February 2014  
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities


Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight
VCU Microscopy Facility

The VCU Microscopy Facility, housed within the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, provides researchers with the equipment and expertise required to examine subcellular details at high resolution by both light and electron microscopy and to perform quantitative image analysis.  


Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Charles Geyer, M.D., F.A.C.P., associate director for clinical research

Massey has a rich history of innovative and vibrant clinical research, developed and conducted by superb basic and clinical scientists supported by an outstanding clinical research staff and the remarkable philanthropic generosity of Massey supporters.

This message continues with information about: 
Research HighlightsHighlights
Tomasz Kordula, Ph.D.
Cancer Cell Signaling 
Signaling pathway could impact a variety of autoinflammatory diseases

New findings offer insight into the role that activation of interferon-regulatory factor 1 (IRF1), a protein that functions as a transcriptional activator of a variety of target genes, plays in the production of chemokines and the recruitment of mononuclear cells to sites of sterile inflammation.

Alex Krist, M.D.
Cancer Prevention and Control member
Holding the promise to improved health care

A new article recommends changes to electronic health record functionality in order to better support the needs of primary care and patient-centered care.

Center News Center1
Andrew Poklepovic to present at TEDxRVA

Andrew Poklepovic, M.D., will be presenting at this year's TEDxRVA event on "Redefining the War on Cancer." He will discuss targeted therapies and next generation immunotherapies. 

Member ShowcaseShowcase


Matthew Hartman, Ph.D.
Developmental Therapeutics
Hartman works to develop new cancer-fighting drugs and target therapies
Matthew Hartman, Ph.D., member of the Developmental Therapeutics program, focuses his research on developing drugs that inhibit key cancer proteins and developing better ways to target cancer tumors by studying how proteins interact with each other on the molecular level. 
Researcher Recognition Recognition
Grant to play key role at prestigious internal cancer research conference 

Steven Grant, M.D., was recently selected to serve as chairperson of the Small Molecule Therapeutic Agents Section of the Molecular Therapeutics Subcommittee of the Program Committee for the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) 2014 Annual Meeting.


Wang awarded NCI grant to study tumor recurrence after radiation therapy

Xiang-Yang (Shawn) Wang, Ph.D., was recently awarded a $316,438 grant from the National Cancer Institute to support his studies on tumor recurrence after radiation therapy. 


Special Announcement 
Massey Members External Collaboration Survery

Massey needs your help in collecting information on members' research collaborations with external partners/institutions. This information is important in demonstrating the breadth of research collaborations at the Center. 

Please fill out this form to provide information on your 2013 and ongoing external collaborations. 


WRVA AM 1140
Dr. Hackney provided expert commentary on a recent mammogram study 

Press coverage is compiled monthly for your convenience. 

Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Also featured in Huffington Post)
 Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments! 
Submit your news to Alaina Schneider at afschneider@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.
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