Unity Church of North Easton News
(Unitarian Universalist)
"We Pledge to Walk Together..."
Volume 2, No. 17, February 11, 2013
In This Issue
Lay Service Wisdom
Building Trustees News
RE News
Fellowship News
Church Member List
Severe Weather Policy


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 Historic Unity Church Links

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The Easton Patch

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February is African American History Month

"The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society."

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Click here to contact the Web Administrator.

Anna L Sermon 201
Anna Linzi, Lay Leader 
Lay Service Wisdom
"As we become closer to people, our expectations and their contradicting behavior too often regulates our degree of love and affection. Imagine emotional bondage that can be relinquished when we realize that they are behaving according to their Temperament, not just to drive us crazy." 
- from Personality Plus
by Florence Littauer

Church Office Hours    

UC HH Series  
Building Trustee News
Church Building Trustees
Back Row L to R: Bob Tufts, Dick Hill, Bill Ames, Susanne Rogers, Bob Champagne-Willis Front Row L to R: Jim Baker, Ed White, Craig Fredericks 
After 7 years as the Chairman of the Building Trustees, Bob Tufts has decided to step down from the chairmanship. He will continue to serve as a Trustee. Bob served as Chairman of the Building Trustees, taking over for George Barrows.

Bob joined the Trustees on April 14, 1980, taking over Elise Parker's seat. He was Chairman during the majority of the Unity Church Restoration, and along with the rest of the Building Trustees, was very supportive of all of the Unity Church Restoration Committee's (UCRC) efforts. Bob also served as the Chairman of the Village Cemetery Trustees and oversaw a major makeover of the grounds and updating of the records.

At the December 9, 2012 meeting of the Building Trustees, the Trustees voted in new Chairman Bob Champagne-Willis. Bob has served as a Building Trustee since November of 2006. He served as Treasurer of the Unity Church Restoration Committee, is a Supporting Trust Fund Trustee, and is also the Chairman of the Holly House Restoration.

The Unity Church Building Trustees hold the Unity Church Building and Grounds in trust for the use of the Unity Church of North Easton.The Building Trustees typically meet twice annually. Any changes made  to the church building or grounds must first be approved by the Building Trustees.

The Building Trustees are also responsible for maintaining the requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Preservation Restriction and the Town of Easton Preservation Restriction.

Dick Hill and Bill Ames are Building Trustees who also served on the UCRC, and Susanne Rogers, Craig Fredericks, Ed White, and James Baker complete the current group of Building Trustees.

UCAN Colorform Logo 03Dec2012

Our Unity Community continues to do its best to reach out to those in need. Here are just some of the upcoming opportunities for us to help our neighbors.


Help Outrun Homelessness on April 27, 2013 
As you may know, School on Wheels of Massachusetts is a nonprofit organization that provides academic stability  and hope for children impacted by homelessness.

Unity Church recently voted to support SOWMA OH Logo w_CCUthe 3rd Annual Outrunning Homelessness 5K Run / 2.6 Mile Fun Walk being held at DCRs Borderland State Park on Saturday, April 27, 2013.

We will support this event by providing volunteers to help School on Wheels the day of the event, but if anyone would like to organize a team for the run/walk, or even participate as an individual or with your families (and pets!), please contact Cathy Adler at 508-243-6679 or Cathy will be working with Melanie D'Aiello to make this happen for UCAN.
Mother's Day Weekend Concert to Benefit A New Day

Unity Church of North Easton has held a concert annually on Mother's Day weekend, for over 10 years, to benefit A New Day (formerly Womansplace Crisis Center). A New Day provides free and confidential counseling and advocacy to all individuals impacted by sexual violence and/or relationship violence.  


Jenn Gold and Frank Smith are teaming up with Music Director Dick Hill to organize this year's popular event to be held on Saturday May 11, 2013.


It is not too early to put this on your calendar. Even more important - it is not too early to talk to Jenn and Frank about how you can help this event raise funds to support this important local resource. Look for their volunteer sign up sheets at church.  


Join us for this wonderful evening - bring your Mom!

Let's keep this outreach going. Stay tuned for more opportunities to give aid to our neighbors and beyond in the coming months.

What's New in Religious Education?
Hands & Flames Hello, Winter! Even though the weather outside may be frightfully cold at the moment, our minds are on spring! Each week, we excitedly rush off to Chaffin Room to work on Children's Chapel!

Each week we move a little closer to presenting our very own service! We have spent a great deal of time learning about the Golden Rule, and how it has a basis in all religions (even though some religions state it in very fancy wording).

We have worked together to create art work depicting the different interpretations, which we are very excited to display for everyone to see during our service! And, you would be amazed at how many hymns we have found in our hymnal that relate to the Golden Rule. Narrowing it down to only three may be quite the adventure!

