St. Luke's Episcopal Church Newsletter Archive Header Image
December 3, 2014
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Carey's Conversations


"Revelation is the end of the scriptures but God did not quit talking!"


Daylight saving time has ended and the days are growing ever darker on our way to the winter solstice - the darkest day of the year. It's Advent and the Church once again puts forth another highly countercultural directive - to wait. In the midst of the hustle and bustle that is the modern holiday season we are called to pause, to theologically reflect on our lives and to stay awake for Christ's coming ('comings').


Yesterday we began an Advent series on examining our dreams and considering the possibility that God might be trying to communicate with us through them. We discussed how in Jewish tradition and in Hebrew scripture we see evidence of God speaking to the patriarchs through their dreams. We further looked at how this tradition of paying attention to dreams carried forward into the early Christian tradition. But beginning in the 3rd and 4th centuries this making use of dreams took a markedly different turn. St. Jerome had a series of disturbing dreams that caused him to take issue with the historical view and determined that dreams were "the work of the devil." His opinions held great sway in the western Church and as a result the Church adopted his view relegating them to obscurity.

From the Organ Bench 


"What is all this? What does it mean?" I was asked recently what this Advent was that we observe.   Of course the simple answer to the query is that it's a complicated liturgical countdown to Christmas. But on second thought, is that really what Advent is or is there a little more to it than just a Christmassy waiting game involving candles and evergreen?  


When I was growing up, there were no decorations in early December until Christmas. No tree, no garlands. The only seasonal d�cor was the Advent wreath: a simple green ring suspended around a table-top stand from four points by four bands of red ribbon. Atop the wreath stood four red candles - red in the German tradition. The wreath was lighted at family meals for four consecutive weeks. Accompanying the lighting of the wreath, among other typical German carols, was Alle Jahre Wieder. "Each year once again, the Christ child comes from heaven to earth where we people are," goes the first verse, the one that everyone knows by heart. This simple traditional carol reminds us why it is we light these candles. The text recalls the cyclical nature of our anticipation: we do it again and again, over and over each year.   And each year we wait. Each year we hope. Our goal in this time is not an outward rejoicing, but to experience a quiet, distant joy of looking forward to an anticipated event, an expected arrival. In the meantime, we sit. We sit, and we take spiritual inventory. We sit and clean our spiritual house.   We engage in spiritual work, reflection, and renewal.



Advent Event THIS SUNDAY 


Join us on Sunday, December 7th for a potluck, alternative giving fair, and to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas after the 10:30 service.

Eat lunch with St. Nikolas and take part in the alternative giving opportunities


Who will be there:

Rice depot


St. Francis House

ERD giving tree and cards

Rick and Helen from Camp Mitchell

St. Luke's water bottles, lanyards for sale as well as Joanna's new book, Taste and See and her Christmas and Peaceful harp CD's

ECW food gifts

Local Artist's table

St. Nicholas table for activities for children


Sign up for the Pot Luck in the Narthex!



ECW Fundraiser at the Advent Event

ECW has two annual fundraisers--our sinfully delicious fudge Easter Eggs in the spring, and a holiday sale each fall. This year, we'll be selling YOUR food and craft creations at the Advent Event on Sunday December 7: sauces, jams, jellies, cookies, cakes, pies, specialty foods, casseroles, decor pieces. So, if you can make it, bake it, freeze it, bottle it, can it, assemble it, paint it, sew it, or otherwise mix, cook or craft ANYTHING, we'd love to have it! If you're making a casserole or a pie for Thanksgiving, make an extra one and freeze for the sale. If you're not making anything for Thanksgiving, but would love an excuse to do so, make one for the sale. Double your Christmas cookie recipes and donate to the sale If you're "crafty," make table decorations (not limited to Christmas), tree ornaments, toys or other children's items-anything you'd like to make. Just have fun and be creative! Best part is, you can make it at your convenience and bring it to the church on Saturday December 6, or even on your way to church on Sunday morning, December 7. The Advent Event is always a great place to shop for holiday goodies too! So everyone can contribute, whether you can donate something or buy something!


Vestry Nominations


Are you interested in helping to lead St. Luke's as we grow and develop? Do you know other members who would make good leaders?*  In January, we will be electing 4 new vestry members, each for a 3-year term, and we are now accepting nominations. The twelve members of the vestry are charged with the care of the property and business of the church. Working with the rector, they exercise leadership in the development of the congregation. There will be a basket in the Narthex for nominations, or you can contact Caroline in the church office with your nominations. Requirements are: having been confirmed, at least 16 years of age, a giver of record, and have been a member of St. Luke's for at least 6 months.

