June 2015
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities

Smoking Cessation within the Context of Lung Cancer Screening (R01)


Oncology Co-Clinical Imaging Research Resources to Encourage Consensus on Quantitative Imaging Methods and Precision Medicine (U24)


DoD FY15 Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) Exceptional Responders Award

 View a full list of current funding opportunities. 

Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 


Shared Resource Spotlight
Transgenic/Knock-out Mouse Facility

The Transgenic/Knock-Out (T/KO) Mouse Facility provides an efficient and economical means for producing genetically modified mice for research members at Massey. Some of the available services include mouse production, mouse line rederivation, sperm cryopreservation and DNA genotyping.


The facility also offers consultation on many aspects of T/KO mouse technology, including experimental design, vector design, budgeting for mouse colony maintenance and preparation of applications to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee for the use of laboratory animals in research. Consultation can be provided on breeding strategies, weaning, ear punching and tail DNA isolation.


Molecular biology work associated with mouse production is carried out in the lab of the core's director Jolene Windle, Ph.D. To arrange for training or access, please contact the laboratory manager Gregory Campbell.


For more information about live-animal research services and rates, please visit the Massey Transgenic/Knock-out Mouse Facility website.

Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Director Gordon Ginder

I am pleased to report that Massey's scientific External Advisory Board (EAB) recently gave an overall positive evaluation of our cancer center at its last meeting. This message continues with more on:

  • The EAB's assessment of and recommendations regarding Massey's scientific programs, clinical trial accruals and shared resources
  • The need for Massey members to comply with the NIH Public Access Policy, correctly cite Massey shared resource usage and Massey CCSG support, and obtain a PMCID number on all relevant publications
  • The appointment of Darlene Brunzell as co-leader of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program
Research HighlightsHighlights
Massey researcher part of global scientific task force that found linkages between mixtures of commonly encountered chemicals and the development of cancer

Dr. Manjili in lab
Cancer Cell Signaling
A global scientific task force involving Massey researcher Masoud Manjili and 174 total scientists from 28 countries found that combinations of chemicals encountered every day in our air, food and water can lead to the development of cancer. The findings of the task force's study, published in the journal Carcinogenesis, showed that very low levels of chemicals may be capable of working in concert with one another to cause cancer, even though low-level exposure to these chemicals individually might not be carcinogenic.



Common antibiotic part of a promising potential pancreatic cancer therapy

Cancer Molecular Genetics
Bridget Quinn
M.D.-Ph.D. student
Massey scientists led by Paul B. Fisher developed a novel combination for the treatment of pancreatic cancer involving an experimental drug and a common antibiotic that has shown promising results in preclinical experiments. Published in the journal 
Cancer Research, the combination of sabutoclax and minocycline was significantly toxic to pancreatic cancer cells and disrupted tumor growth and extended survival in several types of advanced pancreatic cancer mouse models. VCU School of Medicine M.D.-Ph.D. student Bridget A. Quinn has played a critical role in advancing this novel therapeutic concept.


Massey researcher selected as national leader for large-scale NCI clinical trial

Andrew Poklepovic, M.D. Developmental Therapeutics
Massey physician-scientist Andrew Poklepovic has been selected as a national co-PI for a large-scale clinical trial led by the NCI. Known as the NCI-MATCH trial - National Cancer Institute Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice Program, the study will consist of 10 small phase 2 trials that will examine solid tumors and lymphomas that no longer respond to standard treatment and have begun to grow. Next-generation DNA sequencing will be administered on tumor biopsies from as many as 3,000 patients nationwide to determine the cell's "broken" mechanism. Once the mutation is identified, the appropriate PI will be contacted and protocol will be directed.


Center News Center1
Lewis Cantley keynotes Massey's annual Cancer Research Retreat

Director, Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medical College
Director, Massey Cancer Center
Cancer Molecular Genetics
Renowned cell biologist and biochemist Lewis Cantley delivered the keynote address at Massey's annual Research Retreat. More than 140 participants attended the day's events, which included presentations by Massey research program members and a poster session during which student researchers and postdoctoral fellows competed for Excellence in Cancer Research Awards.

Member Showcase MemberShowcase

Massey welcomes William McGuire as director of the Phase 1 Solid Tumor Program

Developmental Therapeutics
Physician-researcher William McGuire III recently joined Massey as the director of the Phase 1 Solid Tumor Program and member of the Developmental Therapeutics research program. In his role as the Phase 1 Solid Tumor Program director, McGuire collaborates to translate preclinical discoveries involving new drugs or combinations of existing drugs for the treatment of solid tumors into phase 1 clinical trials. An expert in gynecologic cancers and developmental therapeutics, McGuire was instrumental in the development of paclitaxel as part of the standard of care for advanced ovarian cancer.

Researcher Recognition Recognition
Massey researcher leads task force to develop first guidelines for evaluating and treating children with thyroid cancer

Developmental Therapeutics
Massey researcher and pediatric endocrinologist Gary Francis recently led a task force commissioned by the American Thyroid Association to develop a set of guidelines for evaluating and treating children with thyroid nodules and cancer. The newly issued guidelines are the first and only set of recommendations aimed at managing patients 18 years of age and younger with thyroid tumors and will provide the best practice standards for diagnosing and treating pediatric thyroid cancer.

EventsUpcoming Events

Cancer Research Seminars
There are no scheduled seminars during the summer. Seminars will resume in September. 

Monthly Research Meetings

Annual POPTAP Golf Tournament

Join us for a day of golf, fun, fellowship and celebration during the third annual POPTAP Golf Tournament. Proceeds will be donated to the Ronald M. Plotkin Memorial Brain Tumor Research Fund at Massey.

For a full listing of events, 
mediaMassey in the Media
NewsTop Cancer News
National Institutes for Health
Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments!
Submit your news to Stevi Antosh at slantosh@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.
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