handmade & heartfelt

the month of love ~ February 2013 
indigenous LEAFY logo
romance, love & all things sweet...
Give Me Some Sugar
~featured artists

Jessica Wolf

Jessica Wolf
Amy Greely 
Amy Greely
Avery Applegate 
Avery Applegate


Romy & Clare 
Romy Kissel &
Clare Backer-Bies
Heather Grandmont
Heather Grandmont
Mike Sorge
Mike Sorge
Michelle Blades
Michelle Blades
Stefanie McCune
Stefanie McCune
Jim & Tori Mullan 
Jim & Tori Mullan
Susan Mahan 
Susan Mahan


Liz Franklin
Liz Franklin
Nancy Hopkins 
Nancy Hopkins
Mary Fitzpatrick 
Mary Fitzpatrick
Bethany Roa 
Bethany Roa
Amanda Carlisle
Amanda Carlisle
Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher
We have gathered the cutest, sweetest, most inspiring collection of handmade works for our new show, Give Me Some Sugar.
Romy & ClareCelebrate the ones you love... Valentine's Day is Thursday, February 14. Find the perfect token of affection~ inspiring jewelry; blown glass hearts; whimsical ceramic tiles; keepsake albums; cute, soft cuddlies; and all sorts of heART~felt lovelies for all the loves in your life!
Give Me Some Sugar!
We love love!
...so we invited our favorite artistic lovelies to create some sweet stuff for our favorite month of love! Enjoy this new sweet exhibit,
"Give Me Some Sugar" ~ February 1 - 28! 
hello love, you're invited
Please join us for the
Give Me Some Sugar Artists' Reception
Saturday, February 9, 2013
12 noon to 4pm
Mewsies~ Micha Robertson 
Meet the lovely artists of Give Me Some Sugar 
~ toast with champagne & sweets and  enjoy all of their expressions of love during the artists' reception.
 Karen Trimble Shell
Karen Trimble Shell ~
the lovely eye
Stephanie Townsend
Stephanie Townsend~
whoooo's your love?
Nicole Manning
Nicole Manning~
sweet treats
Shannon Motzer
Shannon Motzer~
cute cuddlies
Micha Robertson
Micha Robertson~
little lovelies,"mewsies"
Give Me Some Sugar pics

wintry hours ~ through Sunday, February 4

monday - saturday 10am - 6pm | sunday 12 - 5


regular hours ~ return Monday, February 5

monday - friday 10 am - 8 pm 
 saturday 10am - 6 pm  |  sunday  12noon - 5pm
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Jessica Wolf's paper galrand lovebirds
...handmade & heartfelt