JUNE 2013

A News Update from Yugo Ministries - Grace Babies' Home

Warm Summer Greetings From Grace Babies' Home!


Even though our GBH family doesn't technically experience the pressures that come with the school year, we still feel a sense of relaxing calm come over our home as the weather warms. Though nothing changes in our model or methods of care, summer brings a refreshing perspective to everything we do. We have a lot to look forward to this summer, which also adds an element of excitement to our home. As you read this edition of Baby Talk, we hope you will share in our excitement and be encouraged to get involved in what God is doing at GBH.



Juan Strutton

Director, GBH


 How Can You Help?  

Pray - follow our blog, facebook and
twitter to keep up with current requests

Donate needed items - visit our blog
to find a current needs list as well as a
link to our Amazon registry

Sponsor our babies - click here to
begin your monthly sponsorship