Communis Scientia, Virtutes, et Prudentia
Common Knowledge, Common Virtues, Common Sense
Constructing the Future

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Liberty Common High School
2745 Minnesota Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Phone: 970-672-5500
Fax: 970-672-5499
Attendance Line: Please call in by 8:30AM 
672-5500 option 2.
Office Hours:  7:15 - 3:45
Board of Directors
Next Board of Directors Meeting:  May 12th, 6:00PM at Liberty Common School. 

You may contact all members of our Board of Directors at 

Paulette Hansen 282-8455
Patrick Albright 232-8257
Joel Goeltl:  593-8556  
Jeff Webb: 545-9636 
Denise Benz: 420-4184
John Rohrbaugh:  225-2259
Aislinn Kottwitz: 217-5925
Mark Your Calendar
 Final Dates 
School Calendar 

Aug. 29th- Classes Begin
Sep 24-Oct 8-  Student Count 
Sep 5th- Labor Day, No School
Oct. 28- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 23-25- Thanksgiving
Dec. 26-Jan 6Winter Break
Jan 16-  Martin Luther King Day, No School
Feb. 17- Professional Development Day
Feb. 20- President's Day
Mar 13-17- Spring Break
April 14- Good Friday
May 26- Last Day of Classes 1/2 day 
2-13 - NWEA Testing
10 - Spring Awards Concert 
11-12 - Block Days 
19 - Awards Ceremony
20 - Eagle Games 
12 - BOD Meeting, LCS
24 - Senior Scholarship Breakfast, 6:45AM
24-26 - Finals Schedule
23-27 -  Medication pick-up reminder 
27 - Last Day of School-- 1/2 Day, 11:00 Release
27 - Graduation, 6:00PM, Timberline Church  
CLICK HERE for the 2015-16 school calendar
Classical Manners for the Modern Youth
From the 1934 high-school textbook Good Manners used in "Household Science" class of that day:

"Rule No. 185.  Honesty.  Be fair.  Do your own work, and hand in your own papers.  Be prompt in handing in assignments.  Respect the property of others and do not borrow without permission.
"Respect the private property of your teacher.  You have no right to open the teacher's desk, look into her books, or listen to her conversation with others.
"Do not destroy or abuse school property.  Do not carve or write on school property."
Academic Resources

  Volume 19, Issue 34/ May 9, 2016 

   Newsworthy Notices

Alissa Huggins promotes a Legacy Brick as her Social-Dance classmates erupt in emotional gesticulation - just like you will when you buy your brick before this Sunday's deadline.
Brick Deadline: Sunday! 
Paver-brick sales have hit a feverish pitch.  Everyone seems to want a "Legacy Brick" (and many want more than one), and they're selling really fast now that there's a deadline - this weekend, Sunday May 15th. 
The Legacy Brick campaign ends on Sunday.  LCHS senior and Domus Gratitudinis House Captain Laura Bradley wants everyone to know, "Time is almost up." 
This is turning out to be a very nice and exciting fundraiser for the purpose of outfitting and furnishing the new LCHS gym and Stoa.  And now there's even more exciting news:  An anonymous donor has offered to fund half the cost of the next fifty 4x8 bricks sold (to people who request the donor subsidy - remember, the purpose is to raise money, and a lot of it).  This donation provides a bit of relief for those having difficulty with the normal donation price.  Plus, your donation is tax deductible, a better deal still.

Legacy Bricks are selling fast.  Deadline:  Sunday.  Cate Molenaar, Tim Hunt, and Katie Duff display a beautiful pavement specimen.  
While this is a school fundraiser and we need to raise a great sum, the intention is to be inclusive, not exclusive.  Thanks to the anonymous donor's contribution, fifty 4X8 bricks can be bought for $125 instead of the regular $250 asking price.  To purchase a Legacy Brick simply CLICK HERE.  Questions?  Email Mrs. Tiffany Green  parent/volunteer extraordinaire who stepped up to manage this awesome campaign. 
One Eagle.  Many Games. The day is now upon us. The event has finally arrived.  The competitions are shaping up to be fierce.  Valuable House and Order points are at stake in the competition for the 16-17 Neenan Cup (high school) and Soaring Eagle (next year's 8th-grade Orders).  This is one event you will not want to miss.  A great way to take it all in will be to volunteer to help us run the event. The event is right around the corner (Friday, May 20th) and is shaping up to be an incredible day of fun for students with a wide variety of competitions planned.  We are in need of several parent volunteers to help make the day run smoothly.  If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Domus Temperantiae House Captain James Conrady or sign up on the websites below: 

