St. Luke's Episcopal Church Newsletter Archive Header Image
November 12, 2014
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Stewardship Sunday, THIS SUNDAY, November 16th


Be a living stone! Come grow, come build with us! All pledge cards are due in at this time.

ECW Meeting


Nov 20, 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall:  ECW annual meeting and election of officers. Wine and cheese party and wine tasting program.




ECW is a national organization of women within the Episcopal Church who affect the church's mission through a range of programs including prayer and outreach. Our motto is "Joy in Service."

In 1872, women of the church formed the National Women's Auxiliary as a way to take part in church life. The national organization connected provincial, diocesan and parish branches, enabling women to apply their energy and imagination to church life in a range of ways and bring our leadership skills into the church. In 1958 the Auxiliary was renamed the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) to recognize the fact that women are an integral part of the church's life.



Adult Formation


People of Faith Christianity in America: How Christianity developed in America

November 9- December 13

We will survey the entire more than 400-year history of Christianity in America from before the Pilgrims to the present. In this six week study we will meet Christians who dramatically impacted the culture we live in today including Jonathan Edwards, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Martin Luther King among many other influential Protestant and Catholic Christians.


  1. Faith in American from Monarchs to the Marketplace
  2. Many Mansions
  3. Rebels with a Cause
  4. Challenges and Change
  5. Home Grown Saints
  6. The Future of Christianity.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew 

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 19th, in the LIBRARY. We will continue The GREAT COURSE'S DVD Series - The Old Testament.  Please join us. For more information contact:
Dickey Mayland,835-6411,  

Save the Date for the Advent Event


Join us on Sunday, December 7th for a potluck, alternative giving fair, and to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas after the 10:30 service. All are invited.

Book Group

Our Wednesday book group at Joanna's house has started back. They are reading Barbara Brown Taylor's newest book, Learning to Walk in the Dark. This is the schedule. I so look forward to being with you.

Learning to Walk in the Dark

Barbara Brown Taylor

Wednesday book club 10 am at the Seibert's house: 27 River Ridge Road


8.  Working with Darkness, November 19

November 26 Thanksgiving Break

9.  Our Lady of the Underground, December 3



Young Adult Formation


Love to Stay, Adam Hamilton, Building marriages and relationships that last. November 23- December 21 5 sessions. More than a Piece of Paper; What She wants, What He Wants; The significance of Sexual Intimacy; .Habits that Hurt, Habits that heal; Clothe, Bear With, Forgive; A love that lasts. 

Children's Choir

Children ages second grade to eighth grade are welcome to come and learn how rewarding (and awesomely fun, too) it is to sing together in a group, acquire basic music and choir singing skills. Children's choir meets on SUNDAYS AFTER THE 10:30 SERVICE in the choir room at St. Luke's. Rehearsals will run no longer than 45 minutes each week. The group will sing as a choir or with our adult choir monthly either at the 8:30 or 10:30 service. Please contact Jason Pennington, organist/choirmaster, to sign up! See you at Choir!




THANKSGIVING BASKET HELP is needed on the morning of Thursday, November 20th next door at Park Hill Christian Church starting at 9:30 a.m.. We will be partnering with Park Hill Christian Church that morning to help assemble the food boxes for Thanksgiving.  If you want more information or are interested in helping, please contact Jeannie Fry at or by phone/text at 501.941.0430.  These boxes will be distributed by Park Hill Christian Church to North Little Rock residents who need extra help for Thanksgiving.


ST. FRANCIS HOUSE GROCERY MINISTRY: Our next date to bring donated food items is Sunday, November 23rd.  Items will be delivered on Monday, November 24th.  Boxes will be placed in the chapel and narthex, again, prior to Sunday, November 23rd.  If you cannot bring your food items on that date, please bring them by the church office.  As a reminder, please try to label your donations with  your family's NUMBER.  If you have any questions on this, please contact Jeannie Fry at 501 941 0430 by phone or by text.  


CHRISTMAS BASKETS AND CHRISTMAS "STORE" HELP is also needed.  St. Luke's will also be partnering to help assemble Christmas food boxes and the "Christmas Store" at Park Hill Christian Church on the morning of Thursday, December 18th starting at 9:30 a.m.  Volunteers are also needed to help distribute the food boxes and the items from the Christmas "Store" on the morning of December 20th.  Watch for more information on this in coming weeks.  If you want more information or are interested in helping, please contact Jeannie Fry at .
On-Going Events and Programs

Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 to 4 
Closed: Saturday and Sunday 
Office Phone: 501-753-4281 
Office Fax: 501-753-4322 
The office is located behind the church at 4106 John F. Kennedy Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 
Prayer List


Anne Gontermann, Bill Spradlin, Allen Baxter II, Jeff Spradlin, Hudson Woods, Paula, Helen Snipan, Louise Mabry, Caleb Jablonowski, Angela Corlett, Kate Toepher, Ryan Dillon Parker, Jim Johnson, Bill Moses, Gene DeLisa, Larry Maze, Joseph and Marilyn Murphy, Nina Goins, Grey Goodwin, Edward Anderson, Janette Eddy and family, Cheryl Hall, Paula Kalina, Cole, Carson, Charlie Mac, and Cate Bryant, Jones Family, Bryant Family, Ann, Cherie, Zill Coleman, Gary Bolen, Sydnie Reedy, Jake Harrell, Rose Lewis, Aaron Dutton, Bradley Stinnett, Charles Ray Kennedy, Barbara Coker, Chris Morehart, Heather Smith, Lexi Probst, Virgie Lee Murphy, Ethan Kunz, Kay Reiter, Leslie Westbrook, Louise Ahren, Megan Elizabeth Hall, Bill Crisler, Carole Grant, Debi and Phil Palladan, Landon, Olivia Curtis, Kathy Kemp, Susan Haner, Betty Miller, Logan Lester, the Carter family, the Reifsteck family, Linda Hawkins, Chris Mikesell 


Special Concerns:  For all the men and women of our Armed Forces, especially Justin, Joshua, Bret, Tim, Matt, Doug, Brian Mahoney, Brian Mennes, Frank Tate, Alex Schimelpfening, David Liem, Eddie Klein, Col. Dan Walrath, Justin, John Landis, Lucas Kunce, Justin Hensley.