A News Update from Yugo Ministries - Grace Babies' Home
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Friends of Grace Babies' Home,
Greetings from the land of all things baby! It is hard to believe that this time last year we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of babies. Now, with five precious little ones, our home has evolved from quiet, clean and orderly to... well, let's just call it "organized chaos". Even still, there is no place I would rather be. As articulated so well in Journey To The Fatherless, "Jesus lives in the lives of the forgotten. He has taken up residence in the ignored and poor. If we want to see Jesus we must go among the lonely, the widow or single mom doing life alone, the child in foster care, the broken and busted people of life, and there we will see Him." Jesus has taken up residence among our babies at Grace Babies' Home, and therefore I get to see Him everyday. As you read this edition of Baby Talk, I hope that you too will see Him. God bless you for loving our babies and making GBH your ministry to the fatherless.
Juan Strutton
Director, GBH