Increasing Quality of Life for Families through Microloans and Education  
Newsletter, February, 2015  
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            A Second Loan Cycle Begins 
We have five mothers who this past month completed their first loan cycle. They all paid back their loan of $100 - with interest. We're proud of them, and delighted that we were able to help them get their businesses started. Below we see our director, Suy Leang, and assistant, Srey Roth, addressing the women as they celebrate and prepare to receive their second loan ($150):
               Mothers gather for start of their second loan cycle

Below we are featuring two of the mothers, Kol Nget and Horl Sary (first photo as they receive their $150 loan, and the second as each is visited at their home business location by our director, Suy Leang). You can help more such women to achieve success by making a small donation.

                          Please click here to donate.

                                       Kol Nget

Kol Nget receives her second loan

Suy Leang, visits Kol Nget's cake business

Kol Nget: "Everyday morning, I woke up at 4:00 am to prepare the powder and to make Chinese-cake. I was happy to see Mr. Leang visited me during I was making the cake. This month, I am doing fine and I could earn and made some profit of the money to feed my kids so they can go to school. I bought some books for them. Mr. Leang came in the early morning at 5:00 am ( still dark) to take photos with me at my home! Thank you for your great work to support for my family. I was very happy to get a second loan. Without MfM in my village, I could not run my small business. I love MfM in my village. You are doing a wonderful work to help the poor family such as mine!"

Horl Sary

Horl Sary's daughter receives their second loan

                     Suy Leang, visits Horl Sary's snack store                    

Horl Sary: "I and my daughter are selling sugar cane and snack food such as candy, crackers etc; my daughter is running a business for me now at this moment. I am busy with my son and I am trying to look after him while he just married to new family. My shop is running well. I thank to Microloan for Mother to provide me the second loan. Without the assistant from your organization, I could not do to sustain my family. This month, my business is doing great and I earn some money so that I can feed my family and repay the loan back. MfM is doing great work to help the poor family in Cambodia."

             To see the full January Report click here
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In This Issue
New Loan Cycle
Hi Everybody!


It's really great to see the level of success that some of the women in our lending program are having. When we read their comments it becomes very clear that we are making a very significant difference in their lives. For us here in America it can be difficult to understand how significant an impact a small loan of $100 or $150 can make. let me put it in perspective: For the poor in Cambodia, they get by on less than $2 per day - in other words, about $50. So when you look at a loan of $150 you are really looking at an amount equal to what a poor mother would make in three months. It's very clear that getting a lump sum of three months salary is a large amount of money. It's an amount that they could never hope to save up on their own, and gives them the capital they need to start a real business. Check out the photos to the left, and read the comments coming from two of our clients. To me it's heartwarming to see how much good can come from (for us) just a small amount of money. And, of course, this is a loan. The money comes back to us so we can lend it out again to benefit more women. If you would like to add your name to the list of donors you too can make a real difference. Please give it some serious thought. Click here to make a donation.    


And don't forget, as I mentioned in our last newsletter, we're still raising funds to build more latrines for families in need. The cost for one latrine is $200. If you would like to assist in this area simply click the link below to reach our donate page. Mention "latrine sponsorship" in the "comments" section below the credit card information. You can do a one-time donation for the full amount, or do a monthly payment plan, as some donors have done. It will make a world of difference for a poor family.  


 Please donate here.    




Take care for now.    


 Niels Lund

Executive Director

 Microloans For Mothers 

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