Communis Scientia, Virtutes, et Prudentia
Common Knowledge, Common Virtues, Common Sense
Constructing the Future


Contact Us
Liberty Common High School
2745 Minnesota Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Phone: 970-672-5500
Fax: 970-672-5499
Attendance Line: 
672-5500 option 2.
Office Hours:  7:15 - 3:45
Board of Directors
Next Board of Directors Meeting:  October 15th, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. at LCS.

You may contact all members of our Board of Directors at 

Paulette Hansen 282-8455
Patrick Albright 232-8257
Joel Goeltl:  593-8556  
Jeff Webb: 545-9636 
Denise Benz: 420-4184
John Rohrbaugh:  225-2259
Mark Your Calendar
7-8 Block Schedule
12- November Lunch Calendars Due 
14 - ACT Aspire Test (Sophomores)
14 - PSAT Test (Juniors)
15- BOD Meeting
16 - End of 1st Quarter
19 - Internet Safety Night
21-22 - Block Schedule
23 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
2 - Public Information Night
4-5 - Block Days
12 - Hearing/Vision Screening
13-14 - High School Musical
18-19 - Block Days 
19 - BOD Meeting 
24 - Grandparents Day
25-27 - Thanksgiving Break, No School
CLICK HERE for the 2015-16 school calendar
CLICK HERE for the 2015-16 lunch calendars. 

Classical Manners for the Modern Youth
From the 1934 high-school textbook Good Manners used in "Household Science" class of that day: 
"Rule No. 152.  Cleanliness.  Have a civic pride, and do your share in keeping your city clean.  Most cities have an ordinance against throwing refuse on the sidewalk.  Chewing-gum wrappers, handbills, bits of paper, and other waste material should be thrown into refuse cans, or carried into the house to be burned.

"Rule No. 153.  Introductions.  Avoid street introductions.  If you are walking with a person who stops to speak to a friend, walk on slowly."
Academic Resources

  Volume 19, Issue 7  /October 5 , 2015

   Newsworthy Notices

National Merit Commended Students Named.  
Congratulations to Nathan Bridgmon-Fuller, Jared Graham, and Gretchen Hoyer.   More than two-thirds (about 34,000) of the approximately 50,000 high scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT� receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise.  For more information CLICK HERE.

Nathan Bridgmon-Fuller, Jared Graham, Gretchen Hoyer during an assembly.  

Open Campus. Seniors and juniors enjoy open-campus privileges on Wednesday, October 7th 2015 from 10:36-11:25AM. Remember, 5th-period classes start promptly at 11:25AM. All students must be in their classroom seats and ready to learn at or before 11:25AM. A recent spate of tardy upperclassmen associated with open-campus privileges has been addressed by House Captains. Any subsequent display of intemperance will necessitate termination of the privilege for all LCHS students.

Congratulations to the newest inductees of the LCHS chapter of the National Junior Honor Society.  Back Row:  Isabella Nielsen, Malia Dungan, Madeline Colvin, Angelina Walton, Alexia Armatas, Madison Poore, Hannah Lovely, Lauren Gamlin, Caleb Wear, Jai Ramchander.  Front Row: Paige Moore, Riley Green, Elly Couch, Kyla Gefre, Regan Thomas, Sophia Geary, Lily Wilson, Elizabeth Rencher.  Faculty sponsors Mr. Lander Hultin and Mr. Matthew Kazy not pictured.

Temperance Assembly. This Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 from 2:00 - 2:45PM all students will convene for a character-education Lyceum on the Capstone virtue of Temperance. A panel of LCHS instructors will deliver keynote remarks. As always, parents are welcome to sit in on the presentation

Internet-Safety Night.  Parents, mark your calendars now for our annual Internet-Safety Night on Monday, October 19th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the LCHS Great Hall.  The presentation is targeted for Liberty students grades 5th - 8th.  Parents, and all other students, are welcome to attend, too.  Those who attended last year's presentation had lots of positive comments.  The same detective from the Fort Collins Police Department will be on hand to facilitate the meeting and educate students about risks, dangers, and hazardous trends regarding Internet usage, social media, and electronic communications.  Several teachers are offering extra credit for students who attend. 

Anticipate Traffic Delays. Traffic and trains have recently contributed to a uptick in the number of tardy students at LCHS. We encourage families to evaluate their usual route to school in relation to current and upcoming roadway projects to ensure their students arrive in a safe and timely manner. The City of Fort Collins lists all current and upcoming road construction projects on their website which can be found by CLICKING HERE. 

