January 2013
Table of Contents

Shared Resource Spotlight
Biological Macromolecule 
Shared Resource Core
The BMSR core provides investigators with an efficient and economical means for producing biological macromolecules intended for various endpoints.

Services include:
  • Production of research grade virus particles
  • Targeting vectors for knock-in/knock-out mice 
  • Knock-in/knock-out somatic cell lines using homologous recombination, transient and stable protein expression in mammalian cells 
  • Recombinant protein production (bacterial, yeast, insect, and mammalian systems) 
  • Purification for structural analysis and for protein interaction studies
  • Design, construction and validation services for the generation of new vectors
Sanger Hall, 6th Floor 
Shirley Taylor, Ph.D. and Darrell Peterson, Ph.D.
Contact Information: 
(804) 827-9725

Connect with us! 
Join Massey's online communities.

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Leaders' UpdateUpdate

A message from Director 
Gordon Ginder

Happy New Year and welcome to the inaugural issue of Massey's new e-newsletter for research 
members. Look for the newsletter in your inbox each month to help keep you better informed of, connected with and supported by the VCU Massey Cancer Center research enterprise.

This message continues with more information about:
Research HighlightsHighlights
Center News Center1
Research for Life Campaign

Massey recently launched the public phase of its Research for Life campaign to raise $100 million to support cancer research. More than $75 million has been raised to date and the goal is to raise the remaining funds by June 2014. The campaign will provide the funds for the people, programs and places needed to conduct innovative cancer research. Specifically, it will fund:
  • the recruitment of 35 new researchers and physician-scientists
  • adequate resources for all five core research programs, such as pilot project funding
  • the establishment of award and incentive programs to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations, such as the multi-PI award program 
  • a 50 percent increase in the number of Massey investigator-initiated Phase I and II clinical trials
  • the expansion of the clinical research affiliations network
  • 27,000 additional square feet of dedicated research space with a Shared Resource Laboratory and Massey Research Pavilion in the School of Medicine's new McGlothlin Medical Education Building
Member ShowcaseShowcase
Massey welcomes Egidio Del Fabbro, M.D.as one of the newest research members in the
Developmental Therapeutics program. 
Dr. Fabbro is a nationally recognized expert in palliative care whose research is focused on cancer-related fatigue and cachexia. He serves as director of the palliative care program at Massey, which was recently the first in Virginia to receive advanced accreditation from The Joint Commission. He is also associate professor of internal medicine in the division of Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Care at the VCU School of Medicine.

Researcher RecognitionRecognition
Upcoming Events
Weekly Research Seminars

Fundraising Event

For a full listing of events, 

 Share with us your research, awards and accomplishments! 
Submit your news to Alaina Farrish at akfarrish@vcu.edu or (804) 628-4578.