Insight on Autism  
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In This Issue
Upcoming Trainings
Autism Study
Fall Regional Workshops
Training Site Project
Structured Work Systems
Adult Webinar Series
ASD Support Groups
KY Peer Support Network
New KATC Field Trainer
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Upcoming Trainings


Understanding Challenging Behavior in Individuals with Autism

(Six State Park Locations)

9/4 -Blue Licks Battlefield 
9/24- Barren River Lake 
10/15- Lake Barkley 
10/29- My Old Kentucky Home
11/11- Jenny Wiley 
3/24- Cumberland Falls 

(The following webinars are free to attend.  
Space is limited)

9/16- Structured Work Systems in the Classroom and at Home

10/08 - Housing Options for Adults with Autism

10/14-Seclusion and Restraint Legislation: What does this mean for public schools?

11/12- How to Access Services Available through the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

11/20- Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy Techniques with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

12/4- Structured Work Systems Part 2: Structuring Learning to Incorporate Academic Goals

12/10- Accessing, Recognizing and Advocating for Quality Employment Supports


9/8- From the Table to the Playground: Practical Applications for ABA in Early Childhood Environments


9/22- Drowning in Data! Streamlining the RTI Process in Preschool

10/20- Early Childhood Development & Autism


11/3- Environmental & Instructional Supports for Students' with Autism in the Preschool Classroom


12/8- Systematic Instruction in the Preschool Classroom

More information and registration for all trainings is

Autism study for children 4 to less than 8 years old

The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children's Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate how a medication treats abnormal EEGs without seizures, as well as behavioral and neurological symptoms, in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If a child qualifies to take part in this research study, he/she will receive the study medication or placebo and study-related care at no cost. Parents will be offered compensation for time/travel. IRB #13.0779

Additional Information: Carrie Schanie, 629-6802 or 620-0000 (pager).

Download Flyer [PDF]


Kentucky Autism Training Center
University of Louisville Autism Center at Kosair Charities
1405 E. Burnett Ave.

Louisville, KY 40217 



Diandre Glover Thomas, MA

Insight on Autism, Editor

Autism Center News
SUMMER 2014                                                         ISSUE# 14
In this issue of Insight on Autism we are excited to share information about KATC's upcoming training opportunities. We have regional workshops, webinars and online courses scheduled this fall that range in topics from early childhood through transitioning to adulthood.  As the 2014-15 school year begins we are excited to continue the training site project in 26 counties this year and we have added two new field trainers to work with this project as well. Check out our online training calendar and sign up to attend a training today.
Understanding Challenging Behaviors in Individuals with ASD

Regional workshops addressing ASD and challenging behavior begins on Sept. 4th 

hugging-child-laughing.jpg By Michelle Antle, Ed.S.

Stop!" "Don't hit!" "No biting!" "Go to time-out...NOW!"  These are all common words heard in homes across the country in response to negative behaviors.  Do they work?  What are some strategies that do? Behaviors can be self-injurious, aggressive, or just plain non-compliant.  Regardless, the presence of these behaviors can be a scary thing for parents, caregivers, and educators. These behaviors can be even more severe in individuals with autism due to their lack of understanding of social situations and sometimes, their inability to communicate their wants and needs effectively. So how can I teach my child positive behaviors and eliminate the negative ones? Article continued

Training Site Initiative Project Continues 
The KATC training site project will include schools from 26 counties across Kentucky during the 2014-15 school year

By Laura Ferguson, M.Ed., BCBA

Last year and again this year, KATC will work in collaboration with all of the special education cooperatives throughout the state. Our work in the classroom involves monthly visits to support the local educational team in planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction. We work with the school team to select objectives and instructional plans for specified students as well as classrooms. Through the project our goal is to increase the school's capacity for serving children with autism spectrum disorders by supporting their implementation of research-based strategies. Article continued.

Structured Work System in the Classroom and at Home

Kim Howard will discuss how to create a structured work system in the classroom and at home in a free two part webinar series this Fall

By Kim Howard, M.Ed.

As we swing into a new school year let's take a look at one way we can provide children with autism the visual supports they need to learn new information.   A research based strategy that is proven effective is Structured Work System. Structured Work Systems stem out of the TEACCH program in Chapel Hill, NC.  Structured work systems provide learners with autism a much needed way to understand what is being asked of them. Article continued.
Life Goes on, Even After the School Bus Stops Coming!


KATC will host a free webinar series devoted to transitioning to adulthood this Fall


By Heidi Cooley-Cook

As individuals with autism get older, focus shifts and parents/caregivers begin a new journey with their loved one as they transition out of school and into adulthood. This path may go in a variety of directions, but the ultimate goal is for independence. Independence will look different for each individual, but with the proper supports, adults with autism can be active and engaged members of their communities!  Article continued.

ASD Support Groups Making Strides in KY

Bowling Green is like a lot of small cities with a good amount of services for families living with autism, but no central avenue for families to navigate those resources.  Bowling Green has a population of about 65,000 people.  Our educational co-op (GRECC) is located here, and we also have Lifeskills which facilitates many services including Michelle P. waiver and First Steps for a 10 county area. We are also a college town with Western Kentucky University up on the hill.  We have additional programs available through WKU as well.

While we have a number of amazing resources, most agencies have functioned in isolation over the years.  While schools and providers work with many of the same children, there has been little collaboration to help kids reach their goals.  Article Continued

Kentucky Peer Support Network Project

Building friendships and expanding inclusive activities for students with significant disabilities in Kentucky

By Patti Parsons

Research tells us that making friends can be especially hard for students with significant disabilities. Peer supports and peer networks can help foster relationships by bringing students together! The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute, through funding from the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, is training schools throughout the state to set up Peer Support and Peer Network Programs. 

Article continued.
KATC Welcomes Michelle Antle
KATC would like to welcome our new Field Trainer, Michelle 
Michelle Antle
Antle.  Michelle completed her undergraduate degree at Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro, Kentucky. While at Kentucky Wesleyan, Michelle discovered her passion for working with children on the autism spectrum. She pursued training in Applied Behavior Analysis and became a home provider for The Childhood Learning Center. Michelle then moved south to attend graduate school at Western Kentucky University where she completed her Ed.S. degree in the field of school psychology. Upon moving to south central Kentucky, she realized the lack of autism support services for children and families so partnered with Family Options to share her knowledge and to improve the level of care in the area.  Article Continued.
Follow Up to the Safety Webinar Series
By Heidi Cooley-Cook

Fire Prevention Month is October and I encourage each of you to reach out to your local fire departments to acquaint yourselves with them and provide an opportunity for your loved one affected by autism to meet a firefighter and review the Safety Webinar Series.  Below is some additional information that you may find helpful with regards to safety! 

Major Gosper, Lexington Fire Department, shared a great video for First Responders - created for Montgomery County Pennsylvania.  Take a moment to view it and share with First Responders in your community.  

Article Continued.
The mission of the Kentucky Autism Training Center is to strengthen our state's systems of support for persons affected by autism by bridging research to practice and by providing training and resources to families and professionals. KATC is committed to improving the quality of life for those affected by ASD