There are 11 monthly meetings, generally on the third Tuesday of the month, and one vestry retreat on Feb. 27-28. Please make sure you are able to attend these scheduled events.  


*Before nominating anyone to be on vestry, please make sure you have cleared this with that person first! 

Deacon's Bench


December 7, A Visit from St. Nikolas to St. Luke's

On Sunday December 7th we are celebrating the feast day of St. Nikolas during the Sunday school hour and at the Advent Event, and I think St. Nikolas will actually be coming to visit us that day!

Will you be there to hear him as he comes with Carey and knocks on your classroom door? Knock, Knock.

These are questions that our children and their teachers have asked him in the past and the answers from St. Nikolas.

Welcome, welcome St. Nikolas. Do you know these amazing children who attend St. Luke's Episcopal Church?

Are you speaking Greek?

Yes, I am a Greek bishop, from Myra. That is on the southern coast of Turkey.

I am a Greek saint and lived in the 300's, the third century so I am just learning English.

Are you up to answering some questions about yourself, for there are so many rumors and stories about you that we are having a hard time knowing what is really the truth?


Poinsettias & Wreaths


It's that time of year again! Donate poinsettias or wreaths for your Christmas Memorials or Thanksgivings! You can either submit your Memorials and Thanksgivings through the insert in your Sunday bulletins (just put it in the plate) or you can click on the button below. You can also pay online -- put "Poinsettias and Wreaths" in the memo.  


Poinsettias are $15, Small wreaths are $20, Large wreaths are $45.  


Submit Online Here  


Pay Online Here 


Lessons and Carols, Dec. 21st


The St. Luke's choirs will offer a service of Advent Lessons and Carols on December 21, the fourth Sunday of Advent, at the 10:30 service in lieu of the customary Liturgy of the Word.   The services of Lessons and Carols are steeped in Anglican tradition and reveal through spoken word and music the mysteries of the Incarnation, from its first announcement to the Blessed Virgin to the witnessing of the new-born Messiah.  Join us December 21 for this program of Scripture and Sacred Music for Advent.

Greening of the Church


We will have our Greening of the Church on Dec. 21st following the 10:30 service. Please join us in this Advent tradition. Contact Wanda Dunwoody for more information.

End of year donations


If you wish to make any donations towards the 2014 tax year, they must be received in the church office by noon on December 31st. Anything turned in after that point will count towards the 2015 tax year.

Annual Reports


Annual Reports will be due on Monday, January 5th. If you have any questions about what to submit, please contact Caroline in the Church Office. The Annual meeting is on Sunday, January 11 after the 10:30 service.

New Lock


There is a new coded lock on the outside door to the Adult Classroom. Some of you have received a code to this door. If you have not and need one, please contact Caroline in the church office. Your church key will still open this door, but you must turn the key and push the handle down at the same time. If there are any issues with this lock, please contact the church office.

Advent Study on Three Tuesdays in December 2, 9, 16


Advent Dream Journey: Wisdom, Warnings, and Wonder. Join us for a three-week journey into the world of dreams. As we look at biblical stories we will learn how God has spoken through dreams to his people in the Old Testament, New Testament, and today. Come hear how God speaks through dreams. Dinner begins at 6. If you need childcare, please contact the church office: 753.4281


Advent materials are available in the Narthex.

Altar Flowers 2015

The 2015 Altar Flower chart is now up in the Narthex. Don't hesitate to sign up! Spaces go fast. Please contact the office with any questions.

We have one 2014 date left: December 28th. If you would like this space, please contact Caroline.



Funds are managed by the Endowment Board which consists of the Rector, Senior Warden, a Vestry Member, two members from the parish and an independent Investment Manager.


Presiding Bishop to Visit

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, will be present for a forum with our own Bishop Larry Benfield on Saturday, December 6th at Christ Episcopal Church in Little Rock at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome and invited!



Adult Formation


People of Faith Christianity in America: How Christianity developed in America

November 9- December 13

We will survey the entire more than 400-year history of Christianity in America from before the Pilgrims to the present. In this six week study we will meet Christians who dramatically impacted the culture we live in today including Jonathan Edwards, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Martin Luther King among many other influential Protestant and Catholic Christians.


