Unity Church of North Easton News
(Unitarian Universalist)
"We Pledge to Walk Together..."
Volume 2, No. 18, March 1, 2013
In This Issue
Lay Service Wisdom
Worship Committee News
Notes From the President
Fellowship News


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 March is Women's History Month

"The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of women whose commitment to nature and the planet have proved invaluable to society."

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Lay Service Wisdom 
Ellen 2013
Ellen Dehm,
Lay Leader 
What is Grace?

So what exactly is grace and why is it so amazing? After several months of reflection I still can't put it into my own words. But given all of the ironies and serendipity of its evolution, I can't help but think that maybe grace really did pay a big role in bringing the hymn "Amazing Grace" from John Newton in 1722 to us today.

Graceas a concept remains elusive to me. But I'm pretty sure I know it when I see it. I know I saw it in my Dad in that last year of his life. I see it now in loved ones and friends as they accept and yet not give in to their physical challenges, mental illness, and incredible grief.

I see it in my patients when, on occasion, everything that I try to do to help them save their vision fails, and yet they say "Thanks for everything you've done for me doc," as if I am the one that needs comforting. I see grace in the bend of the young pine tree covered with heavy snow in our back yard.

I heard it in the almost mystical "whoosh" of an owl that flew 8 feet over Cathy and me while we were watching a meteor shower. I see it in the colored beams of light that come from the windows in this church when the sun is just right. And I see it in all of us at Unity, as we each do our best, each in our own way, to steward our beloved church.

There is a quote in Steve Turner's book, Amazing Grace: The Story of America's Most Beloved Song, from UU Minister Roberta Finkelstine, from her sermon on Amazing Grace that says it better than I ever could:

"Grace is still a very personal and subjective experience. It is something indescribable that happens to us when we least expect it, when we haven't asked for it, and certainly when we don't merit it. Whatever it is, we are transformed by the experience in the here and now, and sustained by its memory later on. It is what life surprises us with."

- excerpt from the sermon by Ellen Dehm on February 24, 2013

Church Office Hours    

Illuminations App
Something New for Worship 

On Sunday, March 24th we will try something different for worship. In the spirit of exploring different ways to worship together, we will prepare meals for Unity's freezer, and make them available to those in need from our community.

Let's spend our worship time putting our principles in action have fun together at the same time!

How will this work? We will begin the service in the Sanctuary as usual, but, shortly after the children are sung to their classes, we will move to Parish Hall to prepare simple, well-organized meals.

There will be jobs for everyone - sitters, standers, great cooks, and those of you who prefer to order out. We are really excited for this opportunity to do something different, and care for each other, and  hope to see you there! Any Questions? Contact Jannelle Codianni from the Worship Committee

UCNE Worship Committee 2013
The Worship Committee 
L to R Back: Anne Fredericks, Mark Kunemund, Donna Taylor, Michele Blake
L to R Front:
Jason Gold, Jannelle Codianni (Chair) 

Notes from the President


We Have a Search Committee! 

The Executive Committe (EC) met on February 12, 2013 and discussed some of the ideas that were proposed at the well-attended Special Congregational Meeting on January 20. In trying to staff a consulting minister Search Committee, we discussed the traditional 3-member model, but also, if needed, a "Plan B" that allowed more people to be involved in smaller pieces of the process. This was a good example of how creative we can be when we get together as a group!


It was decided that the EC would develop the congregational record and the online information packet. Attention was then turned to assembling a Search Committee from the names of those interested. We were pleased to have people willing to step up to the task and we did our best to narrow it down to three.

Based on their working knowledge of Unity church, Melanie D'Aiello, Mark Kunemund, and Carolyn McCafferty were selected to form this committee. Having served on the previous search committee myself, I know how difficult it can be to answer all of the ministerial candidates' questions; they ask everything from the church's commitment to the various social justice programs to how the Trusts work. We felt that Melanie, Mark, and Carolyn could best answer those types of questions.
Caroline M smilingMark KMelanie D 2013
L to R: Caroyln McCafferty, Mark Kunemund, Melanie D'Aiello  

The committee and I met with our Unitarian Universalist Association district representative, Bill Zelazny, and are now on our way to finding our next minster!

Thank you to all who expressed interest in being involved in the process, even after it was made clear how great the time commitment would be to complete it. We have quality members who truly care about Unity. Because of that I feel that we have a great future together!


EC Affirmations

At the beginning of every Executive Committee meeting, we go around the table and ask if there are any special affirmations anyone would like to make. Though they do make it into the EC meeting minutes every month, we thought it would be nice to express this appreciation in a more public way. So, we will now include them in our Unity News regularly! Here they are: 

  • Cathy Adler and Ellen Dehm for assessing travel and parking lot conditions Sunday Morning after the Blizzard 2013.
  • Ernie Cohen for checking on plowing and the whole campus.
  • Modern Landscaping for great plowing job.
  • Dick Hill for checking on the buildings.
  • Fellowship Committee for organizing and the hosts of Circle Dinner.
  • Anna Linzi for a very good lay lead service - thanks.