Click below to be a volunteer worker during the day:
Click below to donate needed supplies/items/food for the event:
Leaders of The Empire are in full force at the State Capitol today in opposition to charter schools.
Charter Schools Under Attack.  The empire is striking back with a vengeance down at the State Capitol today.  Two bills establishing equitable funding for charter schools passed the Senate last week on a bipartisan basis.  But over on the House side, a powerful cabal of traditional charter-school opponents are pulling out all the stops.  The anti-charter "Empire" consists of, among others, the Colorado Education Association teachers' union, the Colorado Association of School Boards (PSD is a prominent member of this lobbying bloc), and the Colorado Association of School Executives.  The majority party (Democrat) has made killing the bills its top priority.  Both bills are scheduled for House hearings today at 1:30PM.  Support for the legislation is being organized by the Colorado League of Charter Schools (Liberty is a longstanding member of the League and Principal Schaffer serves on this group's board of directors).  To learn about the League's efforts including tactics charter-school parents can pursue  CLICK HERE.  To read the Denver Post's (pro-charter) editorial on this epic battle CLICK HERE.    
Open Campus.  Seniors and juniors enjoy open-campus privileges on Wednesday, May 11th 2016 from 10:36-11:25AM.  Remember, 5th-period classes start promptly at 11:25AM.  All students must be in their classroom seats and ready to learn at or before 11:25AM. 
Last dance of the year:  Last Friday's 8th-grade dance was a ton of fun.   
To see a complete album of great photos taken at last Friday's 8th-Grade Dance posted on Facebook, CLICK HERE

