St. Luke's Evangelist   
What is going on at St. Luke's this week.

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Coffee Hour Instructions to Volunteers 


 Walk Through a Episcopal Worship Service


What to Expect During a Worship Service 





Tom Simmons,   

Sr. Warden


 John Rhodes,  

Jr. Warden


  Matt Muller, Treasurer 


Class of 2012  

Valerie Smith

John Rhodes

Matt Muller

Tom Simmons


Class of 2013

Josh Taylor

Jerry Schaefer

Dickey Mayland

Chuck Holman


Class of 2014

Suzzette Patterson

Annie Lea Shuster

Ronnie Cox

Curtis Briggs 

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Monday thru Friday

9 to 5

Friday, closed for lunch 12-1


We will be closed Monday, Nov. 11th for Veteran's Day 


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Carey's Conversations

A couple of Sunday's ago in the Adult Sunday School class we heard a presentation by Karen and Ann Chisholm about the Lutheran Church. I was reminded of the debt of gratitude the Episcopal/Anglican Church owes to Martin Luther and subsequent Lutherans such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a theologian and Lutheran pastor died a martyr's death at the hands of the Nazis during the final days of World War II. The following is an excerpt from his now classic book, Life Together which is a wonderful treatise on the power of Christian community. 


Yours in Christ,



A Reading from the "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  


"Confess your faults one to another." He who is alone with his sin is utterly alone. It may be that Christians, notwithstanding corporate worship, common prayer, and all their fellowship in service, may still be left to their loneliness. The final breakthrough to fellowship does not occur, because, though they have fellowship with one another as believers and as devout people, they do not have fellowship as the undevout, as sinners. The pious fellowship permits no one to be a sinner. So everybody must conceal their sin from themselves and from each other. We date not be sinners. Many Christians are unthinkably horrified when a real sinner is suddenly discovered among the righteous. So we remain alone with our sin, living in lies and hypocrisy. The fact is that we are sinners!


But it is the grace of the gospel, which is so hard for the pious to understand, that it confronts us with the truth and says: You are a sinner, a great, desperate sinner; now come as the sinner that you are, to God who loves you, a sacrifice, a work: he want you alone. As Scripture says: "My child, give me your heart." God has come to you to save the sinner. Be glad! This message is liberation through truth. You can hide nothing from God. The mask you wear before others will do you no food before him. He wants to see you as you are, he wants to be gracious to you. You do not have to go on lying to yourself and your brothers and sisters, as if you were without sin; you can dare to be a sinner. Thank God for that: he loves the sinner but hates the sin.


In confession the breakthrough to community takes place. Sin demands to have a person by himself. It withdraws us from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him, and the more deeply he becomes involved in it, the more disastrous is his isolation. Sin wants to remain unknown. It shuns the light. In the darkness of the unexpressed it poisons the whole being of a person. In confession the light of the gospel breaks into the darkness and seclusion of the heart.


Since the confession of sin is made in the presence of a Christian sister or brother, the last stronghold of self-justification is abandoned. The sinner surrenders: he gives up all his evil. He gives his heart to God, and he finds the forgiveness of all his sin in the fellowship of Jesus Christ and his sister and brother. The expressed, acknowledged sin has lost all its power. This sin confessed has helped the person find true fellowship with his brothers and sisters in Christ. If a Christian is in the fellowship of confession with a sister or brother, he will never be alone again, anywhere.


Deacon's Bench

Spiritual Direction

This is a scene from the grand porch at Kanuga. At times our spiritual life, our relationship to God, is as hard to see as the cross across the lake in this picture. As many of you know I am taking a two-year course in spiritual direction from the Haden Institute at Kanuga Conference Center near Ashville, North Carolina. The course consists of ways of finding a deeper spiritual life myself as well as assisting others in finding that life in themselves. A spiritual director is like a midwife helping a person see the presence of God in his or her life. My hope is that as a spiritual director I will become a better deacon, bringing the church to world and the world to the church in helping others and myself see the presence of God in each other.  


In March, I will be half way through the course. There are three four-day weekend intensives per year at Kanuga. The remainder is distance learning with reading assignments and invitations to go deeper in different spiritual practices.


