Vol. I, Issue IX |
Director's Line 
by Greg Simard, Sales Team Leader
Associated Catholic Cemeteries
WCCFA Past President |
Have you "Peaked" yet?
If you were to ask a friend for a recommendation for someone to perform a service for you, such as a mechanic, a repair person, an electrician, a plumber, a doctor... would you ever ask them to recommend a mediocre person to help you out? Just a mediocre person. I think not. We always want the very best professional to do for us what we can't or don't want to do for ourselves.
So with that thought in mind, I ask, what are we doing each and every day to improve ourselves, so we don't fall into the Mediocre Professional trap?
A short time ago I was watching an interview of Colin Firth, the actor who played King George VI of Britain in the movie The King's Speech (an outstanding movie, by the way, if you haven't seen it). During the interview, Colin said the most dangerous thing any professional can ever say. He said "I'm afraid I've 'peaked,'", meaning that was his best performance and therefore every performance from there on would be somewhat..."less."
Our customers deserve our very best performance, each and every time we are at their service. Therefore we have to stay on top of our game, through constant personal continuing education.
Often times when I'm interviewing a prospective new sales counselor, I ask them "what books are you currently reading?" I really don't care what they are reading, just that they are reading something for their continued self-improvement. Most people read very little after they close their last text book. The human mind is kind of like a produce rack at a grocery store. If it is not constantly tended to, it turns to mush very quickly. (Yes, I came from the grocery industry).
So, my question to my readership is what books do you have on your reading st and right now? I suppose the more direct question is, do you have a reading stand on which to place all the books you're going to read from here on?
A couple of years ago I took a course that was conducted by the Church I attend. It was called "Strength Finders." It was a question-and-answer program designed to help the student to understand and focus on one's personal strengths. What I took away from that exercise was that I was spending way too much time on my weaknesses and not nearly enough on my strengths.
In a similar way, we should be spending 80% of our time on the top 20% of our productive employees. All too often it's the other way around. Learn to invest your time where you get the highest return on your investment.
We need to practice, drill. and rehearse whatever we want to get better at. Sometimes it's OK to turn a weakness into a strength. For the past 27 years I've invested 1½ hours every Thursday morning, attending my Toastmasters club to practice my public speaking skills. If you don't know what Toastmasters is, find a club online and join one. I had the same challenge as a child that King George VI had, (no, not Royalty, a speech impediment). Today, people offer to pay me to speak in public. Talk about turning a weakness into a strength!
In conclusion, I have a challenge for each of you: explore and discover your strengths. Spend 80% of your continuing educational time on your strengths, and 20% on the weaker areas of your life. Read a new book each month. Next year, you can tell us on these pages about your growth journey. And maybe we'll invite YOU to speak about it!
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How to cut down on burglary, vandalism and metal theft
The incidence of vandalism, metal theft and burglary at cemeteries is alarming. Every day there are numerous stories of metal theft, with perpetrators stealing urns, mausoleum doors, plaques and decorative fencing. Cemeteries are also suffering damage due to graffiti and other vandalism of headstones and statuary.
Thieves have also targeted lawn mowers, leaf blowers and stored supplies at cemeteries, as well as hearses, limousines, golf carts and utility vehicles.
This is costing the cemeteries involved (and, in the case of hearses and limousines, funeral homes) hundreds of thousands of dollars. The expense of replacing just one metal plaque is $500; mausoleum doors cost thousands of dollars.
And when yard equipment and maintenance vehicles are stolen, when time and money have to be spent dealing with theft and damage, cemetery operations can be impacted. Property crimes can affect an organization's ability to perform daily tasks and can damage the trust families exhibited in placing their loved one's remains in your care.
Are you doing all you can reasonably do to protect your cemetery? To perform a security assessment, start by answering these questions:
- How well do you secure your cemetery?
- During staff meetings, do you brief your employees about facility security?
- Do you share information with other cemeteries in the area that also might be experiencing problems?
- Do you report crime to your local law enforcement agency?
- Do you perform a "walk" of your cemetery and facilities the day?
Watching the grounds
Reconsider your landscaping. Let's start by talking about how you secure your grounds during nighttime and weekend hours. Cemetery gates and fencing are, for the most part, decorative. A would-be criminal will have a plan in place to get past them.
Landscaping with dense, thorny plants along the fence line will make it more difficult for people to enter after hours.