Cash For Essay.  Congratulations to LCHS senior Sara Grundvig for writing a national award-winning essay complete with prize money.  Earlier this year, students in the Principles of Liberty class were given an essay assignment on Article I of the U.S. Constitution and The Federalist Papers.  Students submitted their compositions in a national "Roots Of Liberty" contest.  Sara won an honorable-mention which includes an award of $500, plus another $250 for the course instructor Mr. Schaffer.  CLICK HERE to learn more about the contest, to enter next year's competition, and to see Sara's name and school prominently featured.    
Entrepreneurship For Young Women.  A couple LCHS students have expressed interest in summer-program opportunities promoting leadership and entrepreneurship for girls and young women.  One is produced by Biz Girls™, the mission of which is to "develop and deliver leadership and entrepreneurship based programs to inspire and empower girls to become world-class leaders."  A summer camp is planned locally from June 13-17. For more info CLICK HERE.  Another similar opportunity oriented toward math, science, engineering, and art, is Pretty Brainy which is open to junior-high girls.  For info about this CLICK HERE
Colorado Scholar.  LCHS sophomore Kaetlin Henderson, was recently recognized by the Colorado Scholar Program for academic achievement and outstanding contributions to our local community and school. She has also applied to attend an 18-day college-level class held during the summer at Colorado College and will earn college credit upon completion of the course.   
Gretchen Hoyer and Ande Peersen helping Mr. Tullius un-clutter his room. 
Shark Dissection.  The Ocean Bowl Team is hosting a shark dissection next Monday, May 16th, 2016 at 3:15PM in the Blackwell Lab. The Ocean Bowl B team won the demonstration and lesson when it placed second in the regional competition. There are only ten slots available as of right now for interested students.  If you want one, CLICK HERE or contact or email LCHS junior Matthew Colvin.
The Spring Awards Concert.  The Spring Awards Concert will be held on Tuesday, May 10th at Timberline Church. This concert will feature all of the LCHS bands, orchestra and choir. The concert will start at 6:30 PM. Mr. Lunn and Ms. Ogg will also give out their music awards at this performance. Come hear our exceptional Liberty musicians.  
Awards Celebrations.  Beginning this year, the end-of-year awards will be celebrated at two separate events.  The Academic Awards Night will be held on Thursday May 19th beginning at 6:30pm in the Liberty Common Elementary School gymnasium. This evening celebration will include all junior-high and high-school academic awards such as honor roll, departmental awards, and senior awards (Man of Liberty, Woman of Liberty, Founders Award, etc.). Parents of students receiving recognition at the Academic Awards Night will be notified. However, all students are encouraged to attend.  The Leadership and Extracurricular Celebration will be held at the end-of-the-year Lyceum on Thursday, May 26th from 1:05-3:15pm in the LCHS Great Hall. This celebration will include House and Order leadership awards, recognition of clubs and competitive teams (Ocean Bowl, Robotics, Ambassadors, Key Club, etc.), and school-wide athletic awards.  Parents are welcome, but seating will be limited. 
Favorite Poem Project Spring Reading. Join the Liberty literary community for a night of favorite poems on Thursday, May 12th at 7:00pm in the Great Hall. You are invited to hear the favorite poems of members of the Liberty community in their own voices at this special event. The select program of readers represent all our demographics- parents, students, faculty from many disciplines, and staff from many departments. Here's an excellent video of the autumn poetry reading. At the last event we heard Dr. Hubbeling recite a poem in German, Emma Daharsh share her own translation of a Neruda poem, Mrs. Connie Trout read a Psalm and share stories of her travels abroad, Mr. Seiple perform a Dadaist poem, and Spiridon Tullius (2nd grade) recite a poem about a little boy resisting his bedtime. 
Class Of 2016 Graduation.  
Friday, May 27th, 6:00PM,  Timberline Community Church, Main Auditorium.

All LCHS Students 8th - 12th Are Expected To Attend Graduation.  Current 8th-11th grade students will participate in the House processional.  Students should arrive at Timberline Church no later than 5:30 p.m., to form up in their Houses.  Seventh graders are encouraged to attend, too.
Feeling The Love. Thank you to all of the amazing parent volunteers for showering our faculty and staff with love and gifts. The gratitude was felt around the building all week long. From breakfast to afternoon snacks the we thoroughly enjoyed a special new surprise each day this last week.
Medication Reminder. Please remember to pick up any medications or supplies your student may have in the health office by 10AM on Friday, May 27th (the last day of school!), or they will be disposed of.  You are always welcome to pick them up anytime before that if your child will not be needing them at school.
Please complete and return Family Info. Update Form. By now you should have received a 2016-17 Family Information Update Form in the mail.  The form is a light purple.  By completing this form you are helping us enter your family's information in our data base over the summer and be ready to go on August 29th.  Please contact the Front Office if you didn't receive or have any questions.
Gala 2016. More than 500 Liberty supporters including school founders, current Fort Collins city council members, other elected officials, LCS staff, grandparents and parents gathered to celebrate Liberty Common School's (LHS) successes at the 2016 Spring Gala.  The spirited event raised more than $100,000 and will benefit Liberty Common Schools by helping to support the addition of a gymnasium at the high school building and a vestibule at the elementary school. CLICK HERE and locate the "About Town" section in the menu bar.  Photos courtesy of Amy Adell Photography.
News from Elissa Hersh, 4th Grade Teacher LCS

