August 2013
Table of Contents

Funding Opportunities

Highlighted positions related to cancer for which VCU is currently hiring. View the full list. 

Shared Resource Spotlight 

Molecular Imaging developing shared resource core

The MIDSRC leverages multiple imaging technologies currently available within the VCU Center for Molecular Imaging (CMI) to assist Massey investigators in translating pre-clinical concepts in detection and targeted therapy into animal model systems. 


This developing core will soon offer Optoaccoustic Imaging technology that combines optical imaging with ultrasound tomographic capabilities. The technology has a broad range of applications, including cancer, cardiovascular, neuroscience and drug pharmacokinetic imaging. In cancer, for example, the technology can determine oxygen status in tumors, visualize and quantify micro-vasculature, measure overall blood flow and study tumor micro-environment. The system can use both endogenous and exogenous probes with high sensitivity. In conjunction with this technology, CMI is developing a new class of optoaccoustic gold nano-particle probes, conjugated to a number of ligands, for specific targeting of tumor entities and its micro-environment, including tumor-associated macrophages. 

Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Richard Moran, Ph.D., associate director for basic research and Developmental Therapeutics co-leader

Massey continues to conduct exciting and impactful basic cancer research. 

This message continues with:
Research HighlightsHighlights
Developmental Therapeutics
Ingredient in common kitchen spice turmeric when combined with anti-nausea medication thalidomide effectively kills cancer cells

In a laboratory, preclinical study, researchers combined structural features from anti-nausea drug thalidomide with common kitchen spice turmeric to create hybrid molecules that effectively kill multiple myeloma cells. 

Huan Vu, M.D.
non-aligned member 
Procedure reduces pain and discomfort in breast cancer patients

A clinical trial found that injecting radiocolloid after a breast cancer patient has been prepped for a surgical sentinel node biopsy and given general anesthesia was as reliable in identifying the sentinel lymph nodes as injecting them before surgery. 

Center News Center1
VCU Presidential Symposium on Cancer


Registration is now open for the VCU Presidential Symposium on Cancer, Cancer Care across the Continuum, occurring on October 12 at 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the McGlothlin Medical Education Center. Featured will be a keynote address by Douglas Lowy, M.D., deputy director of NCI, on advances resulting from cancer research and the direction of cancer research going forward. The symposium will also include sessions by Massey experts on cancer prevention in dental and primary care, cancer clinical trials and translational therapies, and supportive care and cancer survivorship. Continuing education credits are available for physicians and dentists. Register to attend.


Member ShowcaseShowcase
Wheeler studies spatial-temporal variation in cancer
Cancer Prevention and Control 
David C. Wheeler, M.P.H., Ph.D., member of the Cancer Prevention and Control program, focuses his research on developing and applying statistical methods to investigate spatial-temporal variation in cancer risk and data mining methods to explain and predict occupational exposure assessments used in evaluating risk factors in epidemiologic studies of cancer.

Wheeler was recently awarded an R03 from NCI to develop and apply models for cumulative spatial-temporal assessment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk.
Researcher Recognition Recognition
Gewirtz awarded R21 for radiation induced cardiomyopathy research
Developmental Therapeutics 
Congratulations to David A. Gewirtz, Ph.D., member of the Developmental Therapeutics program, who was recently awarded an R21 from NCI. 
The grant will support his research that blocks Interleukin-1 (IL-1) with anakinra to prevent, limit or treat radiation therapy-induced cardiomyopathy. The study aims to determine whether increased IL-1 activity after radiation exposure contributes to cardiomyopathy and whether a pharmacological blockade of IL-1 affects the development of cardiomyopothy after radiation therapy. 
Huffington Post

Top Cancer News

Journal of Virology (Also published in The Scientist

The Journal of the American Medical Association (Also published in The New York Times)

 Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments! 
Submit your news to Alaina Farrish at or (804) 628-4578.
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