Make friends with dog-walkers. Do you allow dog walkers in your cemetery? If you don't, you might want to consider it. Install "doggie stations" stocked with plastic bags, waste receptacles and a water station. Encourage your neighbors to enjoy walking through your grounds with their pets and to report any suspicious activity.
Consider cameras. Wireless exterior cameras designed specifically for outdoor applications are used extensively in cemeteries. These motion-activated cameras transmit video in real-time, capturing crime as they occur.
Cameras will see into pure darkness up to 40 feet. Video is reported to an alarm monitoring center within 12 seconds activation. If illegal activity is taking place, police are called. If the camera was triggered by animals or vegetation blowing in the breeze, no call is placed, eliminating false alarms.
Videos can be sent in an mpeg-4 format in a standard e-mail file. The cameras are powered by lithium-ion batteries that last, conservatively, two years or 2000 videos. They have been endorsed by the National Sheriffs' Association.
Because the cameras are wireless, there's no need to run wire or dig trenches; the cameras can be placed in trees or statuary. The cost of this type of system is, on average, 25% of the cost of the standard hard-wired surveillance system.
The same type of cameras also can be used to watch over your maintenance facilities and equipment. Because they are portable, they can be moved from one "hot spot" to another in a matter of hours.
In one case I know of, three cameras were installed in a small country cemetery in Denton, Texas. The cemetery is located in a rural area and had suffered several attacks from vandals. Within a few weeks of the cameras being installed, a group of college-age kids were apprehended coming over the fence.
In another case, a pioneer cemetery in northern California installed five cameras after suffering a major vandalism attack. Two weeks after the cameras were installed, three people were apprehended inside the cemetery after midnight.
Wireless camera technology is built to withstand outdoor environments and designed to deter crime apprehend them. Because it is a monitored video system, you may qualify for a discount on policy.
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How we should all be talking to families about memorialization
While reviewing websites and making mystery shopper calls to funeral homes the past two years, I have found that the profession as a whole needs to improve how we educate families about what they can do with their loved ones' cremated remains.
We say we believe in the importance of everyone having a final resting place where families and friends can visit, pay tribute to and remember our loved ones for generations to come. Yet when talking about final disposition to cremation families, placing the urn in a cemetery niche or cremation garden is often the last thing we mention - if we mention it at all.
What we're teaching people to do
Some examples of what I have seen on funeral home websites:
- "Cremation allows families many choices for memorializing a loved one. Some families choose to keep the cremated remains with them at home or to scatter the remains over land or water." Note: no mention of permanent memorialization.
- "Cremated remains can be scattered, kept at home or buried." Note: scattering is mentioned first; burial is mentioned last.
- "If the body is cremated: 1. Cremated remains can be stored by the family. 2. You can scatter the cremated remains over land or water, and 3. You can place the cremated remains in a cemetery." Note: cemetery placement is again mentioned last, and in this case, taking the cremated remains home is the first option listed. And we wonder why so many families have an urn sitting on a closet shelf!
Many families are a loss about what to do with a loved one's cremated remains, so taking them home to be stored and forgotten ends up being the default choice. It's no surprise that we continue to hear stories of adult children or even unrelated homebuyers discovering an urn stored and forgotten in a closet, attic or garage.
I recently asked an acquaintance what her family did with her mother's cremated remains. She told me her mother had not indicated what she wanted done with her remains, so they were at her sister's house.
I asked her if the funeral professional they worked with had told them about their final disposition choices, and she said no. The family told the funeral director they planned to take the remains home and that was the end of it.
It troubles me when a funeral professional does not even address the memorialization choices available, and this anecdote is not an isolated case. In all of the mystery shopper phone calls I have conducted, calling funeral homes to ask about making cremation arrangements, fewer than 5% of the people I've talked to have asked me if my family had made plans for what we would do with our loved one's cremated remains.
Why funeral directors should care
Perhaps funeral directors don't spend a lot of time talking about final disposition because they feel if the cemetery will be getting revenue, it's up to someone at the cemetery to talk about it.
To those funeral directors, I say:
- When memorialization is given short shrift, often families don't learn about the multitude of options that cremation makes possible because remains can be divided. Cremation jewelry, memento-sized urns and similar options can bring satisfaction to families and revenue to the funeral home without closing out the possibility of cemetery memorialization.
- You are forgoing potential revenue if you don't talk to families about the possibility of inurnment at a cemetery, even if they choose to scatter a portion of the remains at the deceased's favorite beach or mountain range.
