SEMAP's e-Newsletter
Become a SEMAP Member!
Whether your a farmer looking to promote your locally grown foods, or an eater looking for information on delicious local products - we've got the perfect membership level for you!
Visit our website to learn more:
Spring is just a snowstorm away. I'm kidding of course. We're almost there!
To get your local food system started check out the story of a coastal town in Maine who recently adopted a new ordinance helping to preserve small-scale farming and food processing. Inspirational stuff!
Thanks to Bristol County Conservation District and all the attendees of last weekend's One-Day Farm Conference! We had record breaking attendance this year and plan to expand 2012's conference with an organic track - partnering with NOFA Mass and youth track, as well. This year we had a great time learning about grant possibilities for farms and nonprofits, farmers markets, land trusts and how to tap into your farm's real value through cultural and agricultural tourism. Thanks as well to the producers who helped supply the fantastic lunch including Lawton's Family Farm who provided grass-fed beef and cheese!
Be sure to attend one of our future events! Check out the great mix of free lectures, educational workshops and fun food events for all!
Also, it's that time of year for farm internships and new food positions! See below for more information. [P.S. We'd love to have you volunteer with SEMAP too!] Email:
Are you a Grower or Buyer of Local Food?
As a Farm Member or Tomato Approved Business you'll receive Buy Fresh Buy Local (BFBL) materials and all the promotional strength of the BFBL Campaign. SEMAP educates the communities of Southeastern MA on the Why, Where, and How of local food. Have your local farm or business included in our promotional and educational experiences. Learn more!
Want to Learn More about Local Farms & Food?
Join our Public Membership program! Members receive discounts on culinary demonstrations, educational classes, and fun family events! Plus, know that your contribution will go to sustaining and increasing access to local food and sustainable farming in Southeastern MA. Find out more!
Do your Customers Know you Support Local Farms?
Help your customers know you're a supporter of local food and farms by advertising with SEMAP! Membership is not required to join our advertising/sponsorship opportunities including: Local Food Guide (20K+, Summer 2011), Farm to Table Dinner (June 2011), new 5k Bog Jog (Fall 2011) and more! Learn more by visiting SEMAP's website at:
Ad space available in SEMAP's 2011 Local Food Guide! OR Sponsor a SEMAP Event!
THE FARMERS' MARKET @ ATTLEBORO FARMS - Sundays, 12-4PM 491 Hickory Road, N. Attleboro Ma. Attleboro Farms is the year round location for the The Farmers Market, held almost every Sunday from 12 noon to 4 pm, (except major holidays, call ahead). A gorgeous location that allows the market to go rain or shine where everyone can stay dry and shop in comfort. We host a year round farmers market, indoors in the Winter and outdoors in the Summer and Fall. We feature a group of local farmers and artisan food producers offering high quality produce and more. Often we have entertainment or special events for a family friendly day at the Farmers Market. The Farmers' Market @ Attleboro Farms hopes to provide a connection for local producers and consumers, supporting local farms and food artisans year round. PLYMOUTH LOCAL FOODS - Winter to Spring Market - Thursday, March 10th Plimouth Plantation, 137 Warren Ave., Plymouth, 2:30pm - 6:30pm. Over 30 farmers, food-makers and artisans! As the winter winds down and we see more signs of spring everywhere, the farmers and food-makers are planning their crops and menus for the upcoming season. Looking for some green? Allen Farms will have fresh cut and potted herbs, mixed salad greens, pea greens & wheat grass for smoothies. Plato's Harvest Farm will have tender heads of lettuce. Local food-makers including Honey I'm Home will have St. Patricks Day covered with green themed sweets and fresh baked goods. Visit for more information.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND 
PAWTUCKET WINTERTIME MARKET - TWO DAYS! Wednesday (4-7pm) & Saturdays (10am - 1pm) Open every Saturday & Wednesday except 12/25 and 12/29. Snow or shine, the Wintertime Farmers Market is open. Local food in every season. The chickens are still laying eggs. The salad greens are so leafy and crisp. The onions and garlic are packing spice. The apples and squashes are getting sweeter by the day. Chefs and eaters, one and all, come enjoy all that grows in Rhode Island year-round! |
CSA Sign Ups!
