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Four-Phased Approach
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"Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric."


~ Philip Crosby



"Quality tends to fan out like waves."


 ~ Robert M. Pirsig

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The average American consumes about 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat throughout Thanksgiving Day, according to the Calorie Control Council




After about 1,500 calories in one sitting, the gut releases a hormone that causes nausea, says Susan B. Roberts, director of the energy metabolism laboratory at Tufts




Although your stomach may feel as if it will burst, gastric rupture is extremely rare, notes Dr. William Goldberg, a New York emergency room physician



 Stick to foods that require utensils - we eat finger foods faster than those that require a fork.

Finally, contribute to the dinnertime conversation. The more you talk, the less you'll eat.


We Need Your

We would like your input on workshop topics and locations around the country that would meet your needs.


Please take our 5 question 30 second survey to help us expand our course offerings and to make them as convenient as possible for you!


 November 2012



Welcome to the November edition of Your ISO Healthcare Connection newsletter.  


Last month we finished the series of six articles providing insight to achieve the ISO 9001 certification milestone.  The articles are available on our web page under the past newsletters. While many hospitals continue to determine how best to realize the success ISO 9001 has to offer.


As always, please send comments and your requests for future article topics to us.  We always enjoy hearing from you.  





Bill Metzcar, CEO

Industry Recognized Four-Phased Approach


Healthcare's Approach to ISO 9001 Implementation


As ISO 9001 becomes more recognized in the healthcare industry, proper implementation becomes crucial for those organizations that intend for their newly implemented ISO 9001 Quality Management System to be a performance versus a compliance based tool.


In the healthcare industry, we are fortunate and unfortunate in the same breath.  We are fortunate as an industry because ISO 9001 is relatively new, and therefore we have the opportunity to learn from the implementation mistakes other industries have made.  Therefore, we get to implement ISO 9001 as it was intended to truly drive performance within our hospitals and healthcare systems.


Unfortunately, we are susceptible to the same temptations other industries did 20+ years ago; the temptation to implement ISO 9001 using templates and focused only on compliance.  With this approach, organizations met the requirements, but then it only became one more requirement they had to manage and it failed to drive performance.  Healthcare needs to be cautious that we do not fall into the same trap that our predecessors did and keep our focus on implementing the ISO 9001 Quality Management System with a performance driven mindsetwith the overarching advantage to more easily manage accreditation and regulatory requirements.


To help us in this endeavor, there is an industry recognized Four Phased Approach to implement ISO 9001 in healthcare organizations.  By following this Four Phased Approach that the healthcare industry recognizes to deliver the best results and, more importantly, results in a performance driven system that not only complies with the standard, but also produces consistent service delivery, customer (patient) satisfaction and continual improvement.


The four industry recognized phases:

  • Phase 1 - Foundation and Documentation
  •  Phase 2 - Leadership Alignment
  • Phase 3 - Organization Integration
  • Phase 4 - System Validation


Foundation and Documentation

This phase educates the organization about ISO 9001.  During this education, a foundation and mindset are established to understand the differences between compliance and performance.  In addition, this phase details the need for the required documents (the six required procedures and the quality manual) with great clarity of the purpose and benefit of each.  It also encourages the organic, ground-up creation of these documents versus the use of a template or copying another organization's policies.  The template approach is the primary trap previous industries fell into. 


Leadership Alignment

This phase furthers the education of ISO 9001 to top management and clarifies their role in the implementation and maintenance of their organization's ISO 9001 Quality Management System.  This phase also brings into alignment all of the organization's plans, strategies, mission, vision, and values with the ISO 9001 system.  It also enhances the internal communication flow throughout the organization by evaluating the committee structure of the organization to ensure the effective sharing of data, analysis, measurement and monitoring results. This phase is unique to healthcare and not recognized by other industries.  It is however, essential to healthcare due to the complexities and high degree of oversight and regulations the healthcare industry must deal with on a daily basis.


Organization Integration

This phase takes a focused look at all departments throughout the organization to bring them into alignment with the newly developed policies and procedures.  However, there are two recognized disciplines in healthcare that make up the vast majority of gaps in relation to the newly implemented ISO 9001 system;  Calibration and Purchasing, not as departments, but as processes. While Calibration and/or Biomed have been a part of the accreditation process in the past, it is a new journey for many members of the purchasing or materials management process.


System Validation

This phase is the process of training the organization itself to validate that their ISO 9001 system is implemented with a performance mindset, maintained and managed appropriately, and continuously improving over time.


Having assisted over 160 hospitals and healthcare systems across the Country, we highly recommend following the Healthcare industry's recognized four phase approach to ISO 9001 implementation.  Hospitals and healthcare industry across the Country often wonder why they struggle to comply 2-3 years after implementation of ISO 9001 and see little, to no, performance results.  When asked, these organizations have chosen to follow the path of least resistance and followed a template driven implementation approach with little to no alignment of their newly formed system to the organizations existing systems, plans and strategies.  This approach did get them to initially comply with the standard, however, without the in depth knowledge of how and why these policies are created and without the additional alignment from leadership, integration with the whole organization and effective validation of the system, they quickly discover that ISO 9001 has become nothing more than just another set of guidelines to manage.


On the other hand there are hospitals and healthcare systems that have chosen the correct, more challenging approach, and years later their system is maturing and they are seeing great performance based results for their organization with little thought given to whether or not they are in compliance, because by following the Four Phased Approach they undoubtedly are.


Again, if your organization has implemented or are thinking of implementing ISO 9001, we encourage you to follow the healthcare industry recognized Four Phased Approach to implementation.  In doing so, we are confident that you will not only have an ISO 9001 system that is compliant, but a system that drives performance, quality and patient satisfaction throughout your entire organization. 

Follow, Friend or Link with US


Social media plays a large part in our lives nowadays and helps us stay connected with friends and family.  It also provides a great place to keep up on topics of interest to us.


If you are not aware of it, ICH has several social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, Linked in and Google+.  We update our social media sites several times weekly with nuggets of info about ISO 9001 in Healthcare. 


So please follow, friend or link with us on these sites.  It is a great way to keep up with what's going on in the industry as well as with the ICH team and to interact with us and other healthcare professionals on a regular basis.  Share your thoughts and comments and forward to your colleagues and friends.


See you on the web! 

Public Courses Offered


2013 is going to be another busy year for the ICH team.  We have already completed our first ISO 9001 Lead Auditor for Healthcare class last month.  This course is the only certified Lead Auditor class for Healthcare in existence and the response to this class was remarkable.  Unfortunately, many people were unable to attend this year and asked if we were going to offer the class in 2013.  Our simple answer is "ABSOLUTELY!"


Not only will ICH offer the only certified Lead Auditor class for Healthcare, but we will also be offering the only ISO 9001 Internal Auditor for Healthcare class as well!  See the dates below.  Visit our website in the coming weeks and keep a look out for more information as we finalize locations and agendas for each of these dates and classes.

  • February 18-22 
  • May 13-17          
  • August 12-16     
  • November 11-15
All contents of this newsletter are the exclusive property of ISO Consultants for Healthcare, LLC (ICH) and copyrighted.