spring arrivals                                 march 2014
indigenous LEAFY logo
MEET Doug Sovonick
Rick Hoffman
Rick Hoffman
Alice Balterman
Alice Balterman
Amy Elswick
Amy Elswick
Stephanie Townsend
Stephanie Townsend
GlassEye Studios
GlassEye Studios
Linda Stile Smith
Linda Stiles Smith
Jessica & Tyson Geib
Jessica & Tyson Geib
last call!
Amy Wallace changes direction~
after 15 years of being the premier polymer artist, Amy Wallace is leaving her "ovenfried beads" jewelry behind 
  Amy Wallace
and will begin focusing on a new media~ knowing Amy her art will be just as colorful. thoughtful, spontaneous, and fun!
Snail earrings
snail necklace
 Amy Wallace's jewelry
will only be available through may 11th!
Amy Wallace bracelet
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Ready to emerge from hibernation and WELCOME SPRING!?

Spring at indigenous brings new artists, fresh designs, & lively new handcrafted creations! We've found exciting new artists to brighten up your home, while our favorite artists continue to create brilliant new works that will entice & delight you. Visit us to check out all the fresh arrivals & find a few pieces that will make your home & garden spring to life. Mark your calendars so you won't miss the artful events we have planned ~ watch our artists-in-action & enjoy a trunk sale of their latest works!
Saturday Studio ~ Trunk Sale
"Releasing Robots"

MEET Doug Sovonick

saturday, march 15 ~ 11 - 5

MEET Doug Sovonick
Introducing Doug Sovonick at indigenous! 
A life-long collector of urban off-casts~ pieces of wood, screws, bolts, coffee cans~ as well as vintage toys, Doug Sovonick has swirled them together and through his "tinkering around" has created these delightful found object sculptures & clocks. ENJOY a whimsical walk through a menagerie of oddities that have found a new life when seen through our artist's eyes and constructive hands.
Releasing Robots
Releasing Robots
mark your calendar ~ 
artful  events  

MEET Karen Trimble Shell

Third Thursday Benefit Wine Walk
~Karen Trimble Shell Trunk Sale!
thursday, april 17 ~ 3-8

Join your friends & family for the first Benefit Wine Walk of the season!

Indiana Urban Artisans

Celebration of Spring!
~saturday, april 26th 
& sunday, april 27th!
~Indiana Urban Artisans' 
Trunk Sale 
saturday, april 26 ~ 10-5
~Sandy Manteuffel Trunk Sale
~ sunday, april 27 ~ 12-4

JOIN US artTILE 2014

artTILE 2014!

~saturday, may 3rd  
through - sunday, july 15th!
1000 tiles - 35 nationally known artists   
Feature artists~
Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin
Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin
cleveland, ohio
Young and fun, yet clean and elegant, Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin create beautiful fused-glass jewelry that can be worn from the office to the restaurant, then out for a night on the town. Their modern geometric designs complement many contemporary fashions & coordinate with any wardrobe for every season.
Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin
Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin
Laura Bosse & Cat Zurchin

Michael Terra~ Seize the Day We're looking forward to helping you make your garden more bright & lively and your home more handcrafted & heARTfelt! Thank you for your continued patronage of indigenous and your support of our artists & their creative endeavors. We consider ourselves fortunate to have patrons like you & truly ENJOY celebrating our artful events with you!

indigenous, a handcrafted gallery
  2010 madison road | cincinnati | 45208 | 513.321.3750 | indigenouscraft.com
open 7 days a week! mon-fri 10 - 8 | sat 10 - 6 | sun 12 - 5