SEMAP's e-Newsletter THE VINE
| Learn more about SEMAP's Membership Levels at:

| Farm Credit East |
Greetings! :Happy Holidays! 2010 was great, but we're super excited for 2011... SEMAP is expanding its program offerings in 2011 and
we need your support to do it!
SEMAP is in the midst of its first-ever full-tilt membership drive - with a goal of 500 new or renewing members by January!
Join Now
By supporting the local food movement in Southeastern Massachusetts you are also supporting:1. Local Farming 2. Healthy Living 3. Sustainable Practices 4. Lowering Carbon Emissions 5. Educating Children on Nutrition & Agriculture 6. Keeping Farmland in Production 7. Community (re)Building 8. Increasing Access to Nutritious, Unprocessed, Local Food 9. Local Economy & Small Businesses 10. Preserving the Region's Agricultural History & Landscape 
| Allie enjoying her Kale & Carrots
| Support the Local Food Movement in Southeastern Mass Become a VolunteerPlease check out our new workshops and events below. Thank you, in advance, for your continued support! Best, Bridget
SEMAP's New Workshops & Local Food 101 Seminars
Workshops JANUARY Startling Sprout Nutrition- Presented by Jonathan's Sprouts' Barbara Sanderson
- Includes recipe flyers and sample sprouts for everyone as well as the nutrition flyer.
- Sprouts are a great winter time source for veggies!
- Saturday, January 8th, Mattapoisett Library, 11-11:45am
- Register Now!
FEBRUARY Applesauce Class
- Presented by Cedar Spring Herb Farm's Donna Eaton Woods
- Includes recipe flyers and sample sprouts for everyone as well as the nutrition flyer.
- Learn from a pro! Local grower/herbalist Donna Eaton Woods will show us the ins and outs of canning our own delicious, all-natural Applesauce.
- Learn recipes, canning instructions, and tidbits on saving money by preserving locally grown foods.
- Take home a jar!
- Cost: $20
- Saturday, February 12, Cedar Spring Herb Farm, 1-3pm
- RSVP required - Register Now!

One Day Farm Conference - PUBLIC TRACK
- In partnership with Bristol County Conservation District - SEMAP's One Day Farm Conference
- Includes a Virtual Farm Tour, Eating Local 101, Local Lunch
- Panel on Farmers Markets, Workshop on Vermaculture
- Panel on Keeping Honeybees & Raising Chickens
- Meet and Mingle with your Local Farmer Community
- Cost to Public $50, Farmers $30, and Students $15
- Saturday, March 5th, Bristol County Agricultural High School, 8am-4pm
- Interested in Exhibiting? Contact Katie Cavanagh, Farms Forever Coordinator at or 508-295-2212 ext. 50
- RSVP Required - Register Now!
- Farmer Workshops
Local Food 101 Seminars JANUARY Training for Ambassador Volunteers to present SEMAP's Local Food 101 Seminars - want to be an Ambassador Volunteer? Sign-Up and Join Us! - Wednesday, January 19, Cranberry Experiment Station, 5:30-6:30pm
FEBRUARY Cooks & Books Series: SEMAP & How On Earth Join SEMAP and Margie Baldwin, founding member of Marion Institute and How On Earth for an evening discussion of local food and sustainable agriculture. Discover how you can help support local farms in Southeastern Mass., as well as create healthy eating habits that help the planet! - Tuesday, February 1, Mattapoisett Library, 7:00pm
MARCH SEMAP Local Food 101 Seminar - The WHY, WHERE and HOW of Local Food!- Monday, March 7, Barnstable Senior Center, 11:00am
Monday, January 10th, 2011
SEMAP's Annual Winter Networking Meeting
3:30-6:30pm, Carver Public Library, 108 Main St., Carver Ma.
The annual Winter Networking Meeting is a great chance to networking with new and old friends, and help plan for the growing season ahead. Connecting local food with institutions and social service agencies will be among the topics discussed at the 2011 meeting. Participants will also learn more about SEMAP's memberships tailored specifically for local farms and 'Tomato Approved Businesses'. Locally sourced food and beverages will be served. RSVP to / 508-295-2212 ext. 50
Did you ever think... we'd have so many opportunities to BUY LOCAL FOODS during the winter season? Check this out!
ATTLEBORO FARMERS MARKET - This Sunday, Dec 19th, 12- 4pm Reopening January 2nd - Celebrating 1st Year Anniversary January 9th Attleboro Farms, 491 Hickory Road, N. Attleboro MA If you are on the hook to cook for holiday dinner this year, this is the time to buy what you can at the market this Sunday. There is so much more to choose from: granola, dried cranberries, jams, honey, coffee, pastas, nuts, smoked fish & meats, the list goes on and on...the only sure way to know what is at the market is to visit!