We study the use of dreams, Jungian psychology, poetry, fairy tales, and enneagrams in spiritual direction. We study the mystical traditions, Celtic, Desert, Nature and Creation spirituality as well traditional Lectio Divina, labyrinth walk, Centering Prayer, Guided Meditation, the Jesus Breath Prayer, and group spirituality. I am in a group of 10 people (one man) who work together at the weekends and stay in touch between times on a Facebook page sharing what we are reading and what is becoming meaningful to us. Another physician from Little Rock, Reed Thompson, is also taking the course. I would love to talk to any of you who are interested in joining me or Reed on this journey of spiritual direction. It is a humbling, life-giving experience.



Meet one of St. Luke's Newest Members: Brenda Gossett

My father was in the United States Army for 26 years.  As with all military families, we moved frequently. But that gave us the opportunity to see a large portion of the world and me the excuse to jokingly tell people I was born in the back seat of a 1965 Buick.  I was actually born in Dallas, Texas but have lived in Arkansas most of my life and consider this home. My friends will tell you, I bleed Razorback red! I am a pharmacist with the McClellan Veterans Hospital in Little Rock and also serve as adjunct faculty for the UAMS residency program.  Several of you have asked what brought me to St. Luke's.  That's an easy one to answer.  It was my good friend, Suzzette Patterson. We joined up with another friend for last year's "gumbo cook-off". Afterward, Suzzette invited me to several services and I was hooked. Just last week she asked if I had any regrets about becoming a member of St. Luke's -- my answer? Absolutely not. It feels like home. 

    Up Coming Events
  • Adult Formation: Christianity's Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why with Adam Hamilton. January 12 to March 2, 8 sessions

    • Anglicanism, Deacon Joanna, February 9   
    • Baptists: Dickey Mayland February 16 

    • Pentecostalism: Fr. Carey February 23  

    • Methodism: Maribeth Murray March    

  • Come and Celebrate 25 Years of Marriage with the Martinkas!: Jerry and Pat Martinka will be celebrating their 25 years of marriage with a renewal of their vows on Sunday, February 9th during the 8 a.m. service. All are invited to attend the 8 a.m. service and you may stay after and share cake and refreshments. Congratulations Pat and Jerry!

  • Diocesan Convention: St. Luke's delegates for convention are Valerie Smith and Dickey Mayland. The alternates are John Rhodes and Caryl Hicks. Convention begins Fri. Feb. 14 at Christ Church and continues on Sat Feb 15 at Episcopal Collegiate. More information can be found at

  • The Diocesan Youth Event, Winterstar is coming up this month and it is not too late to register. Winterstar is a weekend retreat at Camp Mitchell. It is three days filled with games, music, exploring the outdoors, worship, and seeing friends from around the state. The dates this year are: Jr. High (6-8 grade): Feb 7-9, Sr. High (9-12 grade): Feb 28-Mar 2. St. Luke's ECW is helping to pay the way for any of our youth attending. For more information about cost, contact the St. Luke's office. You can register online at: . The ECW will cover $75 of the $110 costs.  

  • How to Beat Winter BOREDom? Bring a Friend and Attend St. Luke's BOARD game night! When: 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 16, Where: Parish Hall, What: We'll play games like Monopoly, Charades and Uno and have a few prizes (including best display of sportsmanship and best comeback) and definitely award some bragging rights.

    • Rules:

      1. Bring both a game to play and a snack to share.

      2. Bring a friend or two if possible.

      3. This is a family friendly free event! Parents are encouraged to stay and play, but we know you are busy. Parents of elementary-school age and older may drop them off, but please be on time for pick up. Bonus hour: By special request of the fourth and fifth graders, we will offer a bonus Nerf hour from 7 to 8. Bring your favorite gun and we'll have a target-shooting contest with awards for the best sharpshooting in different age brackets (including 65 and older and it's impolite to ask).
  • Downton Abbey Comes to St. Luke's! That's right on Sunday evening, 23 February at 7pm we will be gathering in the parish hall to share deserts/apertifs and wine and sherry as we watch the season finale of Downton Abbey on the wall screen! You may dress as your favorite character from Downton or simply come as you are.  Can you guess who will come as "Mr. Travis"  and the "Dowager?" Please call or email Caroline at the church (put phone number and email address) to reserve your place and what libation or sweet you can bring.

