CLEA Bulletpoint

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NPFBA Long Term Care Ad

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)    

Applies to:

Long Term Disability & Long Term Care  


The Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, ambulating, continence and eating. A person's ability to perform these activities generally determines the degree of his/her disability and eligibility for benefits. For example, the NPFBA Long Term Care Plan requires a person to be unable to perform a minimum of 2 ADLs including transferring to be eligible for Home Care.   

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If you have something you'd like to advertise, please send an email with the information to [email protected].  

Publication is at CLEA's discretion.  

March 2014    
Exciting Enhancements to the CLEA LTD Plan - Effective February 25, 2014.

For nearly 30 years, CLEA has strived to provide the best benefits to its members at an affordable cost. This means adjusting the benefits periodically to address the needs of the members.

  • New benefit: 85% of wages for Non-Industrial Disabilities. If you earn $8,000 per month, your new disability benefit represents a $400 per month increase.
  • New benefit: Death Benefit is $65,000 payable to any listed beneficiary, on/off duty, natural, accidental and terminal illness.
  • New benefit: 70% of wages during waiting period down to "0" days if you have less than 60 calendar days of personal leave - a 20% increase of benefits.
  • Benefit Change: $100 per month Minimum Benefit for Industrial and Challenged Workers' Comp. 

For Illustration only. Please see Plan Documents for details. CA Insurance Lic. #0544968

Workers' Compensation Medical Treatment

Pre-designation of the Treating Physician

Police officers who have sustained a work injury, such as a suspect assault or motor vehicle accident are faced with a complex system that can be a maze. After an injury, a primary concern is receiving prompt medical treatment so that the officer can return back to work. All too often, however, medical treatment benefits are stymied for officers, prolonging the off duty status and creating further uncertainty in their future. This article will provide a guide for the medical treatment benefits in the workers' compensation process.


When an officer sustains a work injury, the agency must provide medical treatment that will cure and relieve the effects of the injury. Labor Code �4600 outlines the employer's obligations to provide prompt medical treatment.


The plain language of the �4600 is clear--the employer must timely provide and authorize medical treatment. Unfortunately, in 2004 the medical treatment benefits experienced significant changes under the Workers' Compensation reform bills by then--Governor Schwarzenegger.                 

Now, the injured officer must select physicians within the employer Medical Provider Network (MPN). The MPN will identify a number of treating physicians by specialty in the surrounding geographic area of where the officer resides. It is important to determine who the good treating physicians are on the MPN list. If the officer has no predesignated treating physician, the injured officer will be forced into locating a treating physician within the network.


On the other hand, if the officer predesignates a primary treating physician (PTP), the officer can avoid the MPN. An officer may be treated for an industrial injury by a personal physician that was predesignated prior to the industrial injury if the following three conditions are met: (1) Notice of the pre-designation of a personal physician is in writing, and (2) is provided to the agency prior to the industrial injury for which treatment by the personal physician is sought. Lastly, the notice shall include the personal physician's name and business address. Click to Read More 


John A. Ferrone is a partner in the law firm of Adams, Ferrone & Ferrone. The law firm specializes in the representation of public safety regarding contract negotiation, grievances, internal affairs, officer involved shootings, workers' compensation, retirement, and personal injury. The law firm has offices in Westlake Village, Newport Beach, Bakersfield, and San Diego. If you have further inquires, please e-mail them to [email protected].

Applications for Children's Scholarship Program Must Be Postmarked
April 1, 2014

Information & Application Packet are available at

Top 10 Reasons to Buy NPFBA
Long Term Care Coverage

  1. Rates are 50% to 70% lower than other long term care (LTC) plans.   
  2. Lifetime Benefits -- Waiver of Payment while receiving payments.   
  3. Fixed payment terms -- No lifetime payments.
  4. 5% Compounded Inflation Protection means your benefit grows for the first 15 years you're in the plan. 
  5. Skilled/Nursing Care benefits start at $150 per day and grow to $297 per day.*   
  6. Residential/Assisted Living benefits start at $105 per day and grow to $208 per day.*   
  7. In-Home Care benefits start at $75 per day and grow to $148 per day.*   
  8. Death Benefit.   
  9. Available only to law enforcement department employees and their spouse. Managed by your CLEA Executive Board Members (NPFBA Trustees).   
  10. Plan actuarially sound through 2085 as of the last actuary.

Download NPFBA Information


Download NPFBA Cost Schedules 


*Other Plan options available. For illustration only. Refer to Plan documents for specific details. CA Insurance Lic. #O544968

Upcoming Events

Children's Scholarship Deadline
Date: April 1, 2014
More Information:

California Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremonies
Date: May 4 & 5, 2014
Location: Sacramento
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If you have an event you'd like us to include, please send an email to [email protected]