SGR repeal bill advances in federal committee
On July 23, the Health Subcommittee of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a bipartisan draft bill that would repeal the sustainable growth rate formula (SGR) and move Medicare to a payment system that rewards quality and reduces costs. The draft bill was released last week and the subcommittee adopted an amendment during the mark-up to make technical changes to the legislation, but no significant changes were made in the policies set forth in the original bill.
The full Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to vote on the legislation before the five-week congressional recess that is scheduled to begin on Aug. 1.
Ardis Hoven, MD, president of the American Medical Association, praised congressional leaders for their work to fix the Medicare physician payment system this year but also said that there is work to be done to ensure a strong future for Medicare.
"When crafting new payment systems, lawmakers must ensure that funding for Medicare's payments to physicians is sufficient to allow for sustainable practice environments that give physicians the ability to invest in new ways of improving care for patients.
"This includes maintaining budget neutrality related to adjustments to correct misvalued codes as part of that ongoing process. Changes to quality reporting requirements should build on the existing system rather than attempting to implement a new regimen that adds administrative burdens and could distract from more effective efforts to improve patient care."
The AMA has followed this bill closely as it has developed. Click here to read a draft of the subcommittee proposal. Click here to read the AMA's comments on the bill.
Register for the 2013 Annual Meeting in Vail, Sept. 20-22
Register today for the Colorado Medical Society's 143rd Annual Meeting. Make plans to join us in Vail for "Mardi Gras in the Mountains," a celebration injected with a touch of Cajun spice, humor and joie de vivre.
> Click here to download a PDF registration form. Online registration will be available soon.
Also, reserve your hotel room at our host hotel, the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort. Click here to reserve your room online. The CMS group rate starting at $149/night for a standard room is available through Sept. 4, 2013.
For more information on Annual Meeting, including the draft agenda, go to www.cms.org/events/annual-meeting.
Online CME available: SBIRT mentor training
Disease prevention and the reduction of harm related to substance use are integral to the delivery of health care, and screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) of patients for substance use is becoming a critical part of today's patient care. Learn more about this topic through an online CME program, "The Substance Use SBIRT mentor."
Participants will learn how to help improve patient outcomes by identifying substance use behaviors and determining a patient's level of risk related to alcohol and other drug use. You will also learn how to provide brief motivational interviewing about the health impact of substance use - and how to effectively refer a patient to treatment when appropriate.
The cost of the program is $99, though Colorado Medical Society members who register by Aug. 1, 2013, can receive 20 percent off by entering coupon code SBIRTCMS20%. After successful completion of the training and post-test, you will receive a certificate for 3 contact hours. For more information and to register, go to www.CMEcorner.com/SBIRT.
AMA prescription for a healthier practice: Select a practice management system to maximize efficiency
Throughout the "Prescription for a healthier practice" check-up series, the American Medical Association has encouraged physician practices to streamline administrative processes through the use of electronic transactions. To do this, it is imperative to have a practice management system that meets your practice's needs.
To help you select and purchase the most appropriate software for your practice, AMA and the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) collaborated to develop an online toolkit and the AMA-MGMA Vendor Directory. Built on specific responses to survey questions posed to vendors, this directory can make your search for practice management system software easier. AMA and MGMA members can query, filter options and print out detailed vendor responses to all survey questions.
Free to members of the AMA and the MGMA, the "Selecting a Practice Management System" toolkit provides a roadmap to make this process easier for your practice. Click here to access the vendor directory and its related toolkit resources today.
This tip is part of the AMA Practice Management Center's "Prescription for a healthier practice" series.
Exclusive member benefit: DocbookMD
The Colorado Medical Society is proud to present a new, FREE member benefit, DocbookMD. DocbookMD is a HIPAA-compliant mobile app that allows physicians to send messages, text patient information, and exchange images such as X-Rays or EKGs over a secure mobile platform. It functions in a way that complements what we already do daily, but not in a way that adds work, wastes time, or burdens us with new systems. Download DocbookMD from the Apple App store for iPhone, and iPad, or Google Play for Android devices. Click here for more information or go to docbookmd.com. |
Help your patients save money with free prescription drug card
The Colorado Medical Society has partnered with Colorado Drug Card to provide savings to your patients of up to 75 percent on prescription drugs at over 56,000 retail pharmacies. You can help by encouraging your patients to print a free Colorado Drug Card at www.coloradodrugcard.com. The cards are even customizable to your practice; click here for more information.
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