LCHS Tardy Policy. An "excused absence/tardy" includes but is not limited to an absence or tardy due to unavoidable medical appointments or hazard-related problems. These include unavoidable doctor appointments or emergencies, traffic accidents, unforeseen traffic barriers that cause multiple families to arrive late, family emergency, death, extreme hazardous weather, or other hazards that cause numerous carpools and school-bound drivers to arrive late.

An "unexcused absence/tardy" includes but is not limited to instances lacking parental approval, late carpools, sleeping in late, voluntary and otherwise avoidable tardiness. Despite the best of intentions, tardiness interferes with student learning. Late arrivals interrupt the learning environment and daily classroom procedures. Being tardy will be handled in a serious manner. The school's starting signal sounds promptly at 7:45AM. At that moment, classroom doors are closed, instruction begins and the student academic day is fully underway. Students arriving after the bell rings are considered tardy and must be checked in at the front desk. Checking students in at the front desk does not guarantee the tardy will be excused. An unexcused tardy will result in a conduct violation. An unexcused absence will result in loss of credit for missed assignments, and may result in further disciplinary actions as determined by the administration. 
Pg. 39-40 LCHS Student/Parent Handbook Click Here
Dear Parents,
You will receive one text message on your cell phone the afternoon of October 9 asking if you want to opt-in to Liberty's text messaging alerts. This messaging system will be used during school cancellations or other urgent messages. 
The exact text you will receive is:
"Liberty Common Charter School messages. Reply Y for aprx 3 msgs/mo. Txt HELP 4info. Msg&data rates may apply. See 
To opt in simply reply to the message with a Y (no reply or a reply of N will result in your opting out)
Thanks, Liberty Administration

LCHS Class of 2016 ACT Celebration.  LCHS Principal Bob Schaffer is asking for parent volunteers to form up a committee to plan, fund, and execute suitable celebrations, perks, meals, pomp, and merriments throughout the school year to fittingly recognize the LCHS Class of 2016 for its top ACT composite score in the state of Colorado.  To volunteer, please email Mr. Schaffer

    News from LCHS Principal, Bob         Schaffer 

Why We Teach Social Dance
By: Bob Schaffer, LCHS Principal

This is the third year Liberty's social-dance course has been offered at the high school. The class and the lessons reinforce our philosophy toward a high-quality, classical, liberal-arts education.

Students who opt for the course love it; and the elective has been steadily gaining in popularity. This year, we are doubling the course offerings to two semesters per year from only one in previous years. Ms. Debra Endres is our expert instructor.
Some say a high-school social-dance course is a forward-thinking endeavor. While that may be so, the apposite value is that it connects us to our past and broadens our cultural literacy.

Throughout human history, social dance defines civilizations, distinguishes ethnicities, clarifies anthropology, and even influences politics. When expertly taught, social dance reacquaints us with a more polite age.

"A boy should not sit out a dance if any girl is not dancing." One might recognize this advice from the 1934 book Good Manners from which we quote various "rules" in the "Classical Manners" column of every LCHS Monday Notes newsletter.

Recent entries have featured guidelines about how young people should behave at dances. For example, "In asking for a dance, a boy says, 'May I have this dance?' The girl replies, 'Yes, you may'; or, 'I'm sorry, but this dance is taken.' Boys should avoid asking, 'Have you this dance?' or 'Do you want to dance?'"

Authored by the late Beth Bailey McLean, Good Manners was used in American high schools throughout the 1930s, '40s, and '50s. In fact, a review in the 1935 edition of The Palm Beach Post suggested, "Every home with children should have (Good Manners) on their shelves for constant reference." The old advice stands.

"If a boy is introduced to a girl at a dance, he must at once ask her for a dance. To omit this courtesy is very rude." In those days, most young people knew how to dance - respectfully with dignity and honor - and thus enjoyed ever-ready, wholesome fun.

To the bigger point: Knowing the history, the importance, and most of all, the manners and etiquette of social dance arms our young men and women with extraordinary advantages extending well beyond the possession of enjoyable dance skills. Social dance promotes healthy relationships among young people and gives them precise direction and confidence in how to interact properly with peers of the opposite sex.

