January 2015
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities


Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R21)


Advanced Development and Validation of Emerging Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R33) 




Massey offers funding for pilot projects to encourage new collaborative cancer research projects. Massey research members are eligible to apply for up to $50,000 for a one-year project. RFAs are issued every year in January and July. All interested investigators are required to submit a Pre-Application Form prior to submitting a full application. Submission Deadlines: Pre-Applications due February 2, 2015. Full Applications due March 23, 2015.


Pre-Application Forms, Submission and Budget Guidelines, as well as the latest Call for Applications are available on the Massey research funding website


Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight
Cancer Informatics Core

The Cancer Research Informatics and Services Core (CRIS) has been renamed the Cancer Informatics Core (CIC) and restructured to align with plans to expand bioinformatics capabilities on campus. Its mission is to provide rapid intelligence, analysis, discovery and data pipeline process efficiencies through the implementation and use of novel informatics systems to support and enhance research and administrative activities throughout Massey. Functions of the CIC include: data integration and analytics; pre-study patient identification for clinical research; and custom and standardized report and data set generation used in cohort discovery, feasibility assessment, grant submission and clinical annotation for tissue and outcomes research. The CIC is closely integrated with the Tissue and Data Acquisition and Analysis Core (TDAAC) and the Massey Clinical Trials Office.

To learn more about the Cancer Informatics Core, visit the Massey CIC website.

Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Paul Fawcett, associate director for shared resources

I am pleased to announce that the funds from the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund for the fiscal year 2015 were finally released by SCHEV in the first week of the new year. As usual, this means that our shared resources will see some exciting instrumentation upgrades.


This message continues with more on:
  • The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource adding two new lasers to the BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer and another full-time technician to assist with cell sorting and analysis protocols
  • The VCU Lipidomics Core expanding its capability to analyze both the lipidome and the metabolome more generally with the addition of a new AB SCIEX 5600+ mass spectrometer

Research HighlightsHighlights
New target identified for potential brain cancer therapies
Paul B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D.
Cancer Molecular Genetics
Luni Emdad, Ph.D.
Cancer Molecular Genetics

Researchers at Massey led by Paul B. Fisher and Luni Emdad have identified a new protein-protein interaction that could serve as a target for future therapies for glioblastoma multiforme. In the study published in Cancer Research, they pinpoint a novel interaction between the genes AEG-1 and AKt2 that regulates the malignant characteristics of GBM. 

Center News Center1
Women & Wellness Forum Series celebrates 20 years of raising funds to support Massey cancer research

Meg Ryan will keynote the upcoming 20th Annual Women & Wellness Forum Series, an event that has raised more than $2.5 million for women's cancer research at Massey throughout the past twenty years. Judy Turbeville, a second-generation cancer survivor and Massey volunteer, has witnessed first-hand how cancer research leads to improved care, having been diagnosed with breast cancer twice nearly 20 years apart. Now, she is drawing from her own cancer journey as she helps raise money to benefit research that will lead to improved treatments for women's cancers. Check out Judy's story on WTVR CBS 6.

Massey brain cancer patient celebrates 8+ years of survivorship

Her laugh is the best sound in the world
Mackenzie was just twenty months old when the team at Massey removed a peach-sized tumor from her brain. This Christmas, she celebrated her 10th birthday.

Member Showcase MemberShowcase
Developmental Therapeutics welcomes new research member
Sosispatros Boikos, M.D. Developmental Therapeutics member

Sosispatros Boikos, M.D., has joined Massey as a research member in Developmental Therapeutics. Boikos is an associate professor of hematology-oncology in the department of Internal Medicine at VCU.  Boikos' clinical interests are in solid malignancies, specifically, sarcomas with a research focus on the genetic and molecular basis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and other rare tumors.

Researcher Recognition Recognition
Massey awarded American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant for 40th year
David Gewirtz, Ph.D.
Developmental Therapeutics member

For 40 years, the American Cancer Society has continuously awarded Massey Institutional Research Grants. The ACS-IRGs are awarded as block grants to prestigious institutions to provide funding for young investigators with an interest in cancer research. As the grant's principal investigator for the last 10 years, David Gewirtz, Ph.D., serves as Massey's ACS-IRG review committee leader, annually awarding seed funding to young investigators at Massey.



Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments!
Submit your news to Stevi Antosh at slantosh@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.
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