Crystal Silence League 
The Crystal GAZE-ette
The Crystal Silence League Newsletter
  December 2015 Edition
Crystal Silence League Prayer Requests
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 Missionary Independent Spiritual Church  

Forestville, California Pastor: Rev. catherine yronwode.


 Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary  

Joshua Tree, California Pastor: Rev. Deacon Millett.


 Divine Harmony Spiritual Church 

Knoxville, Tennessee   Pastor: Rev. Jon Saint Germain.


 Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel

Willitts, California Pastor: Rev. Michaele Maurer.


 Sacred Clarity Spiritual Church

Dallas, Texas  

Pastor: Rev. Valentina Burton.

 Santisima Muerte Chapel of Perpetual Pilgrimage

Santa Rosa, California Pastor: Rev. Sister Robin Petersen.




Goteborg, Sweden

Pastor: Rev. Johannes G�rdb�ck  


Five Gates Spiritual Church

Bethel, Vermont

Pastor: Rev. Kirk White 

CSL Giftshop

Gift Shop

We are praying
in the Morning,
at Mid-Day,
in the Evening. 

CSL Newsletter Archives
TUNE IN to the LMC Radio Network!

The LMC Radio Network is a community radio alliance of metaphysical, spiritual, inspirational, and political-justice broadcasters spanning a wide range of topics.  At the present time, the LMC Radio Network has SEVEN weekly shows in the line-up, with more on the way:

The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour with
catherine yronwode and ConjureMan Ali.
Featuring panel discussions on traditional African American hoodoo spellcasting with members of AIRR, plus free readings and ma
gical rootwork advice for our call-in clients -- this is the longest-running conjure show on radio!
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Pacific / 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Eastern   

Candelo's Corner with Candelo Kimbisa.
The voice of authentic Cuban Palo and Dominican Sanse in the United States, with special guests representing the entire range of African Traditional and Diasporic Traditional Religions, telling it true from the ancestors to you!
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern

The Crystal Silence League Hour with Rev. Jon Saint Germain.
Spiritual guidance on the practical use of crystals and crystal balls in the development of mental concentration and mind power, silent influence over others, divination and scrying of the future, and telepathic contact with people and spirits.
5:00 PM-6:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern

 Followed by:  

In The Streets with Beverley Smith.
Front page reports on the ongoing struggle for racial, social, and gender justice in America and the world, brought to you straight from the heart by an empowered and impassioned activist-priestess of ruthless compassion and insight.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern

On Sacred Ground with Khi Armand. 
Broadcasting the voices of the land and the deceased, your host - aided by scholars, spiritworkers, and environmentalists - weaves together history, ethnography, and subjective experience to explore the unique promises and challenges of our time.
5:00  - 6:30 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern  

The Now You Know Show with Professor Charles Porterfield.
From deep in the heart of Texas comes your weekly schooling in down-home conjure, laced with country wit and Biblical wisdom. The old Professor is a natural man with a silver tongue who knows his roots and delivers the lucky numbers!
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Eastern   

Liquid Libations with Andrea Weston.
Where poetry, short stories, and the spoken word come alive: Listen to the voices of our ancestors and companions, from the four corners of the world, uplifting, spiritual, heartbreaking, righteous, and complex -- they are speaking to you. Second Wednesdays are Youth Poetry Nights, and Third Wednesdays are Erotic Poetry Nights. 
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern 


Readings on the Corner with
Candelo Kimbisa and Guests.
This unscheduled "pop-up" Monday night show features Candelo Kimbisa and a dynamic line-up of invited guest-readers who employ cartomancy, bone reading, obi, chamalongos, and scrying to give free spiritual readings to callers.  
Watch for it!


As the year ends we hope you look back on 2015 fondly as a time of progress and growth. May 2016 be the year you achieve all your goals!

May the Spirits of Yuletime be generous to you and yours, and we look forward to seeing you next year! 

Clear Viewing,
Jon Saint Germain 
A Meditation Exercise from Mr. Claude Conlin 
  Crystal gazing requires a pinpoint focus of the mental faculties, and I believe the best way to develop this quality is through regular meditation.

In the field of meditation there are countless training methods to choose from, and I recommend a combination of familiar exercises practiced regularly, along with an occasional change of routine to stimulate the mind and keep yourself interested.

Place a small crystal ball on a shelf, at eye level. Stand about ten to twelve feet across from the crystal, and point your right forefinger toward the ball. Close your right eye, and "sight" the ball along your forefinger. Walk toward the ball, adjusting the angle of your arm so that your forefinger and eye remain in alignment with the ball, until your forefinger touches the ball. Repeat five times, then try it with your left eye closed.

One eye is always dominant. This is the eye you aim with. If you've ever been a marksman, either with firearms or arrows, you know you always aim with one eye or the other. There's a simple test to determine eye dominance. This test is very similar to the previous exercise. To test for eye dominance, pick a point on the wall. Hold your right hand at arm length, forefinger extended, and sight the spot on the wall along the tip of your forefinger. Close your left eye. If the spot "moves," you're left-eye dominant. If it doesn't, you're right-eye dominant.

Try this as a crystal exercise: Sight the crystal with your dominant eye and walk toward the crystal, keeping the crystal, your finger and your eye in alignment. Repeat with your non-dominant eye.

If you experience dizziness or nausea during these exercises take a break and try again.

Please address any questions, comments or suggestions to:

Featured Crystal of the Month: Purple Kyanite


Associations: Clarity, psychism, communication, meditation, negotiations.


Silent Thought 
of the Day: 

"There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell 'em."
Next Month:
Attracting Love and Friendship
Palmistry 101  

 Remember the daily method.
  Continue to connect with us in mind and heart.
From the Mailbox:
"Thanks so much, your newsletter was short and sweet.  I am living proof of the power of the mind.  Due to prayers and positive thought I walk.

I was told by a doctor that I should not drive or be in a car.  He said if I was in an accident I may lose my mobility totally.  A week ago I was at a red light, looked in my rearview and saw the car coming.  I knew that God loves me and it was going to be okay.  A little voice said
'Put your hand on your forehead and push back.'

It's amazing how many thoughts you can have in a second or two.  That pickup with the chrome bumper hit me going about 35 or 40 .  My car and I are well, the bumper on the truck was mangled.

The poor woman who hit me was hysterical. I calmed her down, assured her that I was okay, my car was okay and most importantly I wasn't going to sue her.  We shook hands and went our way.

God is my co-pilot , that day and every day that I take a breath.  When we commune with God through prayer it lifts us up and those around us and those we pray for.

So my heartfelt thanks to the CSL through the prayers for me, and my prayers for others I have learned a lot.
Ironically, I just got the plaster hand with all of the lines, I should be getting back to work soon and it's for my desk.  I can't wait for palmistry 101.  Right on time!

Thank you for your work with the CSL, I hope you know how many people this helps.
Wishing you all the best,
Michelle Swetra
Student ID # 96"

If you have an experience or discovery that you would like to share, send a message to the newsletter editor:

John Saint Germain (