In a classical context, perhaps a perfect summary of the cultural value of social dance is found at the Blankeny Mannor website which is dedicated to The Scarlet Pimpernel novels of Baroness Emma Orczy. In an essay entitled "The Social Etiquette and Politics of Dance" one finds, "Dance was considered to embody ideal Greek attributes such as wit, serenity, breadth of vision, love of harmony and order, personal courage, irony, fun, and a distaste of passionate excesses."

From a contemporary perspective, a Stanford University essay even asserts social dance prepares one for success in business. Dance-floor themes like teamwork, cooperation, consideration, mental dexterity, adaptability, respect, deference, and practice are of equivalent significance in a board room, or in an engineering group.

Ms. Endres has made a career out of connecting these concepts to professional dance instruction, and she is thrilled to be teaching the cultural elements of social dance to Liberty students. "It's a fabulous exercise for the brain, body and soul," she says. "Social dance is wonderful for their communication skills. It brings out joy in their hearts and will last them a lifetime."

Liberty was first persuaded to add social dance to the curriculum in 2013 after noting the longstanding success of Ridgeview's social-dance course. In keeping with the wisdom of classical themes, we tend to admire and to be inclined toward that which is proven, that which has worked and that which has led others toward truth, beauty, goodness and perfection.

Accordingly, Liberty's semester-long social-dance curriculum has proven to be a superb addition to our elective offerings. The course indeed leads our students further along the path toward mature literacy, mature virtue, and social elegance - with lots of joyful smiles along the way.

NOTE: Ms. Endres offers Wednesday-evening dance lessons for parents in the LCHS Great Hall. Information about this can be found elsewhere in today's Monday Notes newsletter.

Board of Directors News
By: Paulette Hansen, Chairman
Liberty Common School Board of Directors       
Bill Werst has decided to leave the Board of Directors after many years of service in a variety of Board positions. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I thank Bill for his ongoing commitment to the success of Liberty Common School. When a vacancy occurs, the Board of Directors (BOD) will appoint a new member within 60 days of adopting a resolution to fill the vacancy. Anyone eligible is invited to apply to fill this vacancy. Applications encompassing a letter of interest and statement of educational philosophy are due no later than November 8th to ensure adequate time for consideration. To complete an application, go to The term of this position is through the 2017-2018 school year. If you are considering the position, I strongly encourage you to attend the October 15th Board meeting at 6PM at the Elementary School. You are welcome to contact me at or any Board member who can answer your questions regarding membership. 
Candidates for the BOD must meet the following criteria to quality for election or appointment to the BOD:
Registered voter residing in Colorado
Parent, grandparent, or legal guardian of a student enrolled at Liberty for a minimum of two years by the time the candidate's term on the BOD would commence
Attendance at least one of the BOD meetings during the school year of the election
Complete and sign the following documents:
Volunteer Application for the current school year
Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement
Volunteer Oath
Volunteer Agreement
Board of Directors Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement
Board of Directors Affidavit
Read and support wholeheartedly the views presented in the following three books: 
Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch Jr.
Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong by William Kilpatrick
The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them by E.D. Hirsch Jr.
Submission of a Letter of Interest for BOD Membership
Submission of Statement of Educational Philosophy
Volunteer in the school
Embrace the principles of Liberty's Charter and founding books 
Receive a recommendation from a School Principal

Paulette Hansen, Chairman
Liberty Common School Board of Directors
News from the Assistant-Principal, Mr. Lovely
Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The FCA at LCHS is having its next huddle this Tuesday, October 6th at 6:45AM in room 201.  FCA-LCHS is looking for parent volunteers to sponsor a huddle by providing food and beverages for one of its meetings. If you are interested please email LCHS junior Hannah Kohl.

Future Events (more details to follow):
High-School All-Night Game Night - Friday, October 16th
Internet-Safety Night - Monday, October 19th
Fall Instrumental Concert - Tuesday, October 20th
High-School Movie Night - Friday, October 23rd
Fall Choral Concert - Tuesday, October 27th
Junior-High Mission Impastabowl - Friday, October 30th
News from the Academic Dean, Sandy Stoltzfus
See the sidebar for LCHS Academic Support Resources.
CLICK HERE for the LCHS College Planning Website.

College Fair Mania. 
This week, October 5th-9th, colleges from all across the nation are visiting LCHS, participating in college fairs, and providing information sessions throughout the front range.  Check out the college visit list below for more details.

