Summer 2014

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Dear Friends and Family,  


I hope everyone is excited about the upcoming summer season. Let's just hope it doesn't get too hot over the next few months!  


I've heard from several sources that the fleas and ticks are really bad this year. With that in mind, please be sure to keep your pets protected from these pests (as well as from others including mosquitos).  


There are so many flea and tick preventative options available, it may be overwhelming at times to figure out which one is the best option to use on your pets. But, not doing anything should never be a valid option.


As you may know, both fleas and ticks carry various diseases. Some of my clients' dogs have Lyme disease (from being bitten by deer ticks). This disease is very painful!


There is a Lyme disease vaccine available. Since Dusty and Kramer go to the park with us everyday (unless it's raining), we had both of them vaccinated against Lyme disease. In addition, since we don't prefer to use any of the topical flea and tick preventatives (because they have been known to act as a paralytic on some animals), our vet suggested that we use flea and tick collars on them instead. 


If you only need a collar for tick prevention for your dogs, our vet recommended the Preventic collar which lasts up to 3 months. 

Preventic Tick Collar for Dogs


If, instead, you need a collar that protects against both fleas and ticks for your dogs, our vet recommended Bayer's Seresto collar which lasts up to 8 months.    


Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs

I hope everyone has a happy, safe and healthy summer season! Send me a message via Facebook to let me know how you and your furry family members spent your summer. 




My Next Book Will Be Released
Spring 2015
I am very excited to announce that I have signed with New World Library to publish my next book. New World Library authors that you may be familiar with include Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Mother Teresa and Allen and Linda Anderson.
The working title for my next book is Dogs and Cats Talking: How You Can Join the Conversation.
As the manuscript is finalized and the cover art is created, I will share additional details on my web site, on my social media pages and in my upcoming newsletters.   

Stack of Books


Pet-Related Sites That I've Been Writing For 


As many of you know from keeping up with my posts, I continue to share my insights about dogs and cats on Catster and Dogster, respectively.






Over the last few months, I've also had additional opportunities to write for Victoria Stilwell's Positively Expert Blog and for Pictures of Cats (which is best accessed via Firefox or Chrome rather than IE).







Check out the many informative articles and be sure to join the conversation. The comments thus far on some of the articles have been quite lively!   


I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ" and have a fun and safe summer!


Tim Link


P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
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Are you looking for something fun to do over your summer vacation?


Why not spend some time learning the techniques necessary to communicate with animals.


My on demand workshop is very easy to follow and the mp3 format can be downloaded to any device that supports mp3 files.




I'm sure your pets have a lot to say. Wouldn't it be great if you could hear them?  


To find out more about my workshop and to order your  copy now, please click here