Below is a reminder list of SEMAP Member Farm CSAs.
Please visit the Online Farm Guide to search for CSAs new you!
Hilltop Farm - 875A East Horseneck Road, Westport MA Allison Nightingale and Earl Matthews are proud to operate Hilltop Farm a 28-acre farm in beautiful seaside Westport, Massachusetts. Farmed since the 1750s, the property has a long and rich history of various types of agricultural enterprises including traditional row crops, poultry and eggs, blueberry bushes, and greenhouse-grown herbs and starter plants. We are proud to offer a flexible CSA program, with a variety of share types and sizes. Our on-farm pickup will be on Thursday afternoons and evenings, from 3 pm to 7 pm. The CSA season will begin in June and continue through October (20 weeks). Visit to learn more about what crops are available through the season, and additional products like farm fresh eggs! Kettle Pond Farm - 181 Bayview Ave., Berkley MA Kettle Pond Farm is a growing Not-for-Profit organization that focuses on educating the community about the importance of local agriculture, sustainable land stewardship and open space conservation. We are a CSA, Community Supported Agriculture. Summer is peak season for both the on-site education and the working farm, so please keep a look out for updates about the 2011 season. The CSA will last approximately 20 weeks, starting in early June with two membership sizes: Full and Partial. The full share is $550 and should be suitable for 2 avid vegetable lovers or a moderate veggie loving family of 4. The partial membership is $300 and should be suitable for a mild veggie loving family of 4 or a moderate veggie loving couple. Visit to download a membership form, or contact Adam Hale by email at Brix Bounty Farm - 858 Tucker Road, Dartmouth, MA. We Invite You to Invest in Health - Join our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program. Farm Fresh Vegetables Grown with Respect for the Earth and Future Generations. 20 Week Season: early-mid June through Oct. Monday or Friday Pickup - 2PM-7PM at Farm. Full Size S hare $650-600, Partial Size Share $500-$450 What's vegetables are in a share? Our CSA Newsletters page includes a list of share contents from 2010. Find registration information and more at How on Earth: The Store - 62 Marion Rd., Mattapoisett MA Community Supported Agriculture programs, or CSA's, reestablish the connection between the food we eat and the farmers who grow it. How On Earth's CSA will run from June 23rd to September 1st, pick up day being on Thursday from 2PM until 6PM. It will include 8 to 12 items each week based on the season and availability. This program is limited to 40 shares. Please contact The Store at or (508) 758-1341. The Farmers Garden - 140 Davis St. Rehoboth, MA The Noons family has been farming Rehoboth for generations. Steve and Tammy continue the Noons family tradition and passion for farming. They have dedicated themselves to producing the highest quality and best tasting vegetables in our community. For CSA information please email or call: (508) 889-7632 Silverbrook Farm - 934 Main Street Acushnet, Ma. Silverbrook Farm is a fully operational farm serving the Southern New England region. With Fresh Produce, Produce/Livestock CSA Programs, Famous Apple Pies, Fall Hay Rides, a variety of Farm Animals, and much much more. It is easy to start a NEW Family Tradition at Silverbrook Farm. Mulitiple CSA drop offs sites including Acushnet, Boston and Jamaica Plain. Complete CSA information and sign up can be found on their website: |
SEMAP Events
Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth - Monday, March 14th, 2011
5:30PM - New Bedford Public Library, 196 Williams Street, New Bedford MA FREE EVENT!
S on of a Farmer, Child of the Earth, is written by 4th generation farmer Eric Herm, who lives on his farm in Western Texas. Eric's inspirational work teaches us first hand the struggles modern small farmers face, and leaves us all empowered to make the changes needed to fix our food system for the better.
Join us in New Bedford to hear Eric speak on his farming experience TX and his work to help the next generation of farmers become more sustainable and less dependent on corporately owned chemicals and seed. Visit to learn more about Eric and his vision for the future of small farms. Click here to RSVP online.
