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Register Online: www.businessinsurrey.com     Phone:  604-581-7130      Fax: 604-588-7549

South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce
Register Online: sswrchamberofcommerce.ca        Click Here to view registration faxback.

To view Sponsorship Opportunities click here

Susan E. Match Consulting
Margaret Ji - Realtor
Magna Creative Inc.
Green Quarter Consulting
Vista Executive Coaching

** Special thank you to Helen Worley with the Blaine Harbor Art Gallery for her donation of  beautiful hand painted placemats given as a door prize at the Chamber's Open House on April 22nd. **

A meet-up for values-based businesses 

5 Minutes for Business
Back in Black: What's so great about a surplus anyway?

Falling oil prices and "economic uncertainty" prompted Canada's Minister of Finance, Joe Oliver, to delay the budget to an unprecedented April 21. The federal government needed Herculean efforts, a few gimmicks like the sale of GM shares and a new approach to oil revenue forecasting in order to present a balanced budget on that date. At the same time, provinces with balanced budgets this year are an exclusive club of just B.C., P.E.I. and Quebec. So does it really matter who has black ink in the bottom line for 2015-16?

The answer may surprise you. Based on IMF reports and international comparisons, this week's 5 Minutes for Business explores the relationship between balanced budgets and economic growth, even going so far as to compare our situation with that of Greece. Are we really doing better than our European friends? 
Read on to find out!

Find Out What's Happening at Surrey Museum & Historic Stewart Farm House
Click here
to find out  what's happening at Surrey Museum, Historic Stewart Farm and Surrey Archives in May.

 A Week Loonie Means It's Time To Do Business In US and a Cross Border Trade Seminar will show you how!


May 7, 2015 - Doing Business in the USA (Cross-Border Seminar and Professional Briefing)


Click Here for seminar details.

Employment Law Seminar - Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Member Alert! - Have you checked our Member to Member Specials
click here


Membership Referral Program


If you are a paid up member in good standing with the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce and know someone that might like to become a Chamber member, please forward their name to Membership Services Representative Barbara at  membership@sswrchamber.ca or 604-536-6844 Ext. 203. Barbara will follow up with the person/company. If they sign up and pay for a membership, you will receive a $50 credit toward your membership renewal and you and your referred member will also receive 1 FREE ADVERTISMENT IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN to promote your business and/or a promotion that you might have.  


Become a Monthly Featured Member

Members can be featured in the Chamber's Bi-Weekly Bulletin and on the website.

For further information on how you can be a featured member,  please call the office at  604-536-6844 or email admin@sswrchamber.ca


Event Sponsorship Opportunities
We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available, and many can be customized to your needs. Showcase and enhance your business and services at one of the South Surrey White Rock Chamber of Commerce events.

Contact Cliff at 604-536-6844 Ext. 205 or email cliff@sswrchamber.ca

Order Your Name Badge Today!

For badge order form Click Here

email admin@sswrchamber.ca with Member's Name and Business Name


Need help hiring new employees?
Sources WorkBC Employment Services Centres can help!

Click here to View pdf

Group Insurance Plan  http://www.chamberplan.ca/
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