November 2014  
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities




Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight

The Transgenic/Knock-out Mouse Shared Resource is excited to introduce CRISPR-Cas technology, which is a breakthrough in genome engineering that will allow for much more rapid and efficient creation of new lines of genetically modified mice. The goal of the core is to assist investigators in the development of new lines of genetically modified mice for cancer research, including transgenic, knockout, conditional knock-out and knock-in mouse lines.  We also provide rederivation, cryopreservation and cryorecovery services as well as breeding colony management services.

To learn more about the Transgenic/Knock-out Mouse shared resource core, visit the Massey website.

Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Steven Grant, associate director for translational research
Grant, Steven

Massey continues to translate promising scientific discoveries into clinical trials.

This message continues with more on:
  • The development of several early-phase trials at Massey for hematologic and solid tumor malignancies
  • New physician-scientists to increase Massey's translational research capabilities and new faculty members participating in our early phase program
Research HighlightsHighlights
Innovative treatment for pancreatic cancer combines chemo- and immuno-therapy
Cancer Molecular Genetics
Cancer Molecular Genetics

Researchers Paul B. Fisher and Luni Emdad discovered a unique immunochemotherapeutic approach to treating pancreatic cancer that may be potentially safe and effective. This pre-clinical study found that the delivery of [pIC]PEI - a combination of polyinosine-polycytidylic acid (pIC) with delivery molecule polyethlenimine (PEI) - inside pancreatic cancer cells triggers apoptosis without harming normal pancreatic cells.

National clinical trial offered at Massey utilizes precision medicine techniques to improve lung cancer treatment

Massey is conducting a novel clinical trial in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and cancer centers nationwide for patients with squamous cell lung cancer. Lung-MAP, short for "lung cancer master protocol," is a phase 2/3 study consisting of five sub-studies that test various investigational treatments to target those different genetic mutations. It uses state-of-the-art genomic profiling to match participants to these sub-studies by testing and analyzing the DNA from the patient's tumor.

Center News Center1
The Cancer Research and Resource Center of Southern Virginia/Danville moves to new location

The Cancer Research and Resource Center of Southern Virginia has moved to Danville's Main Street community. After four years at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, the office now resides in Kennedy Hall, 103 S. Main Street, formerly part of Stratford College. An outreach office of Massey with funding also provided by the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, the Cancer Resource Center is inviting the community to attend its official ribbon-cutting ceremony and reception on Friday, December 12, at 2-3 p.m. Mayor Sherman Saunders, representatives from Massey and the Virginia Tobacco Commission and local and state dignitaries will be in attendance.

Member Showcase MemberShowcase
Pathologist Senthil Radhakrishnan joins Massey as a new research member
Senthil Radhakrishnan, Ph.D.
Cancer Molecular Genetics member


Massey welcomes Senthil Radhakrishnan as a new member of the Cancer Molecular Genetics program. Radhakrishnan is an assistant professor of pathology and an affiliate faculty of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


His research focuses on understanding the role of protein degradation pathways in cancer and other pathologies. Apart from exploring the molecular mechanism behind these pathways, his laboratory is also interested in translating these findings into therapies for cancer and various other diseases.


Researcher Recognition Recognition
Massey leader Cathy Bradley awarded endowed chair

Cathy Bradley, Ph.D., M.P.A. Cancer Prevention and Control
Cathy J. Bradley, associate director for cancer prevention and control at Massey, has been awarded the Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Foundation Chair in Cancer Prevention and Control in recognition of her exemplary contributions to Massey's research mission.

A hallmark of Massey's Cancer Prevention and Control research program is its nationally renowned work in understanding and rectifying disparities experienced by underserved minority populations and the medically indigent.


NewsTop Cancer News
Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments!
Submit your news to Stevi Antosh at or (804) 628-4578.
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