  1. Faith in American from Monarchs to the Marketplace
  2. Many Mansions
  3. Rebels with a Cause
  4. Challenges and Change
  5. Home Grown Saints
  6. The Future of Christianity.

Young Adult Formation


Love to Stay, Adam Hamilton, Building marriages and relationships that last. November 23- December 21 5 sessions. More than a Piece of Paper; What She wants, What He Wants; The significance of Sexual Intimacy; .Habits that Hurt, Habits that heal; Clothe, Bear With, Forgive; A love that lasts. 



ST. FRANCIS HOUSE GROCERY MINISTRY: Thanks to all that brought food items for donation in November.  The next date for food drop off will be January 25. (St. Francis House provides Christmas food baskets to these families, so we will not do this ministry in December.)


CHRISTMAS BASKETS AND CHRISTMAS "STORE" HELP is needed. St. Luke's will again be partnering to help assemble Christmas food boxes and the "Christmas Store" at Park Hill Christian Church on the morning of Thursday, December 18th starting at 10:00 a.m.  Volunteers are also needed to help distribute the food boxes and the items from the Christmas "Store" at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 20th. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for these two dates or, if you want more information or are interested in helping, please contact Jeannie Fry at


DO YOU HAVE ANY ITEMS TO DONATE FOR THE CHRISTMAS STORE?  Our neighbors, Park Hill Christian Church, are setting up a Christmas Store for area families in need this Christmas.  The "Store" is stocked with donated items.  New or gently used items are needed for the "Christmas Store" at Park Hill Christian.  Blankets, mittens and hats and toys such as basketballs or footballs and are especially appreciated. Clothing, shoes and coats for all ages are needed as well as toys and games for all ages. A box will be placed in our church narthex from November 30 through December 14 for your donations. If you are unsure of what to donate or need more information on this, please contact Jeannie Fry at 


A GIVING TREE will be up in the narthex through Sunday, December 21.  This tree will serve TWO purposes throughout Advent. First, tags with envelopes are on the tree for donations to Episcopal Relief and Development. Please feel free to take a tag, make your check out to "ERD," and place it in the envelope in the offering plate.  Any amount of donation is welcome. All money donated will be combined to make donation as a parish for GIFTS of LIFE for clean water, medicine, crops, and animals. We will announce our GIFTS of LIFE at the Christmas services. The second purpose of the tree is for mittens, hats and scarves.  Just pin your donation onto the tree. These will be taken to both St. Francis House and Park Hill Christian to give to those in need.


On-Going Events and Programs

Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 to 4 
Closed: Saturday and Sunday 
Office Phone: 501-753-4281 
Office Fax: 501-753-4322 
The office is located behind the church at 4106 John F. Kennedy Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 
Prayer List


Anne Gontermann, Bill Spradlin, Allen Baxter II, Jeff Spradlin, Hudson Woods, Paula, Helen Snipan, Louise Mabry, Caleb Jablonowski, Angela Corlett, Kate Toepher, Ryan Dillon Parker, Jim Johnson, Bill Moses, Gene DeLisa, Larry Maze, Joseph and Marilyn Murphy, Nina Goins, Grey Goodwin, Edward Anderson, Janette Eddy and family, Cheryl Hall, Paula Kalina, Cole, Carson, Charlie Mac, and Cate Bryant, Jones Family, Bryant Family, Ann, Cherie, Zill Coleman, Gary Bolen, Sydnie Reedy, Jake Harrell, Aaron Dutton, Bradley Stinnett, Charles Ray Kennedy, Barbara Coker, Chris Morehart, Heather Smith, Lexi Probst, Ethan Kunz, Kay Reiter, Leslie Westbrook, Louise Ahren, Megan Elizabeth Hall, Bill Crisler, Carole Grant, Debi and Phil Palladan, Landon, Olivia Curtis, Kathy Kemp, Susan Haner, Betty Miller, Logan Lester, the Carter family, the Reifsteck family, Linda Hawkins, Chris Mikesell, the Murphy Family 


Special Concerns:  For all the men and women of our Armed Forces, especially Justin, Joshua, Bret, Tim, Matt, Doug, Brian Mahoney, Brian Mennes, Frank Tate, Alex Schimelpfening, David Liem, Eddie Klein, Col. Dan Walrath, Justin, John Landis, Lucas Kunce, Justin Hensley.