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 - 'New Beginnings' Organic Gardening Talk with Jessica Duphily Cook - 7:30pm
Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum, 396 County Street New Bedford Ma.
SEMAP, in collaboration with The Rotch-Jones-Duff House and local organic landscaper and gardener, Jessica Duphily Cook, to offer a 'New Beginnings' talk on how to design and prepare your garden for springtime planting. Learn more about the positive benefits of growing and enjoying your own vegetables, fruit and herbs. Program content will provide an overview of organic gardening techniques and tried-and-true methods to guide you in creating a healthy landscape and beautiful garden environment. Don't miss this opportunity to begin your garden planning and kick-start the growing season!
Cost: RJD members, $8.00; non-members, $10.00, at door.
Please visit for more information. RSVP by clicking HERE.
Wednesday April 20th, 2011 - SEMAP Volunteer Potluck!
6:00pm @ The Dartmouth Grange, 1133 Fisher Road, S. Dartmouth, MA
SEMAP is seeking individuals to help at local food and farming educational programs and events. Event season is starting up...come join the fun!
Learn more about SEMAP and its programs working to preserve and expand acces to local food and sustainable farming in Southeastern MA. Hear about fun opportunities to work within your own community educating folks on the Why, Where, and How of local food and farms. Plus it's a POTLUCK! Bring a dish to share, and meet community members interested in becoming more involved with sustainable agriculture. The Grange Kitchen will be open for a short tour as well. RSVP to
Get your Sneakers Ready!!
Saturday, September 17th, 2011
Local Food Events!
Saturday, March 12, 2011 - Vanishing of the Bees
2:00 PM Thayer Public Library, Braintree
A film about the colony collapse disorder of the honeybees. The film illustrates the causes of the bees' disappearance and suggests some solutions. After the film, a local beekeeper, Alan Hiltz will discuss beekeeping and answer questions. Sponsored in collaboration with Thayer Public Library.
Call 781-794-8338 for more information or visit
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 - Roots Down - FREE Organic Gardening Workshops
5:00pm @ Lawler Library, 745 Rockdale Ave., New Bedford MA
Seed Orders, Soil Testing, & (forgotten) Trace Minerals plus Top Notch Tomatoes! See more on the Roots Down page.
Saturday, March 19th - Starting & Sustaining a School Garden - Workshop for Teachers
9:00am - 3:00pm @ Friends Academy, 1088 Tucker Rd., Dartmouth MA
The workshop will feature a variety of gardening basics: composting, seeding, transplanting, harvesting, plot design, planting schedules, mineral amendments, soil management and soil testing. Special attention will be paid to concerns germane to school gardeners, like administrative support, student involvement/management, curricular relevance, budgeting and what to do about summer vacation. $15 includes materials and lunch. See the full description at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday, March 28th, 2011 - Southshore Locavores - Meet your local food makers!
7:00pm @ the Beal House, 222 Main Street, Kingston MA
TEAM UP AGAINST HUNGER: In an effort to help fight hunger on the south shore, we will be collecting non-perishable foods at the beginning of this gathering as well as all future gathering and donating the items to the Greater Plymouth Food Warehouse. If you can, please bring a can.
Free and open to the public, however donations up to $5 will be gratefully accepted to help cover expenses and to supplement the Kingston Library's book budget.
SAMPLES AND DOOR PRIZES! Visit for more info!
Saturday April 9th, 2011 - A Culinary Expo & Farmers Market @ Bristol Community College (BCC)
9:00qm - 3:00pm, BCC Commonwealth College Center, Fall River
Farmers Market - 9:00am - 1:00pm (no entrance fee)
Join BCC student, the public and award winning chefs at this new culinary expo! Featuring: a cake show, baking demonstrations, cooking demonstrations, high school culinary arts competition, and 'Farm to Table' panel discussion.
$10 adults, $5 students (Entrance fee to discussion, demos and competitions to benefit SkillsUSA.)
Hope to see you at one of SEMAP's upcoming events!
Sincerely, Sarah Cogswell SEMAP Buy Local Coordinator