The Eagle's Nest 
  Liberty Common Elementary School
1725 Sharp Point Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Common Knowledge, Common Virtues, Common Sense 
A National Charter School of the Year, A Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School, A Certified Official Core Knowledge Site School, A John Irwin School of Excellence,
A Gilder Lehrman Affliate School 
Volume 18 Issue 36                                                                               
May 18, 2015
Student Not Returning to Liberty?
If you know that your student will not be returning to Liberty Common for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Julie Russell at 482-9800 ext. 3114, as soon as possible.  There are many anxious parents waiting for a spot. To ensure a smooth transfer of your child's records, you may pick-up dis-enrollment paperwork in the office.  Thank you. 
Important Dates
May 20|Free Dress Day
May 21|BOD Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
May 21|Olympic Day-(No hot lunch will be served)
May 22|Last Day of School, 1/2 day, 11:00 release.
Please note: No bus service between schools will be provided on the last day of school.

May 22|Class of 2015 Graduation. 6:00-7:30 p.m., Timberline Community Church, Main Auditorium. Graduation Reception immediately following, Liberty Common High School, Great Hall

May 22|4th Quarter Ends

June 5|Final Report Cards mailed home
June 18|BOD Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

2014-2015 Yearbooks



There are a limited number of YEARBOOKS available.

$20.00 Cash or check only

First come, first served


Purchase your yearbook directly from Mrs. Clouser.

Questions???? Contact:

Mrs. Clouser ([email protected])


**Yearbooks will be distributed on the last day of school**     

2014-2015 6th Graders' Gift Provides A Place To Gather

Sunscreen Use At School
Although sunscreen is allowed at school, teachers or staff passing it out, as well as sharing among students is prohibited.  Students must bring their own sunscreen for use at school.  Sunscreen will no longer be provided at Olympic Day.


Important Dates
School Year
Classes Begin|Aug. 24
Thanksgiving|Nov. 25-27
Winter Break|Dec. 21-Jan. 1
Spring Break|March 14-18
Last Day of School|May 27
Time is Running Out. Register Now for for Summer Reading and Math Camps
Only a few openings remaining for Reading and Math Camps. Please don't let this opportunity pass and sign-up today.

Click Here for Reading Camp Information and Registration Form.

1st-2nd Grade-FULL with w.list.
3rd-4th Grade-1opening, will cap at 15 & start w. list.
5th-6th Grade-2 openings, will cap at 15 & start w. list.

Click Here for Math Camp Information and Registration Form.

1st-2nd Grade-FULL, with w. list
3-4th Grade-6 openings
, will cap at 15 and start a w. list.      
5-6th Grade-3 openings, will cap at 15              and start w. list.

Click Here for Individualized Tutoring Information and Registration Form.

End-of-Year Medication Pick-up
If your child has medication in the health office, please note the following procedures for medication pick-up:

We know the last day of school is a busy day for you and your students, so if their medication isn't a daily essential, consider picking up the medication earlier in the week. Medication may be picked up between 7:15-3:45 (Monday -Thursday) and 7:15-10:45a.m. (Last day of school).
A)     No medication will be sent home with students who do not have a self-carry form on file. All medications must be picked up by parents by 10:45a.m. on the last day of the school year (including emergency or "as needed" medications, such as Epi-pens, Tylenol, inhalers).
B)     If you need to pick up your child's medication before the last day of school, the needed number of pills may be counted out and kept at school in the original container. You may take the remaining pills home in a plastic bag.
C)     Any medications not picked up by 10:45 a.m. on the last day of school will be disposed of by the school nurse, according to state guidelines. We will no longer make reminder phone calls.



The Colorado Department of Public health and Environment requires all students entering 6th grade to have proof of receiving the Tdap booster vaccine, or a signed exemption. This is based on the Center for Disease Control recommendations to prevent cases of Pertussis (Whooping cough).


Please submit clinic documentation to the school health office to verify that your child has been immunized, or submit a signed exemption. The information will be included in your student's school immunization record.