Going to the cemetery may mean a committal service at the gravesite, columbarium or in a garden, as well as the possibility of an upgraded urn (and, for burial families, a coordinated urn vault), if it's going to be displayed at the service or in a niche instead of shoved into the back of closet.
- Most important, we must never forget that families think all of us - funeral directors, cemeterians, crematory operators, suppliers - belong to the same profession. If the family comes back to you and asks why you didn't tell them about all their options for permanent memorialization, do you really want to say, "Because that's the cemetery's job"?
In speaking to sales counselors, I have found that, for the most part, they do mention memorialization choices, even if they work for a funeral home. However, some counselors start by talking about scattering or keeping the urn at home, rather than beginning with permanent organization choices.
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Get Your 2013 Music License Before Jan. 31 and Save $$!
The ICCFA is offering 2013 music licensing with ASCAP, BMI and SESAC for only $255 per property, with no additional fees or membership requirements, thus making it the lowest price available in the industry.
You don't even need to be an ICCFA member to get this unbeatable price! It's a special benefit for WCCFA members.
Please note that this $255 price will increase to $265 after January 31, 2013. Order your license now and bring your funeral hope into full compliance for 2013.
Link here to learn more
and get your 2013 music license: MUSIC
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Think like a journalist: questions and actions that write sales
I was raised by a writer. I grew up watching my mother mentally toil over her Remington typewriter in the spare bedroom of our suburban home as she built a successful freelance career specializing in the simplification of complex business topics for general interest and women's magazines and her own books.
I'll never forget the basic rule of journalism she taught me, eventually reinforced in writing classes. In the lead paragraphs of the story, include the following:
- Who is that about?
- What happened?
- Where did it take place?
- When did it take place?
- Why did it happen?
- How did it happen?
I've adapted this rule for use in the warm-up during my preneed sales calls. I always "ask" the person I'm talking to six questions, the answers to which will help close the sale:
- Who are you?
- What do you want to do?
- Where do you want to go?
- Why do you want to do it?
- When do you want to do a deal?
- How do you want to pay for it?
Let's frame our discussion of these questions in the form of an actual case study.
Question number one: who are you?
I am not sure which driveway to enter as there are two on a side street off a busy four-lane road. Both driveways lead to a garage with three roll-away doors, front and back.
Sitting in the driveway on one side, which I later realized is the back, sits an old wooden skiff on a trailer. The boat appears to be going through some form of renovation as portions of it all have been freshly sanded. In the other driveway, the front-side, is a 12-year-old Toyota Camry and a mid-80s vintage S-class silver Mercedes covered with yellowing film of pollen.
I drive in on the cobblestone semi-circular front driveway and pull up behind the white Camry, which is immaculate, inside and out.
I am here to visit a man I'll call Allen Stevenson. All I know is that he is 79 years old. My mind begins processing the nature of the exterior surroundings:
- Bauhaus-style home appearing to be nearly 5000 square feet.
- Double-sized lot covered with shade trees. Limited lawn space with large clots of grass interspersed with bare spots due to the heavy shade. As with the trees, shrubs are pruned but in a manner to encourage growth rather than uniformity.
- Ornate front door with stained glass depicting verdant surroundings with an eagle flying above.
By the time he greets me at the door, I've been presented with a number of impressions about Allen. I'm not surprised when I met by a fit man with dyed red hair, wearing jeans and a polo shirt.
This is a man who is meticulous about his appearance but has limited funds to maintain his previous lifestyle at the same level. The lack of care evident in the yard is not because he lacks the will or the physical capability, it's because he lacks the money.
The interior of the house is clean and dusted, though showing signs of wear. Oil paintings are displayed on the walls of the two-story foyer. I note the landscapes look like those found in the northeastern United States, and there are also ocean seascapes featuring schooners.
We sit down at his dining room table and begin the "warm-up." As a good journalist would do, I ask the initial questions and frame the discussion. We discussed his upbringing in Maine, his tour of duty in the Navy, his college studies in industrial engineering, his decision to move to Florida and his career as a shop teacher in the local middle school. He is single, always has been.
Question number two: what do you want to do?
Allen looks at me somewhat sadly when I ask this question. He has few friends, he tells me. He has a younger sister in Maine, but is not very close to her. But he feels a connection to the place where he grew up (as was evident from those paintings on display).
