: 
December 18, 2012
1:00pm - 3:00pm  
Hudson Library
Hudson, OH
Executive  Committee Meeting 
December 18, 2012
11:00 am
Hudson Library 
Hudson, OH


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Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium 
146 South High Street
CitiCenter, Suite 800
Akron, OH 44308
(330) 375-2949

Current Consortium


Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS)


Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority


Akron Urban League


Ashtabula County


Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown


Center for Community Solutions


City of Akron


City of Cleveland


City of Elyria


City of Youngstown


Cleveland Metroparks


Cleveland Museum of Natural 



Cleveland State University


Cuyahoga County


Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority


Eastgate Regional Council of 

Governments (Eastgate)


Fund for Our Economic Future


Greater Cleveland RTA


Lorain County Community College


Lorain County Growth Partnership


Mahoning County


Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) (Fiscal Agent)


Northeast Ohio Community Development Alliance


Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning & Development Organization (NEFCO)


Policy Bridge


Regional Prosperity Initiative


Stark County


Stark County Regional Planning Commission/Stark County Area Transportation Study (RPC/SCATS)


Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority


Summit County


Summit County Health District


Trumbull County


Youngstown State University


Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium