SEMAP's e-Newsletter
Run Dog Run Farm, Westport MA
Greetings! :
Thank you so much for your support of the Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership.
With your help, in 2011 SEMAP educated the community on our local food system through 16 Local Food 101 seminars presented to 227 attendees; 15 experiential workshops from sprouts, to kale, to rain barrels, and well known authors with a total of 231 attendees; and our new community track added to the 2011 Farm Conference, bringing us 34 attendees for workshops covering chickens, bees, and navigating farmers' markets. SEMAP also expanded its Volunteer Corp. from 12 to 78!
In 2011, SEMAP continued its commitment to technical assistance in support of our region's growers and producers with the 4th Annual Farm Conference, which included the workshop "Down & Dirty with Your Local Land Trust," covering how to work with land trusts in conserving farmland, with 32 attendees. For February 2012, we have added an organic track and a youth track. In land matching, SEMAP worked with 11 landowners and nine land seekers. Through SEMAP's Referral Network, we responded to 91 requests with referrals to 50 agricultural service providers.
In January 2012, SEMAP is proud to launch a new program: Farm to Institution, a scalable and replicable pilot program that works with institutional buyers and farmers to build-out the local food distribution system in southeastern Massachusetts. Accessing this new market will be an additional revenue stream for most of our growers, as the vast majority base their income solely on direct-to-consumer sales - thus resulting in a more sustainable farm business. While the official pilot does not launch until next month, SEMAP conducted a pre-pilot with six growers sourcing to UMass Dartmouth and here are the results: in less than four months 44,000 pounds of produce were sold for $27,000. We will be updating you with new data, so stay tuned! From here, we hope to replicate this model with k-12 and formally launch our Farm to School program in 2013.
We hope that you will continue to be part of the local food movement by renewing your investment in SEMAP. Please take a moment to review SEMAP donation information. And keep in mind, your donation also supports these info-packed e-newsletters and maintenance of the On-Line Farm Guide...
Thank you for your support and generosity!
Bridget Alexander Ferreira, Esq.
SEMAP Executive Director |
Local Food For the Holidays!
 What's available in the WINTER?!
Visit SEMAP's Facebook page for weekly updates on FARM products, WINTER MARKETS, and more!
Miss Scarlett's Blue Ribbon Farm, Yarmouthport MA
Your Fresh, never frozen, Christmas Duck, Goose, and Turkey will be available for pickup on December 21st. Chickens available for Dec. 11th pick up (12-4pm). Chickens 3-5lbs $5.00 per pound, order (3) or more and you pay only $4.00 per pound. Perfect year to ask Santa for a new Freezer!All birds have been nurtured, cared for, and raised here on the farm in Yarmouth Port. Please reserve online at
Free-range chickens and turkeys for sale! Call to place an order!
LOCAL WREATHS AND TREESCoonamessett Bog Christmas Tree Farm, E. Falmouth, MA 392 Boxberry Hill Rd., East Falmouth, MA - (508) 563-3523 Cut-Your-Own Christmas Trees Weekends from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. WebsiteCape Abilties Farm, Dennis MA - Dennis, MA - Website 458 Main Street - Route 6A, Dennis, MA - 508-385-2538. Open Daily 10 AM - 4PM A great selection of fresh-cut trees and beautiful hand-decorated wreaths. Crafted by our farm workers, these lovely wreaths are available in four distinct designs. We also have swags, centerpieces and "kissing balls," a centuries-old tradition.
Keep reading for an update on Winter Markets! Perfect for all the trimmings, plus locally made gifts! |
2011 Agriculture & Food Conference
of Southeastern Massachusetts You're invited!
Agriculture & Food Conference of Southeastern Massachusetts Saturday February 25, 2012 Bristol County Agricultural High School, Dighton, MA 8:30am - 5:00pm Registration is now open for this 5th annual conference presented by SEMAP and Bristol County Conservation District. This all-day event will feature an information-packed range of 18 workshops geared toward both professional farmers and local food-focused membe rs of the public, plus a special series of workshops on organic practices and three youth sessions for children ages 9-12.
Offerings will include: - Three workshops by Will Bonsall of the Scatterseed Project
- Sessions on the business of farming, including marketing, land leasing and institutional sales.
- New organic track workshops developed in partnership with NOFA/Massand made possible by a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant and Mass Grown & Fresher.
- Resource fair where you can learn about organizations and businesses helping you to grow.
- Locally-sourced lunch included in registration (in February!)
- Seed swap...
- ...and more!
Registration for this day-long event is only $50 for the public, and $35 for farmers; SEMAP members receive a 10% discount. Why not bring a friend?
SEMAP Classes & Events!
Southeast Agriculture Mediation Workshop: Conflict Resolution Skills
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
6PM - 8PM @ The Carver Public Library, 2 Meadowbrook Way, Carver MA 02330
This interactive workshop will introduce farmers and agricultural commissions to basic communication and conflict resolution skills to enhance their ability to address conflicts that arise in day-to-day dealings with customers, suppliers, neighbors, the public, etc.
Participants will take a look at their own perceptions of conflict, and also learn effective techniques for better communication, as well as managing and resolving conflict. Read more...
Click here to REGISTER.SEMAP Workshop Series - Barn Raising: Starting JANUARY 24th, 2012 Marketing Your Farm Business -> Increasing Your Sales
5:30pm - 8:30pm @ the UMass Extension Cranberry Station, 1 State Bog Rd., East Wareham, MA
Join us for a modern take on a classic barn raising where you will come together with other growers and producers in your farming community to establish a marketing plan and website for your farm business. Just as the barn is vital to the operations of your farm, a marketing plan is vital to the success of your farm as a business. In short, improve your marketing plan and you'll improve your sales. Read more...
Who Should Attend?: Anyone interested in establishing a marketing plan or updating an existing strategy that needs some fine-tuning.
Learn more and REGISTER ONLINE
'So You Want to Be a Farmer?' Workshop Series MARCH 2012
Aspiring Farmers, Join Us
The "So, You Want to Be a Farmer" series is a chance for aspiring farm ers to learn the essential building blocks of starting a new farm enterprise and to provide information on the network of existing services available.
The five-session workshop series is comprised of: 1.) So, You Want to Be a Farmer?: The Dirty Truth; 2.) What is a Business Plan and Why You Need One; 3.) The Dollars and Sense of Financing a Small Farm; 4.) News Flash! You Don't Need To Own The Land You Farm; 5.) Farm Tour: What A Real Farm Smells Like.
SEMAP Member Announcements
Winter Market Look out!
Attleboro Farmers Market - YEAR-ROUND! This Bring Food and you could win a great gift from a great vendor! Bring your favorite to share with fellow market goers and vendors, we'll provide tables, seating and flatware. Of course we'll have music too!
Marshfield Farmers Market - 'Winter Series Market' There will be a once a month "winter series" market, Saturdays from 10 am until 1 pm in the 4H barn.
Next one is December 17 and then continuing on the last Saturday of each month from January until May. Vendors at the winter markets will be offering meats, prepared foods, baked goods, coffee, limited produce and crafts. Please come down and support our wonderful local vendors!
Plymouth Farmers Market - Monthly Markets @ Plimoth Plantation - January 13th, 2:30pm - 6:30pmThe Plymouth Local Foods will be held every second Thursday of the month at Plimouth Plantation. Check back for more information, or visit Also...SNAP now available at Plymouth Farmers Market!
Fairhaven Farmers Market - Winter Dates!
Starting on Sunday, October 23 we will hold the market indoors at Nemasket Gallery at 56 Bridge Street. The market will be held indoors from 1-4pm on the following Sundays:
Nov. 20th
Dec. 18th
Please join us for several of the same farmers and vendors that have been with us all season. Stock up for the Fall and holiday season at this indoor market!
For more info please contact Ann Richard at 508-991-8315 or
Winter Market @ Kennedy Country Gardens, Scituate - Sundays, select dates Nov.-March
Dates: Sunday, October 16th, 23rd & 30th Sunday, November 6th & 13th Sunday, December 18th January through March - Every Sunday starting 1/8 - 3/25
ALL MARKETS ARE 11:00 - 3:00pm Location: 85 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy, Scituate
UMass Dartmouth Winter Market Series - Thursday, December 15th, 11am - 4pm in the Campus Center. (Parking Lot #6)
Local Food Events

Didi Emmons' Wild Flavors: Book Signing and Tasting from local suppliers
Saturday, December 10, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
City Feed & Supply, 672 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Didi Emmons, the "roving eco-chef," will be signing her new cookbook Wild Flavors, "a seasonal cookbook celebrating greens, herbs, weeds, and foraged food." Stop by to learn about tasty local recipes and enjoy samples from local suppliers Kayak Cookies, Our Favorite Dressing and Deborah's Kitchen preserves. Our region has a lot to offer - come on down and learn how local residents use MA ingredients to create delicious food!
Free Weekend Cranberry Bog Wagon Rides @ AD Makepeace - Saturdays
147 Tihonet Rd., Wareham, MA
We are offering FREE winter wagon rides around the Cranberry Bogs each Saturday during the holiday season!
Saturdays, November 26th - December 17th
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
*Poor weather conditions may delay or cancel wagon rides.
NOFA Mass Spring Bulk Order - Available to Download January 1st, 2012
Recommendation: Get your soil tested now!
Do you buy cover crop seed, fertilizers, mineral amendments, compost, potting soil, potato and allium seed? Would you like to save money on those items? If so, the Bulk Order might be perfect for you. Our suppliers include: Organic Growers Supply, Moose Tubers, Ideal Compost, Vermont Compost, Crop Production Services, Fertrell and more!
For more information on how to order, contact Cathleen O'Keefe, Bulk Order Coordinator, 413-587-0565, 25th Annual NOFA/Mass Winter Conference - January 24th, 2012
Worcester State University, Worcester MA Keynote Speech By John Jeavons, "Food and Our Future: Exciting Solutions Through Biologically Intensive Gardening"
 FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS 2011 School Garden Grant Project: Helping Gardens Grow Learning about the process of growing food helps children develop a deep understanding of the connection between healthy eating and a healthy body. School gardens offer an opportunity to integrate math, science and health curriculum into a dynamic, interactive setting. They also provide a base of knowledge that allows children to take an active role in healthy food choices. - $2000 grant offer to schools, districts or school-affiliated nonprofit organizations.
- Yearlong support and mentoring from FoodCorps.
- Access to a resource center providing curriculum, coaching, materials and ideas.
- Participation in gardening discussions and forums with expert assistance.
Apply from August 17-December 31, 2011 Application at |
 | Ted - the intern |
Volunteers Needed!
Become a SEMAP Volunteer! - Find more information on our Volunteer page!
Volunteer with SEMAP at the following fun events!
February One-Day Farm Conference, Feb. 25th
Contact Sarah @
Volunteer time slots in 2hr increments - Great way to learn more about sustainable food & farming!
Happy Eating!
Sincerely, Sarah Cogswell SEMAP Program Director