We then discuss memorialization. I always let the customer lead me in this discussion. Too many times I've seen salespeople tell the customer what they need based upon the product management wants them to sell. This is wrong.
The customer ideally knows what he wants. He doesn't know what you can deliver or what he can afford. It is your responsibility to fit his needs and resources to your offerings. Being creative and being attuned to customer wishes will reveal the answer.
Allen wants something simple. He wants to be cremated and afterward have a memorial service at the local Episcopal church. He has a friend who will be the contact and Allen will set aside funds to take care of the service. He wants my funeral home to do the cremation and deliver the remains to the church in a Chinoise urn he would like to prepurchase.
Question number three: where do you want to go?
Allen says his faith is strong. He attends church at least monthly and during holidays. He is a member of the church's men's service group and is involved in their Habitat for Humanity project. I suggest he may want to have his remains interred. He agrees. I present him with a number of options, both local and in Maine. He likes the idea of a final resting place in Maine, by the ocean. He has a particular cemetery in mind. I assure Allen is our job to work with them.
Question number four: why do you want to do it?
Having been a bachelor all his life and given back to the community, Allen wants to be remembered as a simple, dignified person who had as much respect for people as those same people had for him. He thinks of himself as a private person, yet he would like people to know and remember him as the fine person he is. He talked proudly of his service for his country and his Habitat for Humanity work.
He doesn't want a viewing, only a simple memorial service at the church. I present Allen with our planning guide and encourage him to use it as a tool to take personal inventory of his life and organize his thoughts.
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WCCFA Board Meeting Notes
The WCCFA Board of Directors met in Seattle Nov. 8.
- Approved minutes of Aug. 9 and 11, 2012.
- Heard legislative news from J.C. Barr, chair of the Governmental and Legal Affairs Committee. Jr. taxing districts, such as cemetery districts, are still under legislative review. WCCFA and several cemetery districts are continuing to oppose consolidation, attending committee meetings and contacting the committee members. WCCFA members will be kept up to date on developments via email.
- Heard a Secretary/Treasurer's Report (YTD balance sheet and YTD profit-and-loss reports). The documents are available to WCCFA members on request. The association achieved its profit goals for both the spring conference and annual convention and is projected to finish 2012 with a small overall profit for the association.
- The association's budget (link here)was set for 2013. Membership dues will remain at the same level as for 2012.
- Executive director to provide summary of her current duties and activities so the board can work with her to further develop the association.
- 20th Annual College of Cemetery and Funeral Studies will be held March 13, 2013 at the Lynnwood Embassy Suites Hotel. Topics and speakers will be solicited.
- Annual convention will be held August 21-24, 2013 at the Suncadia Resort, and will be combined with the WSFDA as is now the standard practice for the associations.
- The old Liaison Committee will be re-formed to improve communications with members.
The board will meet next on March 12, 2013 at the Lynnwood Embassy Suites Hotel. |
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Question number five: when do you want to do a deal?
We know all the closing lines. But what I do not do is wait until the end of the sales session to ask for the order. I do it consistently throughout the entire process. I ask questions such as, "Preplanning is something that responsible adults do. Don't you agree?"
Every affirmative answer brings you closer to setting a timeframe for when the deal could close, which is optimally now, while you're sitting with the customer.
When I've pretty much finished the expositional part of the presentation, I will discuss aspects of the agreement itself: the trusting, the money-back guarantee, a satisfaction guarantee for survivors, the price packaging, etc. I will even reach into my briefcase and pull a blank contract out, remove the vital statistics page and say, "Mr. Stevenson, can you give me the exact spelling of your name?"
Question number six: how do you want to pay for it?
I usually ask this question during the course of the sales pitch, not when I come to this section of the contract asking the question. I've worked for organizations that tie commission to the form of payment - contracts paid in full generate higher commission than those involving payment terms. By discussing payment terms up front, I also have a guide to how value-laden the contract can be.
When we discuss whether he has a budget in mind, Allen gives me a figure, stating that he needs to double check his credit card balance. I encourage him to do so right then.
He picks up the phone and dials in the credit card information. A look of relief comes over his face, telling me he has the ability to get what he wants. He can pay in full and if necessary, by using a credit card, set up and control his own payment plan.
Closing the close: say thank you and ask for referrals
After you end your dealings with the customer, always say thank you, express appreciation and ask whether he has achieved peace of mind.