Thank you,

Jen Hopkins (Health Tech) & Natalie Dybzinski (RN)


Incoming 7th Graders Invited to Register for Summer English Program.    
Summer English Program Announcement Update:  Classes are filling up, so time is running out to enroll in this summer program.  Did your student struggle to manage the various, demanding language arts this year: grammar, vocabulary, writing, etc.?  Are you worried that waiting until next school year to revisit these areas will only result in a deeper hole at the next level?  Is your student going to be new at Liberty next year, and are you worried whether he/she will be ready for the cumulative nature of Liberty's English curriculum-especially the rigorous grammar training?  Maybe you just want your child to refine and bolster his/her language skills, guided by close instruction and support.  Regardless of the reason, this summer's four week English "booster" is the perfect, economical opportunity.  The cost is much less than typical tutoring, the tutor-to-student ratio is small, and the instructor is Mr. Dybzinski, head of Liberty's English department.  Regardless of whether your student is ahead or behind, he will set your child up for more English success.  Furthermore, he plans to have much fun in the process!  CLICK HERE for the flyer.

Summer Math Program Available for Liberty Common Incoming 7th Graders
The Summer Math Program is a supplementary math enrichment course for students going into grades 7 - 12 who either struggle with mathematical concepts/skills or those who want additional reinforcement of a particular topic in order to be successful at the next level. The course runs for 4 weeks and uses the Accelerated Math computer program coupled with individualized instruction from Liberty Common School's math department. Advanced students may also enroll as an enrichment opportunity.  CLICK HERE for the flyer.  Direct any questions to Mrs. Salehi.


Liberty's Booster Club Says
Thank You

In This Issue
Contact Us
Board of Directors
Quiet Zone
Please remember that the front office is an office of business and the use of cell phones is prohibited.  We also ask that conversations be kept to a minimum so that front office staff can provide quality customer service to students, staff members and other parents. 
Thank you.

Job Openings at LCS

Dear Parents,

Liberty will begin hiring for upcoming 2015-2016 positions starting in April.  We could use your help.  Please spread the word to anyone you know that would be a good fit for Liberty.  Here is a link to our website listing all available positions.



Liberty Administration

Raising Kids Who Read Books Available in Front Office-$20.00 


Please Continue Using Gift Cards Over the Summer

Lost and Found Moved. Please Take Time to Search For Missing Items
Lost and Found items have been moved to the hallway just North of the Main Office entrance.  All items not claimed by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 22nd., will be given to charity.

LCHS Ranked #1
LCHS is ranked the #1 high school in Colorado by US News & World Report, and 49th nationally among the country's 21,000 high schools. 

Last week, US News & World Report published its annual ranking of best high schools in America.  LCHS is #1 in Colorado, according to the ranking, #15 among all U.S. charter schools, and #49 among all high schools in the country (over 21,000 high schools).  CLICK HERE to see the magazine's profile of our school.  The local Coloradoan newspaper ran a story about the ranking.  CLICK HERE to see that.  LCHS is also rated #1 in Colorado - for the second time - by  CLICK HERE for more about that.

Reactions To National News: 
LCHS has received lots of reaction in the media to last week's national news about our #1-in-Colorado ranking.  Here're a bunch of examples and links:

  • Radio Interview.  13 May 2015 | AM710 KNUS Kelley & Kafer - AUDIO LINK. (scroll to time mark 00:28:16)
  • Radio Interview. 14 May 2015 | AM600 KCOL Jimmy Lakey Show-  AUDIO LINK.
  • Radio Interview.  15 May 2015 | AM630 KHOW The Mandy Connell Show -  AUDIO LINK (need to scroll to time mark 7:35AM).
  • Denver Business Journal story - DETAIL LINK
  • 9News story - DETAIL LINK
  • Coloradoan story - DETAIL LINK
  • Coloradoan op-ed by Congressman Jared Polis, and CLCS President Nora Flood -  DETAIL LINK
  • Colorado Springs Gazette - DETAIL LINK


It's Been A Great Year At Liberty
By:  Principals Casey Churchill and Bob Schaffer
Another fantastic Liberty school year is coming to a close, and along with it, a chance to look back upon a year of solid academic achievement for our students.  The Liberty Board of Directors and administration could not be happier with the accomplishments of our students, instructors, support staff, and parents.  

Liberty Common School has become a premier school in northern Colorado due to the proper partnership of parents, professional staff, and hardworking students.  We are thankful to all who helped make this year so successful.

The elementary school continues to thrive with 612 students, 60 staff, and 1200 on the high school and elementary lottery list.  Liberty Common Elementary school is a model example of how a school should operate.  This past year, the Core Knowledge Foundation showcased our school to the nation more than ever.  Schools visited and teachers have been calling to see and hear about all that great things we are doing.  