Stop the Summer Slump: The Case for Summer Packets

            Throughout the 2015-2016 school year, we have seen immense changes in the students who walk these halls. In some students, where there were once baby teeth, empty spaces sit waiting to be filled with new teeth. Many have grown inches and shoe sizes. Some have learned new instruments, played on sports teams, and performed in musicals. All students have learned new skills, gone up reading levels, mastered math facts, and have stored large quantities of knowledge in science and history.
            We celebrate these growths now as we prepare for next year when we will do it all again. However, as we enter the summer break, we face an unfortunate reality - the Summer Slump. Research shows that students can lose up to two months of math and computational skills over the summer. Reading and spelling can decline as well. Often, we see students enter with lower test scores in the fall than they had in the spring. While this shocking drop can occur to anyone, it can be reduced or avoided.
            How can we combat the Summer Slump and keep math and reading levels up? Enter the summer packets. Contrary to popular belief, summer packets are not a masochistic way for teachers to torture students. Their intention is actually the opposite. They are designed to review previously taught skills in reading, math, and penmanship so that students can feel more confident entering their next grade level at the same academic level they left in the spring.
            As a runner, I wouldn't expect to take three months off from the sport and be able to jump back in at the same pace and distance that I had previously run. Staying sharp takes consistent practice. However, it does not have to rule your summer. Here are some tips for getting the most out of the summer packets and staving off the Summer Slump while still having an enjoyable break.
  • Break Packets into Weekly Goals
Count the pages of the summer packets and plan how many pages your child needs to complete each week. Weekly goals often work better than daily goals because they allow for days when your child is busy with an all-day activity, such as going to Water World. 
  • Daily Reading Time
Set aside daily reading time and while you're at it, earn free rewards from the public library's reading incentive programs. Barnes and Noble also offers a free book for completing their Summer Reading Triathlon.
  • Read Together
Read books with your children - even the older ones! Start a family book club and discuss the story together regularly. For added fun, plan to go to a coffee shop or park to discuss the book.
  • Complete an Independent Study
Ask your child to choose an area in which he or she has a high interest. It could be drawing, dinosaurs, space, a certain species of animal, or a period in history. Research that topic, get books, listen to podcasts, and watch a documentary. Then end the independent study with a field trip.

News from the Assistant-Principal, Mr. Lovely

Junior-High Spirit Week.  This week is Junior-High Spirit Week.  Celebrate the end of the year by showing school spirit according to the following themes:
Monday: Fashion Disaster Day - Wear your clash prints and crazy hair to make it a complete fashion crime.
Tuesday: Twins & Triplets Day - Coordinate with a friend or two to wear matching outfits.
Wednesday: Food Day - Have fun dressing up as your favorite food.
Thursday:  Animal Day - Lions and tigers and bears and eagles...oh my.
Friday: Liberty Spirit Day - Bring out your red, white, and blue Eagle gear.
Every day there will be two winners for the best costume selected during lunch, and rumor has it that a pep rally will be assembled at some point during the week for our JH soccer and track teams. Remember, if you decide not to participate, you must be in JH Dress Code.  Free Dress Day guidelines still apply (see below for details):
Free-Dress-Day Dress Code.  Clothing must be in good condition, not tattered, threadbare, frayed, or see-through. Tops must have sleeves and must cover the shoulders, midriff, undergarments, and cleavage. Bottoms must be no shorter than three inches above the knee and not excessively tight. Leggings may not be worn as pants.  No yoga pants. No clothing depicting violence or glorifying death or violence.

JH Summit Party.  This Friday, May 13th, all junior-high students are invited to attend an end-of-the-year celebration event which will be held during 9th period in the Great Hall and after school at The Summit in Windsor.  Students need to sign up with Mrs. Dietrick and pay $15 in order to attend the event. There will be a catered taco bar during 9th period in the Great Hall, after which students will be transported to The Summit in Windsor for two hours of unlimited bowling and laser tag.  Students will arrive back at LCHS by 6:30pm. Free Dress Day rules apply.  See Kiara Mayes or Hannah Lovely with questions.

LCHS Game Night.  Attention all 7th-12th grade gamers.  Can you save the princess?  Survive a night of Minecraft creepers?  Then come to Game Night this Friday, May 13th.  The event begins at 8pm, and ends at 7:30am with the doors closing at midnight.  Enjoy computer, video, card, and board games as well as sports and food with your friends.  The cost is $15 at the door.  Free Dress Day rules apply.  See Bretta Lichtenwalner with questions.

