SEMAP's Summer e-Newsletter
Locavores, start your engines! Summer is here and with it comes summer produce: ripe red tomatoes, sweet squash and heaping helpings of local variety. To get your fill of the summer crop you can find farmers markets, stands, and local food restaurants with our easy web tool: SEMAP's On-Line Farm Guide. It's not to late to sign up for a CSA, check our list of CSA's near you!
Get outside and enjoy some fun local events, the Westport Fair (among others) is running through Sunday! Want to get more involved in SEMAP? Join us in our new 5k trail run, the Bog Jog. Learn more and sign up at our website,
- Ted the Intern |
SEMAP Events
Barn Raising: Marketing Your Farm - Rescheduled for Winter, 2012!
This technical assistance class geared toward farm businesses has moved to the winter. At that time you can join us for a modern take on a classic barn raising where we will come together with other growers and producers in the Southeastern MA farming community to estabblish a marketing plan and website for your farm business. Just as the barn is vital to the operations of your farm, a marketing plan is vital to the success of your farm as a business. In short, improve your marketing plan you'll improve your sales. Contact Katie Cavanagh, SEMAP's Farms Forever Coordinator with any questions!
SEMAP's 1st Annual BOG JOG, 5K Trail Run - Saturday September 17th, 2011
Trot through the gorgeous cranberry bogs of Wareham, Ma. while supporting SEMAP! See ad below - or click here to register!

Local Food Events
Westport Fair - July 13-17th, 2011
The Westport Fair is here! Nearing six decades old, the Fair is host to tractor pulls, canning contests, and the bounty of Westport's thriving farms. July 13-17, don't miss it! Find out more:
Mid-Summer Farm Celebration with Land for Good @ Langwater Farm, Easton, Ma.
Are you a local food supporter near Easton? It's not too late to RSVP for Langwater Farms organic food dinner and celebration this Saturday the 16th! More at:
Saturday Suppers @ Kettle Pond Farm - July 16th, Agriculture & Seaweed- 4:00pm
Learn about local seaweeds found in the Taunton River and the region. You will see them up close and hear about their uses in agriculture. Dinner at 5:30pm.
Saturday, August 27th - Heirloom Varieties What is an heirloom vegetable anyway? Come by for some learning and tasting! Learn about what they are, why we use them and taste test the varieties on the farm. Soule Homestead Summer Concert Series - Sat. July 16th, 2011 Dig into local food culture with the Soule Homestead Summer Concert Series! Family friendly, the Middleborough organization will be putting on shows throughout the season. The next performance is this Saturday! For more info got to: Westport Rivers' Sunset Music Series - Fridays, June - September, 2011 Summer has come with the return of Westport Rivers' popular SUNSET MUSIC SERIES! On Friday evenings from 6pm to 8pm you're welcome to trip on over to our farm for some great tunes and wonderful views. The first of the series was on June 24th and we will be wrapping things up on September 3. Click here for schedule, information and more. Plus, Chardonnay Barrel Tasting! - Saturday, July 30th. Visit, for tickets! |
Local Food Education!
Agriculture and Seaweed: Surpassing Sushi and Salad- July 16th, 2011
Explore the local diversity and importance of seaweed, including traditional and modern applications in agriculture and value as a food source. Hands-on identification practice, specimen preservation, seaweed-based art projects, and taste-testing will make this a fun and educational program for all ages! Dinner (including seaweed-inspired dishes!) will be served at 5:30 PM. Hosted by Kettle Pond Farm
Northeast Organice Farming Association Summer Conference -