If the customer replies affirmatively, then ask for referrals. Leave him with multiple business cards and a copy of a sales brochure he can share with his friends and relatives.
Think like a journalist: follow up on the story
Some of the most engaging stories I've encountered in the press include follow-up articles. As salespeople, we sometimes forget that following up with our customers is a great way to get more business.
I personally keep a record of every sale. I keep notes on customers, general characteristics which help me when I re-encounter them.
Focusing on the customers I've sold to within the past 18 months, I make a practice of touching base twice during that time period. I contact them once during the slower summer months to inquire about general health and, starting two weeks before Thanksgiving, I called to wish customers happy holidays. I continue to be astounded by the positive reaction I get when I make the calls. And, yes, I do get new leads and close them.
I thank my mom every time I close a sale. I know she's smiling, watching after me, proud that her son thinks like a journalist.
Article by David Minkow for the October 2012 issue of the ICCFA Magazine reprinted in its entirety with permission. Minkow is sales manager, southwest Floriday, for Neptune Management Corp., Planation, Fla. He has more than three decades of senior level corporate and entrepreneurial experience. He is a preneed sales agent and licensed real estate sales associate in Florida. |
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How to do it better
Let me suggest some ways to ensure you provide cremation families with the information they need to understand the value of an options for permanent organization.
1. Don't tell families that cremation is a final disposition/alternative to traditional burial. It is confusing for consumers and suggests that they do nothing with the cremated remains. Though most state laws describe cremation as final disposition, we all know that cremation is actually the preparation for final placement.
2. Make it a practice to let cremation families know all their final disposition choices, whether during an arrangement conference or while speaking with a phone shopper.
If the people you're talking to say they will be taking the cremated remains to another city or state, or that they don't know yet what will be done remains, do not assume they don't want permanent memorialization. Inform them of their options.
3. When you talk about final disposition options, start with the options for permanent placement, including:
- burial,
- outdoor columbarium,
- niches inside columbariums and mausoleums,
- cremation gardens with different types of memorials, including nature trails, and
- scattering sections where they can inscribe their loved one's name on a plaque or other memorial.
When you tell families about the option to keep the remains at home, mention that they should take into consideration what this means long-term. Where will they keep the urn? What will happen to the urn after they are gone?
If your funeral home is not affiliated with a cemetery, consider picking up some brochures about the cremation memorialization offered by cemeteries in your area, especially if they have attractive and creative options. The photo of a beautiful glass-front columbarium might even inspire a family to buy one of those lovely urns you have in your display room.
When you talk about scattering, be sure to mention cenotaph memorialization. Perhaps a local cemetery has a tree of remembrance or other cenotaph-type of memorialization you could show families.
4. Make sure your website includes adequate information on permanent memorialization. I strongly advise you to include "cremation" on your main navigation bar, whether you have a funeral home or cemetery.
Along with your service offerings, you can list final disposition options, starting with permanent memorialization, followed by scattering (with the option of a cenotaph) and then keeping the cremated remains at home.
Photos of different types of permanent memorialization will make it easier for consumers to understand their options, and the Internet makes it easy to link to the appropriate photos.
For many years, our profession has been trying to help cremation families see value in having a meaningful service for their loved ones. That will no doubt continue to be a challenge for many years to come, but I think it's fair to say that overall, we've made progress in this area.
Let us now take another great stride by ensuring that cremation families are presented with all their final disposition options so they can make well-informed decisions. It is the responsibility of all of us in funeral and cemetery service to provide families with the opportunity to preserve their loved one's legacy with dignity through permanent memorialization.
Article by Julie A. Burn, CCrE, CSE from the ICCFA Magazine for October 2012 reprinted in its entirety with permission. Julie is director of cremation services for the ICCFA and is an ICCFA University faculty member. She previously was cremation services manager at Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc., Forest Park, Ill., having started as manager of funeral service communications in 1991.
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Training staff
Is your staff trained in how to approach a "person of interest"? Are they aware of what behavior to look for? Do they know the keywords or phrases to use to engage a suspicious person? Do you encourage your employees to say something when they see something suspicious?
One cemetery had over 100 urns stolen during daylight hours by a couple walking to the cemetery, pushing a baby stroller. No one from the cemetery staff approached them, even though metal clanging sounds were heard emanating from stroller!
This is what you should tell your staff to do: If you come upon a suspicious person, approach and make eye contact. Always have a cell phone with you so you can called 911 and/or facility management. Stand approximately 4 to 5 feet away from the person.
