Brought to you by ResourcesforExcellence,

July 2013

Welcome to the ResourcesforExcellence  July 2013 newsletter.  Getting ready to expand your team? Do you know the secrets of finding your next "Star Employee"? Read on to learn a few of the characteristics you should be looking for when conducting interviews and examining resumes! 
Important Information
Fun Reads and Information
Secrets of Hiring
Have a Great Business Idea? Share it!
Quick Links


 For Your Information!  

Businesses that fail to properly complete, retain,and/or make available for inspection Forms I-9 as required by law may face civil money penalties in an amount of not less than $110 and not more than $1,100 for each violation. For more information regarding Instructions for Completing form I-9 or call our office to arrange an I-9 audit. 
If you would like your organization to be a "Featured Business", Please contact Theressa at 505-323-1415
Fun Reads and Information


~"Without effective oversight, success happens more through good luck than planning" 
~ C. Ritberger 
~"People commit themselves to innovation only when the actions of a company consistently emphasize its importance"
~ J.Champy  
~"Life is not a race to the finish line.  Winners are not the ones who get it all done.  Winners are those who get the most out of everything they do and make the biggest difference."
~ M. Guld  
~"Since no company is ever performing to perfection, there's always room for improvement.  That's where your opportunity lies." ~ K. Hahn 


Plucking a Diamond from the Rough


In any company, large or small, one employee can be the difference between success, and a costly, stressful, and non-productive work environment. Every manager or business owner faces the daunting task of building a great team filled with motivated and qualified employees at one point. When the time comes to expand your team and begin looking for prospects, do you have the experience and skills necessary to see the true potential in a prospective employee before making an offer of employment? Sadly, many managers or business owners fall victim to a trap of flashy resumes and impressive work experience but there are many other aspects that any owner or manager must take into account when hiring to ensure that they are not becoming a victim of the dreaded "C Word"; Compromise.


Begin with the End in Mind:

A great place to begin your assessment on whether a prospect would be a good fit is to inquire about their long term goals. An effective employee will have a plan of what they would like to be doing in 5 years. The answer to this question might not be working for you, but this will give you insight into their long term goals. Ambitious goals show a prospects motivation and desire to better themselves and their career skills while working with you. A sponge works best after exposed to water. Apply this concept to an employee and ensure they are willing to absorb knowledge and grow from experience.


Synergy is Key:

Synergy: A combined effort by two or more parts yielding a greater result than the sum of their individual efforts. Understanding this concept is crucial to any manager because, after all, this is the main reason additional employees are hired. When evaluating a prospect, you must consider your work style and seek an employee who shows characteristics that compliment you and your business vision. This can be applied to a simple concept such as computer brand preferences, (i.e. Windows or Mac) or to a more complicated topic that might be important to you such as an introvert or extrovert personality. Get to know yourself and your work habits before you start the search for your star employee.


Understand, Then be Understood:

Every prospect will have skills that instantly stand out. The key to finding your next star employee is finding the skills that do not. You must understand what an employee is capable of to ensure a good fit. An employee who is exceptional with one aspect of a job can be a nightmare when it comes to others. Understanding your company and the place the new hire will fit in will determine what skills they are going to need. If you need an employee who understands Excel and can provide correspondence to customers, do not hire a prospect who exceptional Excel skills but no experience writing emails or communicating with customers. Understand what the open position will demand from an employee and fill that position with experience and knowledge.


These are a few of the traits and guidelines that we, here at Resources for Excellence, use when evaluating a prospective employee to fill an open position for any of our clients. If you do your own employee management and Human Resources, please feel free to apply these concepts to your next new hire search. If you have tried over and over again to find that star employee with no success, give us a call. We have years of experience when it comes to human resources and other business management aspects that will elevate your business to new levels of Excellence. 


- Lawrence Johnson     

July 17th, 2013      

CPR / First Aid Training
Join us for our CPR / First Aid Training class. We know you will love us and the training we provide so just for trying us out, we will give 10% off to any first time clients!
This class is designed to teach you the basics of First Aid and CPR. The class is taught by an American Heart Association Certified CPR Instructor and a American Heart Association CPR Certification is included. It will also go over how and when to use and AED.
Respond to this email or call ResourcesforExcellence for more information.
Looking for Featured Businesses
We are currently looking for businesses interested in being our featured Business of the Month. Any of our readers who are interested in having their company appear in our monthly newsletter can reply to this email message with a JPEG Logo as well as a brief educational summary of the products or services you offer.
We would love to help spread the word about all of the fantastic businesses that are out in the Albuquerque area and educate all of our readers about the great businesses we work with!


12836 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM  87112
