February 2015
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities

Basic Cancer Research in Cancer Health (R01)


Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study-Research Project Sites (U01)

Assay Validation For High Quality Markers For NCI-Supported Clinical Trials (UH2/UH3)



Massey offers funding for pilot projects to encourage new collaborative cancer research projects. Massey research members are eligible to apply for up to $50,000 for a one-year project. RFAs are issued every year in January and July. Submission Deadlines: Full Applications due March 23, 2015.


Application Forms, Submission and Budget Guidelines, as well as the latest Call for Applications are available on the Massey research funding website

View a full list of current funding opportunities.


Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight
Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Core provides a wide range of services related to cell sorting and analysis. Services include everything from routine fluorescence analysis to interactive custom design of innovative analysis and sorting protocols to address individual investigator needs. In addition to traditional expertise in cell sorting and analysis, the core now offers support for protein interaction studies by utilizing a BioCore T100 Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) instrument, as well as Microplate luminescence capability with a Perkin Elmer TopCount system.

Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Donna Berrier, chief administrative officer
Berrier, Donna

Massey's leadership team is busy at work on the yearly progress report for our National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), which is the grant that provides the cancer center's NCI designation, and we are pleased to share that there is much progress to report. 


This message continues with more on:

  • Massey's operating budget for fiscal year 2016 

  • High-priority positions under recruitment at Massey

  • Cancer documentary preview and discussion on March 23rd

  • Clinical Research Affiliate Retreat and Cancer Symposium on April 10th & 11th 

Research HighlightsHighlights
International study co-led by Massey researcher finds ovarian suppression reduces breast cancer recurrence for some young women
Charles Geyer, M.D.
Developmental Therapeutics

Results from a large international study co-led by Charles Geyer concluded that adding ovarian suppression to adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen substantially reduced breast cancer recurrence in young, premenopausal women with hormone-sensitive early breast cancer who received chemotherapy because of a high risk for recurrence of their cancer. The practice-changing study was recently presented at the 2014 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine. 

Massey scientists contribute to research involving the latest FDA-approved cancer therapies

Massey doctors and scientists are making important discoveries involving cancer-fighting drugs recently approved by the FDA. Between August 2013 and July 2014, the FDA approved six new anticancer therapeutics, five of which target the unique molecular and genetic characteristics of an individual's cancer. During this period, the FDA also approved new uses for five previously approved anticancer therapeutics, two new uses for imaging agents and one new use for a screening test. 

Massey researchers co-lead global breast cancer trials
Bear and Geyer_white coats
Harry Bear, M.D., Ph.D.
Developmental Therapeutics
Charles Geyer, M.D.
Developmental Therapeutics

Massey researchers Harry Bear and Charles Geyer are part of two international leadership teams recruiting subjects for phase 3 clinical trials testing novel breast cancer therapies. The first trial, known as KATHERINE, will test the efficacy and safety of a new antibody-drug conjugate, trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1), in comparison to the standard FDA-approved drug Herceptin as adjuvant therapy for early stage HER2+ breast cancer patients.  The second trial, OlympiA, will test the efficacy of the drug olaparib as adjuvant therapy for high risk, triple negative breast cancer patients with inherited loss of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 cancer suppressor genes. 

Center News Center1
As President Obama proposes national investment in precision medicine research, Massey leads the way in Virginia

Next gen sequencing
President Obama recently proposed a major Precision Medicine Initiative that allocates $70 million for the NCI to scale up efforts to identify the genomic drivers in cancer and to translate this information into more effective strategies to prevent and treat cancer. Massey has already taken steps to bring the benefits of precision medicine to Virginia, becoming the first in the state to perform next generation DNA sequencing. Plans are underway to expand those services to more patients and to introduce more comprehensive sequencing technologies to enhance patient care and support research. 

Member Showcase MemberShowcase
Developmental Therapeutics welcomes new research member

Anthony Faber, Ph.D. Developmental Therapeutics member
Anthony Faber joins Massey as a member in Developmental Therapeutics. Faber is an associate professor at the Philips Institute for Oral Health Research at the VCU School of Dentistry. He is an NCI Pathway to Independence grantee and has research interests primarily in solid tumors.

Researcher Recognition Recognition
Massey researcher appointed to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Alex Krist, M.P.H., M.D.
Cancer Prevention and Control member
Massey researcher Alex Krist has been appointed to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Krist's research has focused on evidence-based medicine, cancer screening and preventive care. He was principal investigator at Massey for a website promoting prevention of common cancers. Recently, he developed an Internet-based educational tool to aid patients through the decision-making process for prostate cancer screenings.


Richmond Times-Dispatch


Oncology Times
Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments!
Submit your news to Stevi Antosh at slantosh@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.
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