FAIRHAVEN INDOOR FALL/WINTER MARKET - Sunday Dec. 19th. 1 date left! The Indoor Fall / Winter Market will be held at the Nemasket Gallery on 56 Bridge Street on the corner of Bridge and Green Streets. This indoor market will run from 1-4pm inside this beautiful location so everyone can continue to purchase local produce from farmers, and have entertainment inside as well. This week will be free entertainment from local jazz musician Matt Rich ard. For more information please contact Ann Richard, 508-991-8315 or email or visit
MARSHFIELD WINTER MARKET - Saturday, Dec. 18th 9:00am - 12:00pm, at the Marshfield Fair Grounds Produce - Baked Goods - Foods - Crafts Marshfield Fair Grounds, 4-H area in the barn, South River Street. We'll have about half of the usual vendors selling baked goods, canning, meats, produce and crafts. Yes, local produce in November.... carrots, beets, leeks, squash and more! Pick up pies and other essentials for your Thanksgiving feast. If you would like to purchase meats from Open Meadow Farm, Charles & Robin request that you visit their website:, fill out a pre-order form and pick up on Saturday. If well attended, we will continue on the last Saturday of each month January - May, 2011! Check our website for updates,
PLYMOUTH LOCAL FOODS - Thursday, January 13th - Monthly Market Plimouth Plantation, 137 Warren Ave., Plymouth, 2:30pm - 6:30pm. First of the monthly winter markets. Pre-order online!
SANDWICH WINTER FARMERS MARKET - Every other Saturday - April 2011 Beginning in November, 2010 and being held approximately every other Saturday morning (9am - noon) until April, 2011, The Winter Farmers Market in Sandwich will be offering many "farm fresh" local food products throughout the cold winter months!! The Winter Farmers Market in Sandwich will be held at The American Legion Post 188 at 20 Main St (Rt 130) in Sandwich. Make those gray winter days pass more quickly with some delicious homemade bread, fruit pies, jam and jelly, honey, and salad greens, etc. Check for complete market dates here!
WAYLAND WINTER FARMERS MARKET - Sat., January 8th - March, 2011 As mentioned in Slow Food Boston News the Wayland Winter Farmers Market opens on Saturday, Jan. 8 and will run through March 12, 2011. What will you find at the indoor farmers' market? The conditions in New England are not optimal for growing vegetables in the winter, but local farmers can grow root crops like carrots, beets, potatoes, parsnips and more, during the summer, and these can be stored and sold during the winter months. Greenhouses make it possible for farmers to provide a large variety of greens and herbs year round. The market will also host vendors selling locally produced honey, meat, eggs, raw milk, cheese, pasta, jams, salsa, pickles, granola, gelato, hummus, coffee, baked goods, root beer, maple products, and yarn to feed the growing preference for local products. Check full list of vendors here!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND
PAWTUCKET WINTERTIME MARKET - TWO DAYS! Wednesday (4-7pm) & Saturdays (10am - 1pm) Open every Saturday & Wednesday except 12/25 and 12/29. Snow or shine, the Wintertime Farmers Market is open. Local food in every season. The chickens are still laying eggs. The salad greens are so leafy and crisp. The onions and garlic are packing spice. The apples and squashes are getting sweeter by the day. Join us for the start of another 365 days of local food. Chefs and eaters, one and all, come enjoy all that grows in Rhode Island year-round!
Agricultural Officials Announce Selection of Consultant to Develop Boston Public Market Implementation Plan
BOSTON - December 9, 2010 - Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) Commissioner Scott Soares today announced the selection of Project for Public Spaces of New York City to research, develop and produce an implementation plan for the management of a new public market in Boston.
"For the Massachusetts agricultural industry, which generates $500 million in annual cash receipts, this market will open new doors of opportunity to farmers. It will also provide a new venue for the increasing number of consumers eager to buy local agricultural products," said Commissioner Soares. "This market will support our farms and agricultural jobs and bring healthy, fresh local food to thousands of urban consumers."
"The selection of Project for Public Spaces is an important step in bringing the Boston Public Market from concept to fruition," said Mayor Thomas M. Menino. "I look forward to seeing their plan and analysis of how we can create and manage a thriving year-round public market for our local farmers, residents, and businesses."
Under the guidelines of the Request for Response issued in October, Project for Public Spaces is charged with demonstrating the long-term sustainability of the market and recommending a mix of agricultural and fisheries product vendors to occupy it. The consultant will also develop a proposed strategy to ensure a transparent and accountable market oversight and management structure, and to create a public-private partnership to lead the market's operation. The consultant's third task is to recommend a decision-making process for the design, construction and operation of the market, which is projected to open in 2012.
The market site is located on the first floor of 136 Blackstone Street, adjacent the Haymarket T stop. Also known as Parcel 7, the site is owned by the Department of Transportation (MassDOT), which made the site available for the market.
Once the Project for Public Spaces presents its recommendations to DAR, the department will launch a competitive public process to select a market operator or manager.
Several major U.S. cities operate public markets, including Philadelphia, Seattle and Milwaukee.
DAR's mission is to ensure the long-term viability of local agriculture in Massachusetts. Through its four divisions - Agricultural Development, Animal Health, Crop and Pest Services, and Technical Assistance - DAR strives to support, regulate and enhance the Commonwealth's agricultural community, working to promote economically and environmentally sound food safety and animal health measures, and fulfill agriculture's role in energy conservation and production. For more information, visit DAR's website at, and/or follow us at For your gateway to locally grown products, specialty foods, and fun ag-tivities go to
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Happy Holidays!
SEMAP Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership P.O. Box 569 East Wareham, MA 02538 508-295-2212 ext 50