In a calm voice and with a smile, welcome them to your facility and offers instant. Are they there to visit a loved one? Perhaps they need help locating a grave site? If not, and there isn't a clear reason why they are at your cemetery, "shadow" them; people up to no good would feel uncomfortable and leave. If they leave in a vehicle, make note of the license number as well as the car's make and model.
Never shake a suspicious person's hand; keep your hands at your side. If the person displays any belligerent behavior, whether it involves words or body language (aggressiveness in the way they walk, aggressive hand gestures, hands in pockets) you should walk away and call 911, while trying to keep the person in sight.
Protecting visitors
Not only cemeteries but also people visiting them have experienced thefts. Personal property stolen from vehicles belonging to people attending services is a real concern for most cemeteries. Is paper and online obituaries are very revealing to the person intent on committing such crimes.
Is your staff aware that they should be alert to potential thefts from cars parked in your lots and along your roads? Tell employees to make note of people loitering near vehicles during a graveside service.
If they spot a suspicious situation, how does the maintenance staff communicate with management? Do all employees have access to cell phones or two-way radios? Come up with code words for certain scenarios such as "Notify 911," or "call the fire department" or "alert management" so that visitors overhearing them are not alarmed.
Make sure all of your employees know your cemetery's address in case they need to give it to law-enforcement or emergency dispatchers.
Working with other cemeteries and the police
Keep in touch with other cemeteries in your area. Communication and exchange of information increases awareness and can help you know what to be on the lookout for. You can bet if your facility has been vandalized and/or burglarized, others in the area are likely to be next.
Even if you view the cemetery across town as a competitor, contact its manager and let him or her know what happened; share as much information as possible. Create an e-mail group and send out alerts. If you belong to a local or state association, that the director know and encourage sharing in the association newsletter.
While speaking with many cemetery managers over the last year, I found a lot of crime goes unreported. Part of the reason is theft or vandalism may not be noticed right away, until perhaps someone on the maintenance staff stumbles across the problem while checking the rear fence line, or walking through a mausoleum. Ask your staff to check the cemetery grounds, mausoleums and support facilities every day.
Maintain an event log where you keep a record of events (theft, vandalism), including where it happened and when it was noticed, as well as a record of any person(s) of interest and license plate number(s) recorded.
Another reason cemetery managers give me for not reporting crimes as their belief that law enforcement does not consider cemetery crime a priority. This is where it helps to be proactive.
Invite your local crime prevention officers to meet with you and your staff. Offer them a tour of your facility. Share your concerns and tell them about any problems you have had. Ask for their advice. Suggest to other cemetery managers in the area that they do the same.
A cemetery should be a place of serenity and security. Unfortunately, achieving the latter requires more work these days.
Article by Ellen J. Rodrigues, a security specialist for over 25 years. She has spearheaded projects working alongside our country's most elite law enforcement agencies. Her primary objective in security is working with cemeteries and businesses that need to secure indoor and outdoor environments. She also assists clients with establishing security protocols and procedures. The article is reprinted in its entirety from the October 2012 ICCFA Magazine with permission.
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Interesting in advertising in the Insider?
We have a far-flung readership of over 350 and our list is constantly growing.
Advertising is available only to WCCFA Supplier members. Link here for a membership application form. It's only $275 annually!
Link here for all you need to know about advertising with us. If you don't see what you need, send us an email here. |
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Bulletin Board
Student Interns - Positions Wanted
If you are willing to take on an unpaid funeral student intern for a 12-week period, please contact Erin Wilcox at Lake Washington Institute of Technology Funeral Service Education program. 360-320-8438 or email to:erin.wilcox@lwtech.edu.
Students are in the last quarter of the program, have an academic intern license issued by the State of Washington, OSHA training, and required immunizations. |
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Do you have a job opening you need to fill? A piece of equipment to sell? Text advertisements are FREE in the Insider. Just click on the Bulletin Board logo to email your ad to the WCCFA and watch for it in our next Insider.
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16212 Bothell-Everett Highway, F183, Mill Creek, WA 98012
P: 360-668-2120 or 888-522-7637 F: 360-282-6535 info@wcfa.us |
THE WCCFA INSIDERis published by and for the members of the Washington Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association. News articles and press releases are welcome and are published on a space-available and suitability basis.
© Copyright 2011 Washington Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association and FuneralNet® |