The VINE - e-Newsletter |
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Welcome to a new season of eating local! First, I hope you have signed up for a CSA or are eagerly awaiting your farmers' market or farm stand's opening day. Second, I ask that you support SEMAP by renewing (or becoming) a member today.
SEMAP is the promoter, educator, convener, and clearinghouse of information for local food in southeastern Massachusetts. We serve as a resource and connector to farmers and eaters. SEMAP supports the expansion of a sustainable local food system, keeping farmers on the land, putting local food dollars right back into the local economy (See Graphic Below), and achieving a healthy lifestyle. SEMAP is an advocate for state and federal legislation that protects small farms.
SEMAP keeps the importance of local farms & food front-and-center in the public's mind. Our monthly e-newsletter and email announcements reach over 5,090 consumers. SEMAP members are highlighted in our emails categorically: CSAs, seedlings, farmers' markets, value-added products, retail stores, and institutions. We will also run member announcements and promotions.
In just two weeks we will be running our June Farmers' Market addition - so get those memberships in to be a highlighted market!
However, it is free to post to the On-Line Farm Guide and we will always link to the Guide "for a full listing." In just the last 30 days, 85,917 individuals used the On-Line Farm Guide - and that number shoots up during peak months, such as last October with
119,000 people!
With a Community Level SEMAP membership you are a partner with SEMAP in our mission to preserve and expand access to local food and sustainable farming in southeastern Massachusetts. You are conserving land and open-space. You are combating childhood obesity with access to unprocessed food. You are growing your local economy. You are safeguarding your right to know where your food comes from, who grew it and how your food was grown.
With a Farm or Business Level SEMAP membership you also receive the coveted Buy Fresh Buy Local Marketing Kit, notices for our many exciting workshops and networking opportunities throughout the year and don't forget the Annual Food & Agriculture Conference! Discounts are offered for all SEMAP members.
We are excited about the 2013 growing season and your continued support as we come together to promote and sustain our local food economy.
Bridget Alexander
SEMAP Executive Director

This "infograph" is about supporting local, in general, but it is a great illustration of how the impact of buying local trickles down and effects so many aspects of our life and our environment.
Increasing direct farm sales strengthens the local economy. According to recent studies in Maine and Vermont, for every $1,000 spent on farm production, an additional $600 (ME) to almost $2,000 (VT) are spent in the community.
SEMAP's 6th Annual
Farm to Table Dinner!
 Friday, June 28th
James Beard House
Private 5-7 Course Tasting Menu
with Wine Pairings
at the James Beard House in New York City
for 12
Le Cordon Bleu, Ottawa, Canada 
Hands-On Culinary Workshop, Private Tour, Dinner, Executive Chef Meet & Greet, Fairmont Château Laurier 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2
Chef Marc Swierkowski, Executive Chef/Owner of Ella's Wood Burning Stove Restaurant
TWILIGHT Grower Education Series 2013
SEMAP's 2013 Twilight Grower Education Series is serving up its 2nd workshop,
in our series of six, with STARTING ROOT VEGETABLES at FOUR TOWN FARM with Chris Clegg.
Monday, June 3rd 2013
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Farmer Chris Clegg will lead the workshop, covering everything from soil prep to early season weed control, and will of course take time to answer your questions.
The event will include a farm tour, as well!
Onions | Rutabegas | Radishes | Carrots | Beets
Are you a farm or local food artisan looking for a market? SEMAP has a list of member markets that are looking for YOU!
Please contact Bridget Alexander for information.
You can reach Bridget at balexander@semaponline.org or 401-207-4516.
Next VINE is all about our Farmers' Markets!
Stay tuned for a full listing of our member markets - Thursday, June 6th
Click pic for details!
Come join in the fun! South Shore Great Pumpkin Challenge is proud to announce, in conjunction with Coast of Maine Organics, the School vs. School grant program. This grant is open to the South Shore of Massachusetts. This includes the following counties; Bristol, Norfolk, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Any school or educational organization within the counties listed is welcome to take part in the Challenge. The school must grow a giant pumpkin on school grounds with staff, students, and parents of that school. The school with the
heaviest pumpkin will win a grant for an agricultural based program or project.
For more information, you can find us on Facebook or email us at SSGreatPumpkinChallenge@gmail.com
Email us your events to share with our 5,090 readers! A benefit of SEMAP Membership.
We track clicks and opens.
Please contact us with any questions, suggestions or concerns. We want to hear from you!
Bridget & Kristen