Insight on Autism  
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Kentucky Autism Training Center
University of Louisville Autism Center at Kosair Charities
1405 E. Burnett Ave.
Louisville, KY 40217 

[email protected]

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In This Issue
Featured Book
Upcoming Webinars
Awareness Yearound
Inclusive Classrooms
Summer Camps
Summer Conference
Service Database
UK ASD Program
Quick Resource Links

Family Guide
Awareness Brochures
Featured Book
Autism Through a Sisters Eyes
Autism Through a Sister's Eyes

By Eve B. Band, Ph.D.
and Emily Hecht

World Future Horizons Inc

Written by Eve Band, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, this book gives voice to ten-year-old Emily's story: her questions about her brother, her search for answers about autism, and her exploration of her feelings as a sibling of a young man with autism. 
Learn more about how to check out this book or other available titles in the Amanda L. King Resource Library

Autism and Early Childhood Education Professional Development Webinar Series

This training series has been approved for continuing education credits thought the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care and education leadership credits from the Effective Education Leadership Act (EILA). *Certificates of attendance will also be provided upon completion of the training.

Early Childhood Development & Autism
6/13/2013 at noon (EST)

Environmental & Instructional Supports for Students' with Autism in the Preschool Classroom
6/20/2013 at noon (EST)

Systematic Instruction in the Preschool Classroom
6/27/2013 at noon (EST)


Autism Awareness Webinar Series

Autism Awareness

Recorded webinar available online anytime on demand (originally aired 5/15/2013)

**The remaining two webinars in this series will be available on demand following the live webinar presentation.


Bridges to the Future Transitional Care Program Family Webinar Series

Medication Management
6/3/2013 at noon (EST)

Your New Rights and Responsibilities
6/26/2013 at noon (EST)

Diandre Glover Thomas, MA
Insight on Autism, Editor
Autism Awareness 
In Our Schools and Community

Spring 2013                                                              Issue #10
In this issue of Insight on Autism you will find information to help you build awareness about autism in your community, create inclusive classrooms for children with disabilities and find a summer camp for your child.  We have many new webinar trainings and a two day conference next month focusing on special education that are now open for registration. 

Ideas for Autism Awareness Year Round

By Julie Stewart, M.Ed.


As an agency directly focused on supporting the autism community, we are overfilled with joy for dedication of individuals hosting so many activities that occur for Autism Awareness month every April.  Information being spread across the Commonwealth will help to change the lives of individuals with autism and their families; however, we know these individuals and families deserve more than an awareness month. 


"Autism is more than April" kept running through my mind throughout the month and inspired me to research awareness activities to suggest.  These activities and probably any autism awareness activities can be implemented across the year, because truly autism awareness is more than a month.  Article Continued

Developing Inclusive Classrooms 

By Laura Ferguson, M.Ed., BCBA


If you are a teacher in any school or classroom you will have individuals in your classroom that will have unique learning needs. It is important that if we are going to fully include everyone we have to make sure that all students in the class are accepting of each other. Here are some tips to encourage all students to be accepting of each other.


Lead by example. Teachers have the opportunity to lead by example throughout the school day. If you treat a student with special needs different other students in the class will follow your lead. Your actions and words will tell a child how to respond to his classmate, so treat them how you would like your students to treat them. Article Continued

How to Choose a Summer Camp?

By Heidi Cooley-Cook


Summer break is quickly approaching.  Some children are waiting anxiously for the time when they can play outside all day, wake up late, or take a summer vacation. Others are anxious just thinking about leaving school, changing teachers, not having the same routine, and wondering what the summer will hold. 


Many parents are savoring these last few days of school and scrambling to find appropriate activities and settings for their child during the break.   Finding a suitable summer camp for a child with special needs including autism can be a daunting task.  Below you will find a few questions to keep in mind when researching summer camps for your child.  You'll also find the list of summer camps.  Article continued

 Autism Center News
University of Louisville Special Education Conference: Innovative Research to Practical Application
Hosted by the KY Autism Training Center and the College of Education and Human Development Department of Special Education


June 18-19, 2013

8:00 am - 4:30 pm 


Keynote Speakers

Tuesday June 18th

Kathleen Lynn Lane
Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (CI3T) Models of Prevention: The Importance of Systematic Behavior Screenings 

Wednesday, June 19th

Erik Carter
Promoting Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships: What We Know About Helping Youth with Autism to Flourish During and After High School 

Sessions will address: *Common Core Standards, *Behavior Management, *Communication Instruction, *Self-Determination, *Transition, *Parent Professional Collaboration, *Social Skills, *Health Issues and many more topics . . . 

This conference is designed to provide educators, service providers, students and families from across the Commonwealth with the latest research-based tools for supporting students with disabilities across the lifespan. 


Download flyer [PDF]



Kentucky Autism Services and Support Providers Database
The goal of the Kentucky Autism Services and Supports Directory is to include all providers who serve individuals with disabilities in Kentucky. The database is not complete. We encourage all service providers to submit their information so they can be included here. 
Families and service coordinators can search the database by region, county, type of service and age range served.   The directory is located at  If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected]

University of Kentucky Offers New Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate Program


The University of Kentucky is now offering a graduate certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders. This certificate consists of five classes offered in the summer and evenings. The content of this graduate certificate in ASD will focus on serving individuals on the ASD spectrum, across the lifespan. An interdisciplinary approach will provide students with a foundation of characteristics, etiologies, assessment issues/strategies, communication, collaboration, and research-based interventions used with individuals with ASD.  

Students will learn to critically analyze current trends, issues, and therapies used with individuals with ASD, providing a comprehensive array of practical research-based instructional approaches to use. An emphasis on collaboration with families and other professionals, facilitating access to the general curriculum, and appropriate assessment will be included throughout coursework.


The ASD certificate will culminate in a face-to-face institute where students will connect content knowledge for courses taken with practical applications. The majority of the courses are offered in the summer via Adobe Connect. For more information, please contact Dr. Amy Spriggs at [email protected] or 859-257-9105.


Download Flyer [PDF]

The mission of the Kentucky Autism Training Center is to strengthen our state's systems of support for persons affected by autism by bridging research to practice and by providing training and resources to families and professionals. KATC is committed to improving the quality of life for those affected by ASD