Important Dates and Deadlines:
Oct 6th        
LCHS Mini College Fair, 9th Hour, Great Hall
                          Required for all juniors
Oct 6th         Northern Colorado Out-of-State College Fair,
                          at Poudre High School, 6-8PM
Oct 14th       PSAT 1st-5th periods
                             - 11th Grade - FREE, No Registration Needed
                  - 9th/10th Grade - Registration Deadline passed 
Oct 14th       Practice ACT 5th-9th periods (note change of time)
                             - 10th grade only - Free, No Registration Needed
                          - Please arrange pick up for 3:15pm. 
Oct 12th-22nd  Individual Senior Meetings
Local College Fairs. CLICK HERE to see the list of local college fairs taking place throughout the fall of 2015.

LCHS College Visits.  Students can view more details and register for visits through their Naviance accounts (student PowerSchool and Naviance logins are the same).  CLICK HERE to login.  Parents are always welcome to attend.

All college visits are held in the LCHS College Center unless otherwise noted.  On days/times with multiple college visits scheduled, visits will be held college-fair style.
News from the Athletic Director, Dan Knab
If you know of a Liberty student making news and would like them showcased for the Liberty Common community, let Mr. Knab know.

GO EAGLES - CLICK HERE to access our webpage.

To get up-to-date results, see photo highlights, and stay abreast of all things athletic at LCHS, visit and 'LIKE' the Liberty Common Schools Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Click HERE This Week In Junior-High Sports:
Boys Basketball
Monday, 10/5, 3:30-5PM, Tryouts, LCS Gym
Boys & Girls Cross Country
Saturday, 10/10, 9:30AM, Away @ Fossil Ridge High School
This Week In High-School Sports:
Men's Soccer
Tuesday, 10/6, 4PM, Home vs. Ridge View Academy
Wednesday, 10/7, 4PM, Away @ Dawson School
Thursday, 10/8, 4PM, Home vs. Denver Academy
Saturday, 10/10, 11AM, Away @ Sterling
Women's Volleyball
Tuesday, 10/6, 5PM, Away @ Dawson School
Friday, 10/9, 5PM, Home vs. Longmont Christian
Saturday, 10/10, 12PM, Away @ Faith Christian
Men's and Women's Cross Country
Saturday, 10/10, 9AM, Away @ Wiggins Invitational
Junior-High Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball.
The junior-high soccer team lost to Frontier Academy, 2-0, in the semi-finals last week which brings their season to an end. They went 12-3 on the season which included giving Frontier Academy their only regular season loss on the season. Well done coach Reeves and team!
The junior-high volleyball team lost in the finals, Saturday, to a very strong Union Colony. The team finishes 13-1 on the season.  The junior-high volleyball program is getting stronger every year.  This year, we had a 'C' team for the first time, which did really well during the season. 
Junior-high boy's basketball tryouts are today at 3:30PM in the elementary gym.  Athletic Packets are due by this Friday to Mrs. Ronen at the elementary school or to Mr. Knab at the high school. 
High-School Cross Country
The Liberty Common High School men's and women's cross-country teams competed in the Fossil Ridge Sabre Cat invite this past Saturday and performed admirably in a very tough 20-team field comprised of mainly 5A schools.  Seven athletes (Clara Bader, Jacob Doman, Sara Earl, Chris Martinez, Elizabeth Martinez, Mary Schaffer, and Ted Webber) ran season best times.  Four athletes (Sam Arnett, Nathan Dowdy, Stu Hoskins, and Gretchen Hoyer) beat their multi-year best times.
High School Volleyball. The women's volleyball team beat Frontier Academy in a packed gym Friday night, winning four games. The Eagles soared above and came out with a very impressive victory. 

According to MaxPreps, the LCHS men's soccer team is currently ranked number one in the state of Colorado.  This is the highest ranked team ever for Liberty Common. It has home games Tuesday and Thursday this week.  Come see what all of the excitement is about.

For up-to-date information on our sport teams, 'like' our 
CLICK HERE if interested.
Alumni Update: From Gabrielle Bear (LCHS '13) now a junior at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

      Gabrielle Bear is a junior at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas, where she is majoring in Public Relations and double minoring in Business Administration and Statistics. She hopes this combination will help set her apart from other PR practitioners and allow her to end up as a consultant in the public relations department of a big business. 