FCA Meeting.  FCA at LCHS is having its final huddle on Tue 10 May at 6:45AM in Washington Hall.  See Ben Kuppinger (LCHS Class of 2016) with questions.

Upcoming Events (can also be found on the LCHS Website):
  - LCHS Awards Concert | Tue 10 May | 6:30-9PM | Timberline Church
  - Favorite Poem Night | Thu 12 May | 6:30-9PM | Great Hall
  - JH Summit Party | Fri 13 May | 3:30-6:30PM | The Summit
  - Game Night | Fri 13 May | 8PM-7:30AM | Great Hall & Computer Labs
  - Academic Awards Night | Thu 19 May | 6:30PM | LCS Gym
  - Eagle Games | Fri 20 May | 7:45AM-3:15PM | LCHS Campus
  - Final Exams | Tue 24 May - Thu 26 May | CLICK HERE for schedule
  - Extracurricular Awards Ceremony | Thu 26 May | 1:05-3:15PM | Great Hall
News from the Academic Dean, Sandy Stoltzfus
LCHS Summer Academic Opportunities. 
Don't forget that LCHS has many academic opportunities being offered this summer.  CLICK HERE to review all of the LCHS summer academic opportunities.  CLICK HERE to register online.

Summer Enrichment. 
Are you still thinking about what to do with your summer?  CLICK HERE to review a list of summer programs and opportunities that LCHS has compiled for junior high and high school students.
AP Exams.  AP exams will continue May 2nd - May 13th.  CLICK HERE to find more information on the LCHS College-Planning Website.
College Planning.
Upcoming College Tour: Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn, and Stanford

Exploring College Options is a program sponsored by the undergraduate admissions offices of five of the country's leading universities: Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University.  At each event, representatives from the five universities will conduct brief slide presentations about their institution and answer your questions about the sometimes-mystifying world of college admissions. You will learn what distinguishes one fine university from another, what competitive colleges look for in the selection process, and what you can do to enhance your college application.

CLICK HERE for registration information.

Sunday, May 22, Boulder, CO
7:00 PM
Hotel Boulderado
2115 13th Street, Boulder, CO 80302

Monday, May 23, Denver, CO
7:00 PM
Denver Marriott Tech Center
4900 S. Syracuse Street, Denver, CO 80237

News from the Athletic Director, Dan Knab
If you know of a Liberty student making athletic news and would like them showcased for the Liberty Common community, let Mr. Knab know.

GO EAGLES - CLICK HERE to access our webpage.
To get up-to-date results, see photo highlights, and stay abreast of all things athletic at LCHS, visit and 'LIKE' the Liberty Common Schools Athletic Booster Club Facebook PageOur goal is 1000 'likes.' 
This Week In Junior-High Sports:
Jr.-High Sports
        Girls Soccer
        Monday, 5/9, 4pm, Away @ Frontier Academy
        Friday, 5/13, 6pm, Away @ Estes Park (Championship)
This Week In High-School Sports:
 High School Sports
Seeding happens Wednesday.  Stay tuned to playoff information.
5/13, Friday, away, John Martin Invitational (FCHS)

5/14, Saturday, Home, vs winner of Frontier/St. Mary's game Friday @ Liberty.  TBD
Information updates can be found on the Booster Club Facebook Page.  ('Like' us now!)

Congratulations to Alessia Fabiano for her tennis accomplishments playing for Poudre High School.  Check her information out HERE in The Coloradoan.

Stay tuned to the Liberty Common Athletic Booster Page for rescheduled dates.

    CLICK HERE if interested. 
Alumni Update From Adam Bell, LCHS '15, now attending Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Hey, everyone!
I guess I graduated last year, I should write an update for the newsletter! I've been feeling guilty because there haven't been many for a while.

It's getting warmer outside and it's time for what many people fear - finals! Actually, a lot of people are already done with finals, so they're lucky enough to be enjoying the spring weather, but not Colorado State University students yet. I've been back to volunteer at the high school for the CyberPatriot teams this year, so I'm a bit uncertain what I should write about in this update. Perhaps the best thing for me to say is the following statement which is (probably) true at the time of my writing: "I am alive!"