Chris Pender

President, Unity Church of North Easton 

Fellowship Logo

Fellowship News & Events 

Unity Church Book Group
The Unity Church Book Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month.
  • March selection is The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck. The meeting date is March 6, 2013
  • April selection is One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus. The meeting date is
    April 3, 2013

The meetings will be held on at Noon at the home of Walter Tramontano. All are welcome! For information or directions please contact Michele Blake at 508-230-2839 or

Bill Karaoke 2012 Back by Popular Demand:
Adult Karaoke on March 16

Mark your calendars now for an Adult  St. Patty's Day Karaoke  Party and Dance on the evening of Saturday, March 16 in Parish Hall. Stay tuned for more details.

UCAN Colorform Logo 03Dec2012

Our Unity Community continues to do its best to reach out to those in need. Here are just some of the upcoming opportunities for us to help our neighbors.


Help Outrun Homelessness on April 27, 2013 
As you may know, School on Wheels of Massachusetts is a nonprofit organization that provides academic stability  and hope for children impacted by homelessness.

Unity Church recently voted to support SOWMA OH Logo w_CCUthe 3rd Annual Outrunning Homelessness 5K Run / 2.6 Mile Fun Walk being held at DCRs Borderland State Park on Saturday, April 27, 2013.

We will support this event by providing volunteers to help School on Wheels the day of the event, but if anyone would like to organize a team for the run/walk, or even participate as an individual or with your families (and pets!), please contact Cathy Adler at 508-243-6679 or Cathy will be working with Melanie D'Aiello to make this happen for UCAN.
Mother's Day Weekend Concert to Benefit A New Day

Unity Church of North Easton has held a concert annually on Mother's Day weekend, for over 10 years, to benefit A New Day (formerly Womansplace Crisis Center). A New Day provides free and confidential counseling and advocacy to all individuals impacted by sexual violence and/or relationship violence.  


Jenn Gold and Frank Smith are teaming up with Music Director Dick Hill to organize this year's popular event to be held on Saturday May 11, 2013.


It is not too early to put this on your calendar. Even more important - it is not too early to talk to Jenn and Frank about how you can help this event raise funds to support this important local resource. Look for their volunteer sign up sheets at church.  


Join us for this wonderful evening - bring your Mom!

Let's keep this outreach going. Stay tuned for more opportunities to give aid to our neighbors and beyond in the coming months.

Looking for Unity Church Member Contact information?
You can find it on our web site under the Member Access menu,
after you log in as a member.

Click here to get to the Member Login.

If you have any trouble logging in, just send a note to the Web Administrator using the instructions on the Member Login page.


The New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA) has a festival in Mansfield each spring. Folk musicians and dancers come from around the world. Some (young adults, musicians) cannot afford hotel rates.


You can help them and raise some funds for Unity Church by providing a bed or even just floor space to participants during the fair on April 19-21, 2013.  


This was a wonderful success last year, generating good will and funds for our community.


For all the details about how you can help,

click here to get to the Unity Church NEFFA web page. 


You can also directly contact Anna Linzi at 781-727-7521 or Anna is leading this event for Unity Church. 

New to Unity Church?
New to Unity Church or want to Join Our Mailing List? 

Big THANK YOU to Our Sunday Helpers!
Thanks to our volunteers who recently helped to make our service an  d Social Hour wonderful:  
  • Jannelle Codiani, Chris Pender, Mark Kunemund, Brigitte vonWeiss, the Executive Committee, the Fellowship Committee, Kate Haven, Jason Gold, Carolyn McCafferty, Edie Marsdon, Michele Blake, Melanie and Mark D'Aiello, David Olson, Lori and Richard Freitas, Ellen Dehm, Nancy D'Uva and Tedd Messier, Cathy Adler, Scott and Cheryl Brigante, Jessica Chapman and Frank Gianonne, Susanne Rogers, MaryLu Love, Ken Love, Carol Heap, Andy and Bob Champagne-Willis, and Susan Merow.  
Unity Church Aiding Neighbors (UCAN)

Click the link above to learn about Social Justice at Unity Church.   

Click the link above to see fundraising opportunities for Unity Church.

The Unity Exchange is a place where members and friends can offer gently used items to others for just a donation to the church. Be sure to check there often, as items are added as they are offered!

When the Weather Outside is FrightfulSnowy Hoe Shop & Trees

For the safety of our friends and members, in
case of extreme weather conditions, please call the church office (508-238-6373) after 8:30 am on the day of the Service or church event for a message about whether the Service or event has been cancelled.  
Upcoming Events

Photo Credits for this Issue of the Unity News
Ellen Dehm, Cheryl Brigante, and Cathy Adler

Unity News Contact Info
For questions or comments regarding this message, please contact Cathy Adler, Unity News Managing Editor & Web Administrator, at .

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