November 2014
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Featured Story
PRI2014: Can't-Miss Event For Serious Racing Professionals   
If you're in the business of motorsports, you simply can't afford to miss the 27th Annual PRI Trade Show, December 11-13, 2014, when the racing industry converges on the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis for the Three Biggest Business Days in Racing. Check out PRI's brand-new YouTube video for more!
Trade Show News
Connect With PRI On Social Media Before, During Show 
Exhibitors, attendees and others participating in this year's Performance Racing Industry Trade Show in Indianapolis are invited to connect with us, and each other, through our social media networks on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Remember to use the hashtag #prishow!
Reminder: Exhibitors Schedule Your Press Conferences Now   

Exhibitors with important news and announcements are welcomed to hold a press conference during the PRI Trade Show. Press conferences take place in the Media Center (Room 117) or in the exhibitors' own booths. Contact PRI Editor Dan Schechner at for more information.          

Overseas Guests Invited To Visit International Lounge

With private meeting rooms, email access, translation services and more for overseas buyers and exhibitors, the International Lounge is among the most popular spots at the PRI Trade Show. Stop by Room 116 and enjoy an espresso or cup of tea in a relaxed atmosphere with fellow racing professionals from over 70 countries

Set A Personalized Agenda With PRI's My Show Planner   

PRI has the solution to help Trade Show attendees and exhibitors stay organized during the 2014 Show. My Show Planner is an online scheduling tool that allows show goers to set up their private, personalized agendas, create a list of must-see companies and events, and more. Get started with My Show Planner today!       

Top Business Consultant To Present Seminar At PRI Show

Noted author, business columnist and dynamic industry speaker Christine Corelli will present her exclusive seminar, "Fueling High Performance In Your Business," from 8-9 a.m., on December 13, at the Indiana Convention Center. Discover the five critical success factors for business growth and profitability in this highly interactive session.

PRI To Provide Free Wi-Fi Throughout Convention Center

When PRI2014 arrives at the Indiana Convention Center for the world's largest racing industry trade show, tens of thousands of attendees and exhibitors will be treated to complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the facility for the duration of this year's event, December 11-13, 2014.

For more, visit
Performance Racing Indsutry | Phone: 949-499-5413