      For experience, Gabrielle is a Project Consultant for mustang consulting, the elite PR firm associated with SMU. As part of her responsibilities, she is currently developing the structural communication plan for one of their clients. She also assists in the Development Office of the SMU Meadows School of the Arts where she helps maintain alumni and donor relations.

      Gabrielle is also the Secretary/Treasurer/Historian/Bylaws Chairman for SMU's chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, a Residential Assistant for one of the commons on campus, a sister of the Delta Gamma Fraternity, a member of Boulevard Baking, a Meadows Scholar and an SMU Honors Student.

      After spending last summer traveling and studying communications in London, England, Gabrielle hopes to find a PR internship in Dallas for this summer. In her free time, she likes to be outside, cheer on the mustangs, hang out with her sisters, drink lots of coffee, and talk about herself in the third person (...not). She also enjoys getting updates about LCHS from her sister Vivian, who is a freshman there.

   News Worth Repeating

School Attendance Is Vital. All public schools in Colorado receive funding from the state based on the number of students who attend their school.  It is critical your student be present during the October-count period.
The count occurs through Oct. 8th. If your child will be absent for more than two days in a row during this time period for reasons other than an illness, please contact the office for an official document to sign.

Junior High Glow-in-the-Dark Dance.
Attention all junior-high students. Come to the Glow-in-the-Dark Dance on Friday, October 9, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. There will be black lights, snacks and music. Wear white and decorate yourself with highlighters for more glow. There will be some glow sticks provided, but you can also bring your own. Let's light up the dark! The cost is $5, and the dress code is the standard dance dress code (see below).
Shoulders must be covered. Shorts and skirts may not be higher than finger-tip length. Leggings, tights, spandex, and/or yoga pants may not be worn as pants or shorts. All clothing must be modest, opaque (not see-through) and in good repair. No midriff exposure (even if inadvertent). Undergarments and straps may not be exposed under any circumstances. No cleavage showing. No offensive, violent, gory, or questionable lettering or images will be tolerated.

The Nov 12th "Liberty Lecture" on economics will be even better than Einstein's. The famous genius is 
pictured here delivering his Noel 
Lecture to the Nordic Assembly of Naturalists in Gothenburg, Sweden 
in 1923. 
R�sum�-Building Opportunity.  A big-name economist has agreed to travel to Fort Collins and speak at LCHS the evening of Thursday, November 12th.  This will be one in the school's 2015-16 "Liberty Lecture Series" events which is open to the public.  As of now, Mr. Schaffer has a date, time, and a nationally known speaker nailed down.  What he needs next is a few more on a committee of students to promote the event and organize a pre-lecture dinner consisting of the speaker, invited guests and students on the committee.  We could also use a couple interested parents to look over the students' shoulders and provide some guidance.  It would be best if volunteers have an interest in economics, but that's not essential.  The event itself will surely hook students on economics.  On top of that, listing "organized a community-wide lecture on economics featuring Dr. Wolfram" on one's college/scholarship application and r�sum� will be a valuable admissions-officer-attention-getter. Please email Mr. Schaffer right away to get on the team and start planning. 

The RELLiCS (Respected Elders Loving Liberty Common School)  The RELLiCS is a group of fun-loving grandparents of Liberty Common students that wants to be involved in the lives of the members children and grandchildren. RELLiCS meet periodically, has socials from time to time, and helps out when and where we can. 
Last year, the group spent 5 mornings during summer vacation cleaning, painting, installing shelving, and restocking the teachers' store room at the elementary school. During this project, we had lots of fun getting to know one another better while accomplishing something significant for the school. In August, we manned the ice cream table at the high school after the Torch Trek and welcomed new 7th-graders from the elementary to the high school. 
Activities such as these allow us to interact with the students, teachers and staff at both schools, and promote the "family" feeling so important at Liberty Common Schools. If you are a grandparent and would like to learn more about the RELLiCS, please send your name, phone number and email address to and a member will call or email you with information. 
Learn To Dance.  Attention all Liberty parents:  Improve your dance step or learn from scratch in the LCHS Great Hall Wednesday nights from 8:00 - 9:15PM.  When not working as the LCHS Social Dance instructor, Ms. Debra Endres is the owner-instructor of Okay Dance of Northern Colorado.  She'll be offering couples group-dance lessons here at LCHS.  Beginners Country 2-Step is on tap for October. The group classes are open to adults, singles and couples. Classes are progressive.  However, information is reviewed before new material is taught.  Fee is $8 per person, and drop-ins are welcome. The 5th Wednesday will be practice dance night with coaching available.  The cost for that is $5 per person.

