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NPFBA Long Term Care Ad

Severe Cognitive Impairment  

Applies to:

Long Term Care  


As the result of mental deterioration caused by Alzheimer's disease or other mental disease, a person needs supervision or assistance to protect himself/herself and others.


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May 2013    
Court of Appeals Eliminates One Year of Temporary Disability Benefits for Public Safety Officers

Labor Code section 4850 provides public safety officers, who become disabled while performing their duties, to a one-year leave of absence without loss of salary in lieu of temporary disability payments for that year. After the injured officer has received the one year of 4850 pay, the officer is then entitled to temporary disability at the state rate.


Up until recently, the WCAB in City of Oakland v. WCAB and City of Long Beach v. WCAB held the two-year limit on temporary disability did not apply to 4850 benefits. Law Enforcement Officers would be entitled to one year of 4850 and then two years of temporary disability paid at the state rate.


However, the Legislature once again amended Labor Code section 4656 by stating "aggregate disability payments for a single injury occurring on or after January 1, 2008, causing temporary disability shall not extend more that 104 compensable weeks within a period of five years from the date of injury." The intent was to provide a period of five years to collect the 104 weeks of temporary disability. However, with this change there arose a new challenge to the prior case law holding that 4950 was excluded from the 104-week cap.


In County of Alameda v. WCAB (2013), a deputy sheriff was injured on duty and received the one-year of 4850 benefits and an additional year of temporary disability benefits. At the end of the two years, the County stopped paying the officer, contending that 4850 benefits applied against the two-year cap in the amended provisions of Labor Code section. 4656. The County of Alameda appealed the WCAB's decision to the Court of Appeals, First District.


In a published opinion, the Court of Appeals actually reversed the WCAB, holding 4850 benefits paid to an injured officer count towards the 104-week limit on temporary disability benefits. The Court of Appeals reasoned the plain language of the amended section 4656 expressed a clear Legislative intent that "aggregate disability payments" included 4850 benefits. Absent a specific exclusion, the Court held 4850 benefits are subject to the two-year limit on temporary disability benefits. The decision was certified for publication and remains the law, unless the case is appealed to the California Supreme Court.


In effect, the Court of Appeals took away an extra year of temporary disability benefits that public safety officers previously enjoyed. An injured officer is now entitled to one year of 4850 benefits and only a single year of temporary disability for a total of two years.


With this change in law, it also becomes critical to resolve any delays in medical treatment in that two-year window from the date of injury. The longer the officer's condition remains at temporary total disability, the closer the officer approaches the fiscal cliff of being off work without any temporary disability benefits. That officer must then rely on permanent disability advances, if any are payable, which pay at a fraction of the temporary disability rate. One way to avoid this fiscal cliff is to ensure that the officer has available the CLEA Long Term Disability Plan to deal with the loss of benefits at the end of the two years.


Excerpt of an article by John A. Ferrone, a partner in the law firm of Adams, Ferrone & Ferrone.

Long Term Care and Alzheimer's Disease


As American life expectancy increases, our retirement planning needs change. Today we must plan for living into our eighties and the possibility of developing Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. It's estimated that 1 in 8 people over 65 have Alzheimer's. After age 65, the risks of developing Alzheimer's increases and almost half of people 85 or older have Alzheimer's. The symptoms of Alzheimer's include memory loss, difficulty understanding images and spatial relationships, changes in personality, and loss of motor skills. All of these symptoms increase in severity over the course of the disease creating need for assistance with everyday life, and then need for round-the-clock care.


If we are more likely to live into our eighties and nineties and therefore more likely to develop Alzheimer's, how do we plan for our future? Long Term Care (LTC) Benefit Plans, such as the NPFBA LTC Plan, are a sensible option. LTC Plans help pay for your care. The NPFBA LTC Plan provides money for home care, assisted living, and skilled care. If you are one of the unlucky 46% who have Alzheimer's after age 85, having money beyond your pension available for care will provide your family with options. You may believe that your family will act as your caregiver but Alzheimer's patients need ever increasing amounts of care often outstripping the capabilities of family members. An Alzheimer's patient, who starts with in-home care, will eventually need 24 hour skilled care as the disease progresses. Because of this progression of care, it's important to have a LTC Plan like NPFBA with different levels of care built into the Plan. Additionally, medical advances lead to increased longevity in Alzheimer's patients as well as the general population. Living longer means that an Alzheimer's patient may need care for 10 or 20 years.  


The high risk of developing Alzheimer's makes the NPFBA LTC Plan's lifetime benefit period especially valuable. Other LTC plans usually cover a benefit period of 3 to 5 years, which will create a financial crisis for your family when you're still in skilled care 7 or 10 years later. Many people think about this type of coverage but the truth of the matter is that now is the time to buy coverage while you are still young, healthy and actively working - it will never be cheaper or easier to purchase LTC protection that will cover you into retirement and the rest of your life.


For more information call 1-877-582-0003 or visit
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Oakland A's Law Enforcement Day
Date: July 14, 2013
Time: 1:05 PM
Location: Coliseum, 7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland
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National Nite Out
Date: August 6, 2013
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CLEA Board of Directors Meeting

Date: September 13, 2013
Location: Sacramento

If you have an event you'd like us to include, please send an email to [email protected].