Just over a year ago, I was trying to decide between going to college in Switzerland or staying here in Fort Collins for higher education. It's hard to believe that my freshman year at CSU is already over! When I started at CSU, I was a psychology major. Since then, I've changed to be double-majoring in philosophy and applied computing technology. When I'm not in class, I'm usually giving myself projects and working a couple of different jobs. In fact, over the past few weeks, I've started a new job that I'm really excited for. Also, I've been building electrical circuits and studying for a couple of different system administration-focused certifications for fun... and I suppose for my jobs.

Next school year, I'm going to be the coach for one of the CyberPatriot teams at Liberty Common. This team has previously been known as the "Alpha" team and is the team that I used to compete on both as the team leader and as some weird Linux security person. I was really pleased about getting the people on my team this year. A couple of these people were really impressive last season. More than that, every member of my team shows very promising abilities to make it further than any previous CyberPatriot team at Liberty Common (which was almost making it to the final round this past year)!
Happy remainder of the academic year - I hope summer will be excellent for everyone!

Also, since I see most of the previous updates have an updated picture of the writer, I've attached an updated picture of me if that's needed.
Adam Bell

   News Worth Repeating

Kiss A Senior Goodbye. Make your favorite senior's last quarter a little sweeter through this Key Club project. Buy your seniors a card and a bag of 16 kisses (for the class of 2016). Each bag of kisses will be $2, and will be sold through this Wednesday, May 11th. Parents, if you would like to buy your senior a bag of kisses, stop by the front office and fill out your information there. The money will go towards the LCHS Key Club, our international service club. 

Register To Vote.  If you are eligible to vote but not registered, be sure to drop by the voter-registration center in the LCHS Front Office.  Mrs. Megan Salazar and Principal Bob Schaffer are both Deputy Registrars for Larimer County and the State of Colorado, and either are happy to get you set up to participate in the upcoming election season.  

Host A Foreign-Exchange Student.  One of Liberty's foreign-exchange coordinators are looking for host families for the fall of 2016 for wonderful students that would love to attend LCHS for the next school year.  These students arriving through exchange programs cover all personal expenses, are fully insured and speak excellent English.  Host families provide a loving home, meals and a bed to sleep in. There are tax deductions for hosting exchange students.  To learn more, please contact program coordinator Melissa Gardner by email, (EF) or by phone at 303-847-8165  as soon as possible. Or contact Coordinator Laura Guice by email or call her at 970-988-6142. 

CPR/AED class.  Due to high interest and attendance, we are going to offer one more of these classes at the beginning of the summer. We must have a minimum of 10 students in the class and will be capped at twenty. Class takes place Monday, June 13th, 9AM-noon at the elementary school. American Heart Association certification is good for two years. Heart Saver CPR/AED (adult, child, infant, to include measures for choking) $35/student (this exact class runs in the Fort Collins Recreator for $70/person). Register here by Monday, June 6. Questions, contact our school nurse at
Midtown Arts Center. Olivia Wagner, Amaya Perkins, and Ashley Salehi, LCHS students will be performing in the Musical, School of Rock. Midtown is excited to be one of the first arts organizations in the country to have the rights to this amazing show. The entire cast is ages 8-18 and they are tickets will sell out. Get yours online at or call the box office at 970-225-2555 . Performance dates May 11, 14 and 15. 

Order your yearbook today. 
Go to Contact Mrs. Salazar with any yearbook related questions at
Upcoming Trips
Costa Rica 2017.  Mrs. Deitrick will be leading a trip to Costa Rica Spring Break 2017. Email Mrs. Deitrick for more information.    

Dominican Republic 2017. Mrs. Deitrick will be leading a trip to Dominican Republic next summer (2017.) 
Italy, Greece Trip, June 2017. See all the best sites in Italy and Greece and learn directly on ancient lands with Mr. Kem. The tour ends with a multi-day cruise of the Greek islands. Enrollment has started. Enroll here. View or download the itinerary here. E-mail Mr. Kem if interested.