August 12-14th, 2011
The Northeast Organic Farming Association is holding its Summer Conference on August 12-14th. More than 225 workshops and great speakers will make it one of the biggest local food events of the season. To find out more go to:
The Wallace Center - Healthy Food Access Webinar - July 21st, 2011
Learn about the bigger picture of the national local food cause and the challenges confronting it, from the comfort of your home! The Wallace Center will be giving a webinar July 21st on market based solutions for healthy food access. To find out more and register go to:
The farmers markets are brimming with the sweet tastes of summer! Cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, blueberries and the freshest meats and dairy... the only way to experience one is to GO! Visit a farmers market list below, or find one near you using the Online Farm Guide.
SEMAP Member Farmers Markets:
The Attleboro Farmers Market Attleboro, MA Saturdays (8:00am-1:00pm)
Braintree Farmers Market - Saturdays, 9:00am - 1:00pm.
Carver Farmers' Market - Sundays, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
The Farmers Markets @ Attleboro Farms (Yr-round!) - N. Attleboro, MA
Sundays 12:00 noon to 4:00pm
Falmouth Green Harvest Organic Farmers Market - Tuesdays, 12:00pm - 6: 00pm
Marshfield Farmers Market - Saturdays, 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Middleboro Farmers' Market - Saturdays, 9:00am - 1:00pm
North Easton Farmers Market (2) - Saturdays, 10:00am - 2:00pm; Tuesdays, 2:00pm - 6:00p - See flyer for cooking demos each Tuesday!
Pembroke Farmers Market - Saturdays, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Plymouth Farmers Market (2) - Opening days: Thursdays (Stephen Field), 2:30pm - 6:00pm; Saturdays (Court St.), 9:00am - 1:00pm
Scituate Farmers' Market - Wednesdays, 3:00pm - 7:00pm

 There's A New CSA inTown! Do you bake your own bread, or know someone who does? The Wheatberry Farm is now in the third growing season of it's CSA program which grows several varieties of grains for shareholders. Local, organically grown grain is as rare in Massachusetts as it is healthy, check it out now: |
CSAs Still Available!
Please visit the Online Farm Guide to search for CSAs near you!
Kettle Pond Farm - 181 Bayview Ave., Berkley MA
The Silverbrook Farm - 934 Main Street Acushnet, Ma. (also meat CSA)
Lucky Field Organics - 570 New Bedford Rd., Rochester, Ma.
Brix Bounty Farm - 858 Tucker Road, Dartmouth, MA.
Silverbrook Farm - 596 Chase Rd., Dartmouth MA
 SEMAP Receives Funding For Workshop Series "So, You Want to Be a Farmer?" Applying our knowledge of entering and aspiring farmers, we are offering the "So, You Want to Be a Farmer?" workshop series this winter to educate entering farmers on the essential building blocks of starting a new farm enterprise and to inform you of the network of existing services. The five-session workshop series, "So, You Want to Be a Farmer?" is comprised of: 1.) So, You Want to Be a Farmer?: The Dirty Truth; 2.) What is a Business Plan and Why You Need One; 3.) The Dollars and Sense of Financing a Small Farm; 4.) News Flash! You Don't Need To Own The Land You Farm; and 5.) Farm Tour: What A Real Farm Smells Like.
SEMAP has been working with aspiring and entering farmers through its Farms Forever Program for the past four years. You have communicated your need for support in the areas of business planning, locating farmland, financing, and other legal issues. SEMAP has received funding for 20 participants. Learn more: August 22nd, Monday, 6:30-8:00PM at Carver Library Informational Session: Entering farmers and aspiring farmers are invited to attend an informational session about the workshop series; and a Listening Session: New Entry Sustainable Farming Project at Tufts University and CTI Lowell has received a three-year award of $749,014 from USDA's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) to develop a Beginning Farmer Agricultural Alliance (BFAA) for Massachusetts. BFAA will be a statewide collaboration composed of beginning farmers, farm service providers, and farm support agencies - to expand use of new and existing educational and technical assistance resources, and also to focus on two specific initiatives - farmland access and livestock production. At this meeting we want to hear from you on what the BFAA should be, include, and how it should function. RSVP NOW |
Are you a Grower or Buyer of Local Food?
As a Farm Member or Tomato Approved Business you'll receive Buy Fresh Buy Local (BFBL) materials and all the promotional and educational strength of the BFBL Campaign. SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign educates the communities of Southeastern MA on the Why, Where, and How of local food with fun workshops, hands-on learning experiences and speaking engagements. Be sure to have your local farm or business included in these promotional and educational experiences! Learn more!
| Ted - the intern |
Farm & Food Positions
Become a SEMAP Volunteer! - Find more information on our Volunteer page!
SEMAP is looking for eaters of all ages to help attend farmers markets and local food events all across Southeastern Mass. We also are looking to train 'Local Food Ambassadors' to help educate their communities on the importance of supporting local farms and eating locally grown food. Contact us anytime! Email: |
Happy Spring!
Sincerely, Sarah Cogswell SEMAP Buy Local Coordinator