New Member

Fitness 365

201 Capital St.

(605) 689-0777


Lynn Mueller - Owner/Manager

Cody Richardson - Owner


New Member

Nissen Wine, Inc.

88973 Hwy. 57

Hartington, NE

(402) 254-3426


Tim Nissen - Owner  

New Member

Lewis & Clark Realty, Inc.

224 W. 3rd St.

(605) 665-9383


Carol Breck - Owner 


New Member

Fort Knox Storage

716 Pine St.

(605) 661-0987


Larry Olson - Owner



The Yankton Chamber is now on Twitter. Follow us today by clicking on the image below!

Calendar of Events
Check out the online
Chamber Member 

Click on the image below

and "Like" us!


Board of Directors

President: Dan Somsen

Vice President: Brett Kennedy


Ken Kopetsky

Past President: Marcy Moser


Chuck Aman

Bridget Benson

Shane Bertsch

Chris Ferdig

Matt Hanson

Kenny Kopetsky

Tammy Matuska

Kathy Quinlivan

Becky Stanga

Josh Svatos

Jack Weeks

Todd Woods

Ribbon Cuttings
See the latest ribbon cuttings
on the Chamber Web site. 
Farm Credit Services of America
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings:
June 26 - Fitness 365
June 27 - Maurices
August 13 - Ace Phone Shop
40th Anniversary
40th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Open House

Roy Wilcox Insurance
200 W. 4th St.
July 1
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Public Hearing on Transportation Issues - July 1


On July 1 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. there will be a public hearing on transportation issues that impact local governments. It will be held at the Regional Technical Education Center, 1200 W. 21st St. Senator Vehle and his Task Force are looking for input as they are putting their plans together for a State Highway Bill.

Upcoming Events -


(click on the title of each event for more information or to register.)


July 1 - Public Hearing on Transportation Issues

July 11 - New Member Orientation

Chamber Ag Gala Recap


Over 300 people attended the Chamber Ag Gala on June 17. Here is a quick recap for those that missed the event.


Lt. Governor Matt Michels was our Master of Ceremonies for the evening. S.D. Secretary of Ag Lucas Lentsch was our guest speaker. Here is an article from the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan on his presentation - P & D Article.


Thanks to all our sponsors and donors. We were able to give out four $3,500 P.A.Y. Scholarships this year.


Congratulations to:  


Ben Barleman (Coleridge, NE)


Alexandra Vlcek (Tabor, SD)



Ty Dybdal (Newcastle, NE)



Jacob Kaiser (Fordyce, NE)


Congratulations to the Farm Family of the Year -

Robert & Marilyn Weverstad and Tom & Terri Arens.




Scam Alert


The Yankton Chamber has been notified by another South Dakota Chamber that a company has been trying to scam local businesses posing as the Chamber.


The scam includes a call to local businesses saying they are a representative of the Chamber and are calling to update their information. Upon receiving the updates, they then inform the business that they are past due and need to pay immediately and can do so with their credit card.


Carmen Schramm, Executive Director or the Yankton Chamber advises, "With any solicitation, never give any information over the phone without first verifying that the caller truly represents who they say they are. Ask for a name and number to call back and then call our office at 665-3636 to verify. While we do have staff and volunteers who do call for information and payments - we ask that you do contact us just to be sure."


Generally once a business begins asking questions, the caller will hang up. If your business does receive a suspicious call of any nature, we ask that you report the incident to the Chamber so that we can contact the proper authorities.


Blood Drive Results


nullThank you for everyone that turned out to give blood on June 25. You saved lives and made a difference in the community!


There were 31 donors and 29 life-saving units of blood were donated. That helps save the lives of 87 patients. We also saw 12 first time donors!