January 2014  
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities
Pre-Application Deadline: January 30, 2014


Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight
Lipidomics Shared Resource Core (LSRC)

In November, the VCU Lipidomics Facility was recognized as a Massey shared resource core. 


The core provides cost-effective and highly quantitative lipid analysis for faculty. With the greatest analytical capabilities on the East Coast and the lowest cost per sample of any facility, the core strives to provide thorough analyses with remarkable turnaround times. 


Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Director Gordon Ginder

One of VCU Massey Cancer Center's many strengths is the diversity of its research members.

This message continues with information about: 
Research HighlightsHighlights
Lindsay Sabik, Ph.D., and Cathy Bradley, Ph.D., M.P.A.,
Cancer Prevention and Control
members, with Andrew Barnes, Ph.D.
How will the Affordable Care Act affect cancer survivors?

Massey researchers are currently studying the effects of the ACA on cancer survivors by examining its impact on medicaid-eligible populations, employment-based insurance, health benefit exchanges and safety net providers.

Steven Grant, M.D.
Developmental Therapeutics
Cancer Cell Signaling
Experimental drug could enhance the effectiveness of existing multiple myeloma and myeloid leukemia therapies 

An experimental drug known as dinaciclib could improve the effectiveness of certain multiple myeloma and myeloid leukemia therapies. Dinaciclib disrupted a cell survival mechanism known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), and multiple myeloma and myeloid leukemia cells were unable to combat damage caused by some anti-cancer agents.

Center News Center1

Clinical research team participates in valuable training event

In January, Massey hosted "Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Clinical Trial Data Management," a special training session for members of the clinical research team. 


Berglund Seminar Series

Each semester, the Honors College invites faculty to participate in the Berglund Seminar Series.  The purpose of the series is to expose honors students to a variety of topics and interests at the University. It is also a great opportunity for faculty to highlight their research, practice for an upcoming conference or spread the word about a course they'll be teaching. If you're interested in participating, email Chelsea Olson for available presentation dates.

$3 million Tobacco Commission grant supports key initiatives at Massey

The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission has awarded Massey a one-year $3 million grant to improve detection, prevention, treatment and control of cancer in Virginia. 

Member ShowcaseShowcase


Mark Malkin, M.D.
Developmental Therapeutics
Massey's new neuro-oncologist brings brain cancer expertise to the Richmond area
Mark G. Malkin, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., F.A.A.N., joins Massey as a member of the Developmental Therapeutics program.

Malkin is a professor of neurology and the Richmond area's only board-certified neuro-oncologist. He specializes in primary brain tumors, cancer metastatic to the nervous system, neurologic complications of cancer therapy and neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes. 
Researcher Recognition Recognition
Fisher honored as "scientist of the year" 

Newly elected Governor Terry McAuliffe presented Paul B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D., the Virginia's Outstanding Scientist of 2014 award at the Science Museum of Virginia's General Assembly Reception.


Press coverage is compiled monthly for your convenience. 

Top Cancer News

The Huffington Post

Medical News Today
 Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments! 
Submit your news to Alaina Farrish at akfarrish@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.
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