Brought to you by ResourcesforExcellence
February 2014

Welcome to the Resources for Excellence February 2014 Newsletter!


Are you serious about setting up your business for long-term success

You should have Asset Management on your mind!


Last issue, we spoke about developing your 2014 Strategic Plan and making decisions that would give you a distinct advantage in reaching your clients or exceeding the abilities of your competition. Now we bring to you the first of a three part series introducing the history and evolution of Asset Management. Join us in the next two issues as we look at the Asset Management cycle and its components, then examine the benefits and current applications of this Vital Business Process.  


Also, take a look at our February Featured Business, Innovative Officesolutions, to find if Patricia Harrison can bring innovative solutions to your most pesky office problems.



Whats Inside?
15-Point Checklist for Smooth Termination
Asset Management: Part One
Innovative Adminsolutions
Quick Links

Business Tools
To Use


Sometimes the decision to fire an employee is a no-brainer. Usually, the process of actually getting them out the door is not as simple.
Take the fear and hassle out of firing with this 
15-Point Checklist for Termination. 
"Let's be honest. There's not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings." 
--Bob Parsons






By Rick Draker


"It is well known that the quality of food a person eats is highly correlated with life expectancy and resistance to disease.  A similar relationship exists between the raw materials that a company consumes and its long-term financial health.  Find a company in financial difficulties and you are likely to find one that is ordering materials it does not require, paying too much for what it orders, or accepting defective materials...."  (Harmon and Jacobs, The Vital Difference, 1985, Chapter 8).


The above quote exemplifies what asset management (physical, financial, and cultural assets) is intended to prevent.  It is utilized to varying degrees by private manufacturers, the health industry, government, and the education sector.


What is it?

Simply defined, asset management is a combination of a vision, an operating philosophy, and a defined methodology to be used by an organization in managing an asset.  Managing an asset may include procedures and criteria for the acquisition of an asset, the lease of an asset, the sale of an asset or the utilization of an asset, the maintenance of an asset, and, ultimately, the disposition of an asset.


An Asset Management Plan or program (AMP) typically consists of text and sometimes graphics which set out an organization's policies, criteria, and procedures for dealing with an asset from acquisition through disposal or retirement.


February Featured Business:
 By Patricia Harrison


One of my favorite questions when I tell people the name of my company and the three levels of service it provides is:  What do you think my company does?   I'll make it easy - let's start with what it isn't:   a staffing agency, general secretarial services, or being a virtual assistant.  What it is:  A professional administrative consulting practice dedicated to assisting C-level executives and business owners streamline their administrative processes while implementing solutions to help them meet their business goals.


Taking it one step further, it means I can reduce your administrative overhead and help you become more productive in your own business.  


To begin, I examine the administrative bottlenecks in your office or your business - on what tasks do you spend an inordinate amount of precious time handling ... the minutia of details, paperwork, or unfiled or lost documents.  For many, that work is building customer relationships, marketing, or developing staff - much more profitable activities in terms of your time and income ... right?


Once new processes are implemented, I assume responsibility for the administrative function in your office - whether it's in your home or in an office building - and provide you with executive-level administrative support to keep you on task.  


If you're ready to alleviate the admin bottleneck in your own business, I would be happy to talk with you.  Please visit my new website for more details and contact information:





Are you interested in your business being featured in our next issue? Reply to this email for more information.

Resources for Excellence

12836 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM  87112