Last year, Liberty started the first ever Core Knowledge Colorado Network.  This year we passed the torch to Twin Peak Charter Academy in Longmont.  On February 13th, about 200 teachers traveled to Longmont to share ideas and learn about the rich Core Knowledge content.  This was a great opportunity for us to see another CK school and continue this annual tradition of networking with other CK schools in Colorado.  Networking provides our teachers an opportunity to meet and learn from other teachers.  We thank the teachers for their teamwork throughout this process as this accomplishment has again placed Liberty on the map.

Teachers have embraced our new data mining system, Pearson Inform.  Inform integrates with our grade book system, Powerschool providing teachers with a one-stop venue to analyze student test data.  This provides teachers with the information we need to help intervene with students that are struggling.  The teachers have found the Inform interface easy to access testing data.  The quicker we can learn about student skill deficits the quicker we can deliver the interventions students need to be successful.  Our goal is to close this achievement gap and get all students access to the rich curriculum we teach.

Lastly, Liberty has successfully navigated our way through the new online state testing.  We understand and agree with the dissatisfaction of Common Core State Standards and the online state testing.  Liberty Common School, as a public charter school, still needs to abide by the law and conduct these tests.  We thank all the parents that allowed their children to take these tests.  This is the right choice even if you are not in agreement with CCSS or CMAS.  Liberty's stance has been and always will be to fulfill our obligation to the state.  If we disagree, then we should fight that battle at the Capital.  While opting out didn't penalize Liberty this year, this will not always be the case.  We encourage parents to have their children take these tests in the future to show the state all the great work we are doing here.  I am confident our students' scores will remain at the top again this year.

Liberty's mission is to provide a contextual body of knowledge which will in turn provide students with a rich domain vocabulary.  This rich vocabulary, along with strong phonetic instruction, allows our student to both decode and comprehend what they read.  Literate students make quality citizens.  Quality citizens make for a more democratic society.  Liberty elementary is on track with our mission.

At the high school, we're more than enthusiastic about the way our fourth year is finishing out.  Liberty's third senior class is graduating in style, and they've set the bar high in our third year with a full high-school roster.

In addition to academically outpacing their peers at all other Colorado high schools, our seniors have certainly put LCHS on the map.  Yes, we've bragged much about how they earned the highest composite ACT score in the entire state, and how they set the all-time ACT state record - and why not?

Our seniors have been commended and celebrated in the halls of Congress, in both chambers of the Colorado State General Assembly, at the county courthouse, in the city-council chamber, and in local, state and national media.

That achievement and attention, along with being rated by US News & World Report as the best high school in Colorado, has flung wide open the doors of opportunity for the senior class, and for all LCHS students who follow.  We're now a routine target for nearly every college recruiter covering the West.

Talk about superb young leaders; our seniors have built and established many new traditions that will define our institution and its students for many years to come.  Their fine example has taught those behind them well.

What's just as impressive is the followership at Liberty.  As the seniors march off, onward and upward from Liberty, the junior class is stepping up in a marvelous way.  Next year's House leaders and School Captains are installed, and they are already working on plans for the next school year.

And let's not forget our junior-high students.  Rounding out their final years of the Core Knowledge Sequence has prepared them well for high school.  This year's 7th & 8th graders proved to be a fun cohort making the kind of academic progress we expect to see at Liberty, while simultaneously maintaining some hallway spunk - right through to the end.

Their road to maturity is an enthralling thing to behold, and we can't wait to see how they lead the high school over the next four and five years.  

As a parent-run school, Liberty's high expectations have pushed students and staff alike.  This was a year of particularly hard work, expansion, and invention.  It's hard to imagine it turning out much better.  

On behalf of the faculty, staff and administration, we offer our sincere and humble thanks to all Liberty parents.  Your leadership, guidance, volunteerism, financial support and prayers have contributed mightily to what we're convinced is the best public education Colorado has to offer.

To the fifteen students moving on from Liberty, we wish you a fond farewell.  To all returning Liberty students, we're already looking forward to seeing you again on Monday morning, August 24th.  

In the meantime, enjoy the summer break.  You've earned it.


6th Grade Band Rocks Music Festival
This past weekend, the 6th grade band attended a music festival at Standley Lake High School in Westminster, CO. They played in front of a number of other middle school students, as well as a panel of judges. The judges awarded the band an "Excellent" rating, and complimented their musiciality and balance. Afterwards, the students were able to enjoy the rest of the day at Elitch Gardens. Congratulations 6th Grade Band!


1st Choice Before and After School Care Offer

A.S.K Offers Summer Camp