The next few weeks will help us showcase our creativity, as we create our very own sermon and continue to form the different aspects of our Children's Chapel service!

If you are ever curious about what goes on during Religious Education (RE), stop on in and join us. We would love to have you!

For more information, contact Deanna Greenstein, Coordinator of Religious Education, at or 508-238-6373.

Fellowship Logo

Fellowship News & Events 

We Want to Know...Who, who, who are you? 

Name tags help everyone put a face to a name and a name to a face. If you have a name tag on the bulletin board in the Chaffin Room, please wear it.

If you need a name tag,  please tell Cheryl Brigante and she get you one. Cheryl can be contacted at


After coffee hour you can put it into the Name tag box downstairs in Parish Hall or return it to the bulletin board upstairs.  If you forget and take it home, try to leave it in your car or purse, ready for use on Sunday mornings.    


CommUnity Potluck Dinners Start on February 15!  


Webster's Dictionary defines "potluck" as "the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made or a communal meal to which people bring food to share; whatever is offered or available in given circumstances or at a given time.


Sounds pretty stress free, right? 


In the spirit of being together in CommUnity, a group of members have arranged for Parish Hall to be open for a monthly potluck. Please join us! All are welcome!


Lets come together for food, conversation, an opportunity to get to know each other better, an evening of play for the children and chance to use our beautiful new Parish Hall kitchen and dishes. Did you know we have beautiful dishes?


So come one, come all. Come young and young at heart. Come in formal attire or your favorite pair of worn blue jeans. Bring who you like. Stay 'til the end, or bail out early. We will be there with food and smiles, waiting to "welcome you in the fullness of who you are".

Who? All are welcome
What? Monthly CommUnity Potluck!
What (do I bring)? A dish to share!!
Where? Parish Hall
When? 3rd Friday of every month from 6 to 9pm 


Bill Karaoke 2012 Back by Popular Demand:
Adult Karaoke on March 16

Mark your calendars now for an Adult  St. Patty's Day Karaoke  Party and Dance on the evening of Saturday, March 16 in Parish Hall. Stay tuned for more details.  

Looking for Unity Church Member Contact information?
You can find it on our web site under the Member Access menu,
after you log in as a member.

Click here to get to the Member Login.

If you have any trouble logging in, just send a note to the Web Administrator using the instructions on the Member Login page.


The New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA) has a festival in Mansfield each spring. Folk musicians and dancers come from around the world. Some (young adults, musicians) cannot afford hotel rates.


You can help them and raise some funds for Unity Church by providing a bed or even just floor space to participants during the fair on April 19-21, 2013.  


This was a wonderful success last year, generating good will and funds for our community.


For all the details about how you can help,

click here to get to the Unity Church NEFFA web page. 


You can also directly contact Anna Linzi at 781-727-7521 or Anna is leading this event for Unity Church. 

Snowy Hoe Shop & TreesWhen the Weather Outside is Frightful...
For the safety of our friends and members, in case of extreme weather conditions, please call the church office (508-238-6373) after 8:30 am on the day of the Service or church event for a message about whether the Service or event has been cancelled. 

New to Unity Church?
New to Unity Church or want to Join Our Mailing List? 

Big THANK YOU to Our Sunday Helpers!
Thanks to our volunteers who recently helped to make our service an  d Social Hour wonderful:  
  • Jannelle Codiani, Chris Pender, Mark Kunemund, Brigitte vonKen & Carol Greeters 2013Weiss, the Executive Committee, the Fellowship Committee, Kate Haven,   Jason Gold, Carolyn McCafferty, Edie Marsdon, Michele Blake, Melanie and Mark D'Aiello, David Olson, Lori and Richard Freitas, Ellen Dehm, Nancy D'Uva and Tedd Messier, Cathy Adler, Scott and Cheryl Brigante, Jessica Chapman and Frank Gianonne, Susanne Rogers, MaryLu Love, Ken Love and Carol Heap (shown right), Andy and Bob Champagne-Willis, and Susan Merow.  
Unity Church Aiding Neighbors (UCAN)

Click the link above to learn about Social Justice at Unity Church.   

The Fundraising Corner
Click the link above to see fundraising opportunities for Unity Church.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Potluck Dinners Start on Friday, February 15

Adult Karaoke on Saturday, March 16

New England Folk Festival Fundraiser on April 19-21

Outrunning Homelessness on Saturday, April 27

 21st Annual Handbell Concert Series: Unity Church & St. Mark Handbell Choirs, Sunday, April 28

Mother's Day Weekend Concert to Benefit A New Day on Saturday, May 11

Photo Credits for this Issue of the Unity News
Ellen Dehm, Cheryl Brigante, and Cathy Adler

Unity News Contact Info
For questions or comments regarding this message, please contact Cathy Adler, Unity News Managing Editor & Web Administrator, at .

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