SEMAP's e-Newsletter
Agriculture & Food Conference
of Southeastern Massachusetts Saturday February 25, 2012 Bristol County Agricultural High School, Dighton, MA Doors open, 8:30am - 5:00pm
This all-day event will feature an information-packed range of 18 workshops for both the seasoned farmer and the weekend gardener...including....
- 3 workshops by Will Bonsall of the Scatterseed Project
- New organic track workshops developed in partnership with NOFA/Mass and made possible by a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant and Mass Grown & Fresher.
- Resource Fair - Seed Swap (bring your seeds!) - Community Networking!
- Local Cook Book signing with Eva Sommaripa from Eva's Garden.
Challenge yourself to help us create a ZERO TRASH event!
Please bring your own: Resuable beverage containers, utensils and plates!
Join us at the Agriculture & Food Conference kick-off event...
At the Dartmouth Grange, 1133 Fisher Rd., S. Dartmouth
Winter Market Look Out!
Farmers Market @ Attleboro Farms - YEAR-ROUND! Sundays, 12pm - 4pm 491 Hickory Road, N. Attleboro, Ma. This week (1/22) we will have On the Edge Knife Sharpening back So plan to bring your blades to get their edge back.
Plymouth Farmers Market - Monthly Markets @ Plimoth Plantation - March 8th, 2:30pm - 6:30pmThe Plymouth Local Foods will be held every second Thursday of the month at Plimouth Plantation. Check back for more information, or visit Also...SNAP now available at Plymouth Farmers Market!
Fall River Winter Indoor Market - 2nd Saturday of every month - 8:00am - 12pm
Join us at CD Recreation for the First Annual Winter Indoor Market! The market will be held the second Saturday of every month. Local vendors with meats, cheeses, wines, vegetables, and other great goods will be available and are looking to see you there! Location: 72 Bank Street, Fall River, MA -
Waquoit Winter Market - Saturday: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Congregational Church Parish Hall, 15 Parsons Lane East Falmouth, MA
January 7 to May 12, 2012
Locally grown and produced cheeses, greens, vegetables, value added products and fibers.
Winter Market @ Kennedy Country Gardens, Scituate - Sundays, select dates
Dates: January through March - Every Sunday starting 1/8 - 3/25
ALL MARKETS ARE 11:00 - 3:00pm Location: 85 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy, Scituate
Local Food Events & Workshops
Sustainable Braintree - 4th Annual Green Gala Fundraiser
Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 - 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Braintree Town Hall, One JFK Memorial Drive., Braintree, Ma.
The evening will feature: Keynote Speaker: Richard K. Sullivan Jr., Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Live Musical Entertainment by: Renato Malavasi Jazz Quartet
Catering by: Chef Anthony Columbus, owner and head chef of Columbus Catering.
Great Door Prizes: Reds Sox tickets, Gift cards from Fisher Experience, Cheesecake Factory, Coastal Vineyards, Fitness Unlimited, Get in Shape for Women, Glow Beauty Boutique, Chipotle, Panera, F1 Boston and more...
Winning ticket for the St. John USVI Getaway!
The Green Gala is a formal event~ Suits and ties for men, dressy attire for women.
Please click the PayPal button below,or call Sustainable Braintree at 781-794-8338.------------------------------------------------- Visit SEMAP at...
New Bedford Home Show - March 3rd & 4th
New Bedford Greater Regional Vocational Technical High School
1121 Ashley Boulevard, New Bedford There will be a myriad of demonstrations offered at exhibitor booths, cooking demonstrations and more. Exhibitors will be offering discounts and specials that are exclusive to the 2012 Home Show. This is a show you don't want to miss. SEMAP will be there as a resource for families seeking to connect to local farms and food in Southeastern MA. Stop by the SEMAP booth to learn more about CSAs (community supported agriculture), 'going local without going crazy' ideas as well 'seed bomb' demonstrations for children. 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Admission to the show is just $5.00 and children under 12 are free.
------------------------------------------------- Free Seeds for 2012 Growing Season! Vegetable, flower and herb seeds are now available for use by schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H clubds, community gardens or any education-based or youth group for the price of postage!* You pay $1.50 postage and handling for every 10 packets of seeds you order ...OR...avoid the mailing cost entirely! Arrange to come to the URI Outreach Center in Kingston to pick up your seed order in person. Pass the word around! Orders will be accepted from now through March 2012-order early for the best selection!
Mass Farm to School Convention - March 15th, 2012 Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA Come hear food service directors, educators, students, farmers, and community members share how they are building a vibrant connection between cafeterias, dining halls, classrooms, and farms in Massachusetts. This year's convention will feature six workshop tracks: Models for Successful Agriculture-Based Education Farm to School for Very Young Students New Ideas for Locally Grown in School Cafeterias New Strategies for Expanding Farm to School Sales Community Connections New Initiatives in Colleges Learn more and register at: Contact: 413-253-3844 20 Gatehouse Road Amherst, Massachusetts 01002------------------------------------------------- Marshfield Agricultural Commission presents "the Backyard Farm and Garden"Saturday, March 24th @ the Marshfield Senior Center, 9:30am - 1:00pm
Free Lectures on agricultural topics scaled to the backyard enthusiast.
The Marshfield Agricultural Commission presents "the Backyard Farm and Garden" Free Lectures on agricultural topics scaled to the backyard enthusiast. 9 lectures run from 9:30-1:00pm on Saturday March 24th at the Marshfield Senior Center. Participants my attend up to 3 lectures. Topics include Food Preservation methods including Canning, Drying/Freezing and Root Cellars, Herb Gardening, Cooking with Fresh Herbs, Bird Gardening, Keeping Sheep, Goats, Llamas and Alpacas from a Vet's perspective, All About Dairy Goats and Making Goat Milk Products.
------------------------------------------------- Visit SEMAP at... Agriculture Day at The State House - Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012
How big is agriculture in Massachusetts? Approximately $489 million dollars of revenue is generated annually, and Commonwealth farmers are responsible for maintaining almost 520,000 acres of open space! Please join us on April 3, 2012, when farmers and agriculture officials from across the Bay State come together to visit their legislators to discuss issues and legislation which affects their farms and local communities. Read more... |
 | Ted - the intern |
Volunteers Needed!
Become a SEMAP Volunteer! - Find more information on our Volunteer page!
Volunteer with SEMAP at the following fun events!
New Bedford Home Show - March 3rd & 4th
Monthly Twilight Farm Meetings - April through Oct., 2012
Contact Sarah @
Volunteer time slots in 2hr increments - Great way to learn more about sustainable food & farming!
Happy Eating!
Sincerely, Sarah Cogswell SEMAP Program Director