Junior-High Cross Country. The junior-high cross-country team would like to invite you to its off-campus spirit meet on October 10th at 9:30AM at Fossil Ridge High School. This will take a little bit more effort to get up early on a Saturday, but remember Order points are earned with attendance. This is their last meet of the season.

Yearbooks.  Order your LCHS yearbook now while supplies last! Go to Jostens  to order online.
Performances Needed.  Our neighbors at Rigden Farm Senior Living called asking for student performances at their location.  If you can organize and lead any kind of performance for the residents, please contact Bev Carr, Director of Fun (now that's a great job title) at 224-2700 to get something on the schedule.  She particularly needs some help calendaring events for November and December.  Next semester is fine, too.  

Wednesday Oct. 14, 2015  PSAT/NMSQT
(11th grade required, 9th/10th grade optional)
Liberty Common High School
7:45-10:45 A.M. (Periods 1-5)
     -Students will eat lunch prior to returning to 6th period

LCHS provides every junior with the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT.  All LCHS juniors take the exam at no charge.  This is a chance for juniors to take a practice SAT and qualify for the the National Merit Scholarship Program.  Juniors do not need to sign up, but may pick up a copy of the Official Student Guide to the PSAT/NMSQT in the College Center to begin preparing for the exam.  Preparation is important, the College Board is rolling out their redesigned PSAT and SAT this year.  CLICK HERE for details of the redesign.

Sophomores and freshmen may choose to take the PSAT.  The cost is $15 and sign-up will begin on Monday, September 14th in the College Center.  Sophomores who sign up for the PSAT will also take a practice ACT on the same day (see details below).  Students may not take the PSAT for qualification in the National Merit Scholarship Program until their junior year.

11th Grade PSAT - No Registration Needed
9th/10th Grade PSAT - Registration begins Sept. 14th in the College Center

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015 Practice ACT (10th grade only)
Liberty Common High School
11:30 A.M -3:15 P.M. (periods 5-9)
All LCHS sophomores are required to take the practice ACT on October 14th.  Students do not need to register.  This is a valuable opportunity for LCHS sophomores to gain experience with college-entrance exams.  It also provides LCHS with data to ensure we're preparing our students for this important exam during their junior year.

10th Grade Only - No Registration Needed

Saturday, Nov 7th and 21st 
Free Practice ACT with Writing and Optional Workshop presented by Huntington Learning Center (Open to all LCHS students)
Liberty Common High School
Nov 7th, 8:30 A.M. -12:30 P.M., Free Exam
Nov 21st, 9-10 A.M., Free Results Session 
Nov 21st, 10 A.M.-12 P.M., $80 Workshop
CLICK HERE for more details.
CLICK HERE to register.  Registration must be complete online. 
ACT/SAT Registration
ACT.  Register and view complete details online (CLICK HERE).  Registration and test-preparation packets are also available in the College Center.

Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Fee Required
October 24th
September 18th
October 2nd
December 12th
November 6th
November 20

SAT/SAT Subject Tests
Register and view complete details online (CLICK HERE).  Registration and test-preparation packets are also available in the College Center.

Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Fee Required
October 3rd
September 3rd
September 22nd
November 7th
October 9th
October 27th
December 5th
November 5th
November 23rd
Upcoming Trips
Galapagos & Ecuador Summer 2016. Mrs. Deitrick and Mrs. Karr are leading a trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands this upcoming June.   Email Mrs. Deitrick if interested. 
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Spring Break 2016.  Mr. Lunn is leading his second educational journey to Austria, Germany and Switzerland in March of 2016.   Email Mr. Lunn for more information.
Spring Break 2016 In England, France, Spain.  Spanish teacher Mrs. Deitrick, French teacher Dr. Werner, and English teacher Mrs. Scarlett will be traveling to nine cities, and adding several extra excursions. This twelve-day trip is open to junior-high and high-school students (junior-high students must have guardian accompaniment).    Contact Mrs. Scarlett via email with questions.
Italy, Greece Trip, June 2017. See all the best sites in Italy and Greece and learn directly on ancient lands with Mr. Kem. The tour ends with a multi-day cruise of the Greek islands. E-mail Mr. Kem if interested.