Health care Finance News & Alerts for Practice Managers and Staff
Sept. 4, 2013
ICD-10 Discussion with the Payers
Tuesday Sept. 17, 2013 | 12 - 1:30 PM MDT

Ever wonder how the payers are doing with their transition to ICD-10? Will they be ready Oct. 1, 2014? Do they anticipate any further delays?

Would you like to know when you can start testing? Will they be able to test with all providers? And what's the process for getting in line for testing?

Be sure to join us on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 12 - 1:30 PM when representatives from Anthem, Cigna, Rocky Mountain Health Plans and UnitedHealthcare will answer these questions and more.

Click here to register today. If you have a question you want to be sure is addressed, send it in an email to [email protected].

Now available: On-demand recording of Aug. 20 Q&A

Two of the ICD-10 Coalition members are coding consultants by trade: Sandy Giangreco, RHIT,CCS, RCC, CPC, CPC-H, CPC-I, PCS and Robin Linker, CHCA, CHCAS, CPC-I, CPC-H, CPC-P, MCS-P, CHC. During a conference call on Aug. 20, they reviewed the ICD-10 coding principle and answered attendees' questions.

Click here to view the on-demand recording. Click here to download the program slides.

ICD-10 does not just impact electronic transactions

The National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) released an updated Health Insurance Claim Form, version 02/12. The NUCC updated the 1500 claim form to accommodate several changes, including the need to accept ICD-10 codes. The updated 1500 claim form allows physicians to identify the version of the diagnosis code set being reported (ICD-9 or ICD-10), expands the number of diagnosis codes that can be reported from four to 12, and improves the accuracy of certain data reported.

Medicare anticipates implementing the 02/12 1500 claim form as follows:

  • Jan. 6, 2014: Medicare begins receiving and processing paper claims submitted on the 02/12 1500 claim form.
  • Jan. 6 through March 31, 2014: Dual use period during which Medicare continues to receive and process paper claims submitted on the old 08/05 1500 claim form.
  • April 1, 2014: Medicare receives and processes paper claims submitted only on the 02/12 1500 claim form.

A sample of the 02/12 1500 claim form is available on the NUCC website at Also available is the NUCC's 02/12 1500 Reference Instruction Manual, which provides instructions for completing the revised fields on the form.

Register for Sept. 24 physician documentation session

What do ICD-10 and E&M coding have in common? The answer is documentation. Appropriate physician documentation matters more today than perhaps ever before - not just because of audits, but also because of the looming conversion to ICD-10. Many practices fall down here and needlessly expose themselves to risks - financial and legal. Make sure you are doing it right.

Plan on attending this interactive training session specifically geared for physicians and their practice teams and taught by the recognized physician documentation experts at Physician Reimbursement Systems. It will be held Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6-8:30 PM MDT at the Colorado Medical Society building in Denver. Learn how you can code better, get paid and still sleep at night.

Click here for more information and to register.

Webcast: EHR + ICD-10 = "Issues"

In this short webcast, Barbara Drury, president of Pricare Inc., discusses potential EHR issues around ICD-10. Barb provides great pointers that will assist you address these EHR considerations during your ICD-10 transition.

Click here to view the webcast. Click here to download the slides.