  • Calling for pancake cook-off teams: Announcing St. Luke's First Annual Pancake Cook-Off! Do you have a special pancake recipe that you think is the very best there is? Perhaps you are famous for your Red Velvet, Sour Cream, Chocolate Chip, or  Pumpkin Pancakes? Well this is your chance to show off your Pancake prowess! Enter our first Annual Shrove Tuesday Mardi Gras Pancake Cook-Off! Each team will have the chance to win a gift card to the mecca of pancake lovers everywhere IHOP, the title of  2014 St. Luke's Pancake Champions the very coveted Golden Spatula trophy! Contact Joanna to sign up. Bring griddles or pancakes already made to warm up
    We will also be having pancake races between teams so start limbering up!

  • Sign up for Time for J.O.Y.:

    Time for J.O.Y retreat is April 25th-27th at Camp Mitchell. This retreat is specifically for women ages 20ish to 40ish and it is a time for them to reconnect and have a brief hiatus from their busy lives. If you are interested in signing up or sponsoring someone, please contact Elanka Jayaysundera at or Wanda Dunwoody at More information can be found here. 





On-Going Events 


  • 12 STEP EUCHARIST: The Eucharist on the first Wednesday of the month at noon at St. Luke's Episcopal Church 4106 JFK, will begin incorporating the 12 steps as well as the healing service in its liturgy. The service has been prepared by the Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church. It is a teaching liturgy showing us how the spirituality of the 12 steps is part of the liturgy of the Eucharist. For people in recovery, this liturgy may be important to see how each of the steps is present in the liturgy of the word and the table. For those not in involved in a 12 step program, the service will be an introduction to the spirituality of the 12 step program.  

  • St. Luke's Labyrinth Guild hosts a community Labyrinth walk the first Tuesday of each month from 6 to 7 pm and the first Saturday from 9 to 11 am. This is a wonderful way to learn how to use this ancient and sacred meditative way of connecting to God.



    Stock the Pantry Sunday is this Sunday, Feb 9th. Please bring your donations of non-perishable goods for the Park Hill Christian Church Food Pantry and place them in the box in the church narthex.

  • VETS DINNER:  St. Luke's will again sponsor a St. Francis House Vet's Dinner on March 13, Thursday, at 6:00 p.m. Watch for the sign up in the church narthex if you would like to help with this event.  Contact Dan Dennis or Jeannie Fry for more information.

  • PANERA BREAD for VETS: Parishioners are needed to help deliver fresh baked goods from Panera in Lakewood on one Monday of the month.  These fresh baked goods would be taken directly from Panera to St. Francis House for the Vets and their families.  If you are interested in helping with this project or have questions about it, please contact Jeannie Fry at or call/text her at 501.941.0430.



Anne Gontermann, Bill Spradlin, Lance Lochridge, Allen Baxter II, Jeff Spradlin, Hudson Woods, Paula, Helen Snipan, Louise Mabry, Rhonda Forbes, Caleb Jablonowski, Rebekah, Mitchell and Jordan Brown, Angela Corlett, Emily Stone, Jim Stone, Kate Toepher, Ryan Dillon Parker, Jim Johnson, Bill Moses, Jim, Will Jirik, Michael Drake, Stephen, Patience, Abbey and Will Holt, Don Stewart, Jared Kunz, Lois Waller, Gene DeLisa, Tom Hilton, Larry Maze, Joseph and Marilyn Murphy, Nina Goins, Grey Goodwin, Marilyn H, Edward Anderson, Janette Eddy and family, Megan Dixon, Jan Singer, Jennifer, Louise Ahrens, Cheryl Hall, Paula Kalina, Sarah Herring, Gloria Wiggins, Cole, Carson, Charlie Mac, and Cate Bryant, Jones Family, Bryant Family, Ann, Cherie, Helen Pollock, Zill Coleman, Mayo Smith, Carmen Quinn and her granddaughters and family, Gary Bolen, Dana Smith, Pat Loomis, Sydnie Reedy  




Special ConcernsFor all the men and women of our Armed Forces, especially Justin, Joshua, Bret, Tim, Matt, Doug, Brian Mahoney, Brian Mennes, Frank Tate, Alex Schimelpfening, David Liem, Eddie Klein, Col. Dan Walrath, Justin, John Landis, Lucas Kunce, Justin Hensley.




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