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Dickinson Independent School District


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 First Tee Golf Program

Dickinson ISD elementary campuses participate in the First Tee of Greater Houston program. This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching children wellness, character development and life skills through the game of golf. First Tee is partnering with the Beacon Lakes Golf Club to host Saturday morning programs to teach golf fundamentals for youth ages 7-18. An information and orientation meeting for parents is scheduled for 12 noon Saturday, January 16 at Beacon Lakes, which is located at 801 FM 646. 

Week of  January 11, 2015

STEM Academy logo New STEM Academy opening in August 2016
  Students interested in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics have an exciting opportunity to apply for a new academy being offered in Dickinson ISD next school year. The Dickinson ISD STEM Academy will be offered at Barber Middle School to Dickinson ISD students who will be in the fifth grade during the 2016-2017 school year.
It will begin with 100 fifth grade students in 2016-2017, and it will be expanded by adding sixth grade students in 2017-2018 for a total of 200 students between the two grades. Parents can choose to attend one of two informational meetings where they will receive additional information and an application for the STEM Academy. The meetings are planned for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19 and Wednesday, January 20 in the cafeteria at Barber Middle School.
Students in the STEM Academy will have accelerated and enriched curriculum in all core content areas that is infused with technology. They will be expected to think critically and solve real-world problems using project/problem-based learning. In addition, parental involvement, community partnerships, field trips and exploration of STEM-related careers will be major components of the academy.
"The number of jobs in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are continuing to grow. Our goal is to explore and develop STEM interests early so our students are well prepared as they enter high school to make good decisions about endorsements and career pathways. We want to make sure our Dickinson ISD students are well-prepared to compete and meet the challenges of a global society," said Lee Courville, Director of Elementary Programs.
To qualify for the STEM Academy, students must meet score requirements on the latest state assessments in both Reading and Math, have a good discipline record, attendance of 97 percent or higher for the current school year, and a yearly average of 85 or higher in each academic core subject. Students selected to participate in the STEM Academy will be provided bus transportation to and from Barber Middle School.
District and campus administrators have spent several months planning for the academy and visiting districts offering similar programs. Our intent is to create an inspiring STEM Academy that will meet the needs of students in Dickinson ISD.
More information about the program, as well as an application, can be found on the Dickinson ISD website at Students interested in applying must submit completed applications by February 19.

  College of the Mainland
Rodeo art contest visits Dickinson ISD  
and names seven top rodeo artists

The artistic talent of hundreds of Dickinson ISD students is showcased in the district's Education Support Center as rodeo-themed artwork lines the hallway in honor of the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo's Art Contest.
The contest is held each year in preparation for the rodeo's annual return to Houston in March. Judges with the art contest committee visited Dickinson ISD earlier this month to view the artwork, and seven students were honored with top honors of Best of Show and Gold Medals. These seven students will advance to represent Dickinson ISD at the Houston rodeo. In addition to these awards, the School Art Committee awarded Dickinson ISD students with 17 finalist ribbons, 55 blue ribbons for first place, 83 red ribbons for second place and 41 white ribbons for third place.
Special recognition goes to the following top honorees in their categories.
In the Elementary Category (grades K-4), Best of Show went to Addie Thompson, while the Gold Medal was awarded to Isaac Martinez. Both students are in the fourth grade at Bay Colony Elementary and taught by art teacher Kimi White.
In the Junior High Category (grades 5-8), Madeline Adcock, a sixth grader at Dunbar Middle School, earned Best of Show. Barber Middle School sixth grader Haleigh Williams was awarded the Gold Medal. They are taught by art teachers Brittainy Klappenbach from Dunbar and Laura Doherty from Barber.
At the high school level (grades 9-12), Dickinson High School junior Citlalli Magana took the Best of Show top award. The gold medals were awarded to freshman Alexandra Morales and junior Laura Westerlage. The high school students are taught by art teachers Lydia Thompson and Colleen Steblein.
All of these students have opportunities to compete for summer art scholarships, attend summer workshops and display their artwork in the Hayloft Gallery during the rodeo. The three high school top honorees have the chance to be selected as one of the top 50 pieces of art, as determined by the Grand Prix Judging, to be included in the rodeo's annual art auction which provides scholarship funds to the students.
The artwork of the Dickinson ISD Best of Show and Gold Medal winners will be displayed March 1-20 at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, along with those from other area school districts. As you are visiting the rodeo this March, be sure to stop by and see all of the great artwork on display.

Elementary Rodeo Art
Elementary rodeo art top honorees include Addie Thompson with Best of Show and Isaac Martinez
with the Gold Medal. They are pictured with their
art teacher Kimi White from Bay Colony Elementary.

High School Rodeo Art
In the High School Division of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art Contest, Dickinson ISD has three honorees including, left to right, Citlalli Magana with Best of Show, Laura Westerlage with a Gold Medal and Alexandra Morales with a Gold Medal. They are pictured with Dickinson High School art teachers Lydia Thompson and Colleen Steblein.
Dunbar Rodeo Art
Madeline Adcock, a sixth grader at Dunbar Middle School, earned the Best of Show honor at the district's Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art Contest. She is pictured with her art teacher Brittainy Klappenbach.

Barber Rodeo Art
Haleigh Williams, a sixth grader at Barber Middle School, was awarded the Gold Medal in the Junior High Division of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art Contest. She is pictured with her art teacher Laura Doherty.


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It is the policy of the DISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap for services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. It is the policy of the DISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Robert Cobb, at 2218 East FM 517, Dickinson, TX 77539, (281) 229-6000, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Laurie Rodriguez, at 2218 East FM 517, Dickinson, TX 77539, (281) 229-6000.

Es pol�tica del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dickinson no discriminar en base de raza, color, nacionalidad de origen, sexo o discapacidad, por servicios o actividades como es requerido en el T�tulo VI del Acto de los Derechos Civiles de 1964, seg�n enmendado; el T�tulo IX de la Enmiendas de Educaci�n de 1972, seg�n enmendado; y la Secci�n 504 del Acto de Rehabilitaci�n de 1973, seg�n enmendada. Es pol�tica del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dickinson no discriminar en base de raza, color, nacionalidad de origen, sexo, discapacidad, o edad en las pr�cticas de empleo como es requerido por el T�tulo VI del Acto de los Derechos Civiles de 1964, seg�n enmendado; el T�tulo IX de la Enmiendas de Educaci�n de 1972; el Acto de la Discriminaci�n de Edades de 1975, seg�n enmendado; y la Secci�n 504 del Acto de Rehabilitaci�n de 1973, seg�n enmendada. Para informaci�n sobre sus derechos o procedimientos de quejas, contacte el Coordinador del T�tulo IX, Robert Cobb, en 2218 East FM 517 Dickinson, TX 77539, (281) 229-6000, y/o el Coordinador de la Secci�n 504, Laurie Rodr�guez, en 2218 East FM 517 Dickinson, TX 77539, (281) 229-6000.