SEMAP's e-Newsletter THE VINE
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Dear :
Join SEMAP in Celebrating Fall in Southeastern Mass!
This weather has us wanting something more tangible, something we can see, taste or hold, for example... Local pumpkins, squash, and warmed fresh apple cider!
Find these fresh local foods and ingredients this weekend at your local farmers market and food event. See below for several examples of fun events in Southeastern MA focusing on sustainable agriculture, local food, and communities! Beyond events and markets, you can also find a farm to visit on the Online Farm Guide. Apple and pumpkin picking are at their peak! Find a grower near you at SEMAP's new website,, and click on the Online Farm Guide link. Hope to see you at Bioneers!  Best, SEMAP Staff |
Thursday, November 4th, 2010 5:30pm - 8:00pm Gallery X, 169 William Street, New Bedford, MA$15 a ticketA Evening of Relaunching and ReconnectingJoin SEMAP in celebrating our relaunch at our Annual Meeting, November 4th, 2010. Learn more!
Attendees will also learn more about SEMAP's work with local food, our new public membership and programs, and how you can become more involved with local food and farms!
Public is WELCOME to attend - please tell a friend!
What about the food? A good meeting always has food! SEMAP's Annual Meeting is no exception with a three-course tasting menu featuring local farms and New Bedford businesses including:Travessia Urban Winery - Noquochoke Orchards - Cafe ArpeggioShy Brothers Farm - Nantucket Wild Gourmet- and more!Enjoy freshly preserved locally caught seafood, invigorating apple cider, and smooth crisp wine made from locally grown grapes. More enticing menu items to come!Please RSVP to; or call the SEMAP office phone at 508-295-2212 ext.50

SEMAP in the News!
SEMAP aims to be a guide to
local farming By ANIKA CLARK WAREHAM - After about 12 years, Southeastern
Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership has announced a fresh new vision
for supporting area farming. Housed at the
University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station, SEMAP serves as a
resource to local farmers - providing everything from technical
assistance to farm transfer help through its Farms Forever program. The
organization's also behind the Buy Fresh Buy Local campaign, which
raised awareness of public eats and made its stamp with purple and
orange stickers on many a SouthCoast bumper. As published in The Standard Times Read the Whole Article...
Agricultural partnership makes pitch to the
publicBy Cyrus Moulton
The Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP) has
been working with the region's farmers since 1998. Now it's expanding
to work with the public as well. "Farmers need to understand the public, and the public needs to
understand farmers," said Bridget Alexander Ferreira, the
organization's new director. "That's how both groups benefit best." As published in Wareham Week Read the Whole Article...
Farmers Markets help us to stay connected to our food and its grower on a year round basis. See below for descriptions of local farmers markets occurring through October. Bring the family to the market! Farmers markets are a perfect meeting spot with music, community information, and of course great local food!
Find even MORE markets, CSAs, and yr-round farmstands on the: Online Farm Guide!!
STILL OUTSIDE! Outdoor Markets OPEN in the fresh air!
ATTLEBORO FARMERS MARKET - Sunday, Oct. 24th, 12- 4pm at Attleboro Farms, 491 Hickory Road, N. Attleboro MA Located at Attleboro Farms a well established locally owned and operated
garden center dedicated to supporting local farmers and artisan food
producers. This is a year round market, indoors during the winter
months, with special holiday markets. Please check blog for event
UMASS DARTMOUTH FARMERS MARKET - Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., through October, Campus Center Courtyard at UMass Dartmouth. Vendors: Brix Bounty Farm, Fair Trade crafts, Sustainability Initiative water bottles, and local jewelry. For more information, call the Sustainability Office at 508-910-6484.
NEW BEDFORD FARMERS MARKETS - Thursday, Oct. 21st, 2pm - 5:30pm* Wings Court, New Bedford, MA (Union Street, between Purchase and Acushnet Ave.) Fresh apples, winter squash, kale, salad greens/herbs, baked goods and the last of the the tomatoes!! Brooklawn Park, New Bedford MA - Monday Oct. 25th, 2010 - 2pm - 6pm* (*closing times depends on weather!)
*BIONEERS FARMERS MARKET* - Special Three-Day Farmers Market! Friday, Saturday & Sunday Oct. 22-24th, 2010 - Wings Court, New Bedford Part of the Connecting for Change Conference this weekend! Local Vegetables, Fruit, Baked Goods, Honey, and Local Specialty Products - PLUS ongoing kids activities, music and art under the tent! Bring the whole family for local food and fun!
CARVER FARMERS MARKET - Sunday Oct. 24th, 2010 12 noon - 4pm at
108 Main Street, Carver Ma. (Shurtleff Park) At the Carver Farmers Market you'll find a great deal of fresh produce, plants and flowers and other food stuffs. Music continues to be a part of the Market, with a variety of musicians taking part each week! Arts and crafts vendors are present, as well as community groups with information for the public.
PLYMOUTH FARMERS MARKET - 2 markets open! Stephen's Field, Plymouth MA Thursday Oct. 21st, 2010 - 2:30pm - 6:00pm Court House Green, Saturday Oct. 23rd, 9:30am - 1:30pm The COWBELL rings to open the markets one last time at Stephens Field Thursday and at the Court House Green Saturday! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Look for MORE Farmers Markets RIGHT HERE & Check back for WINTER MARKETS information soon to come! |
Winter CSA Sign Up!
SILVERBROOK FARM, Dartmouth MA - November 3rd, first pick up / December 22nd, last pick up
Silverbrook Farm is coordinating the Six Farms CSA. We partner with other farms to provide a wonderful diversity of fruits and vegetables offered at the peak of ripeness and freshness. Our farmers select seed varieties for their taste. The large commercial growers must plant products that can tolerate mechanical harvesting and travel well over long distances. At the Six Farms CSA you will find old favorites as well as a
heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables that are not usually
available in any super market. All produce is freshly harvested on the
pick-up day or the day before. PICK UP DAY AND TIME: Wednesdays from 11 AM to 7 PM (Please mark your calendars & be on time!) LOCATION: Silverbrook Farm, 592 Chase Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 SHARE PRICES: By Check: One share: 210.00 By Credit Card: One share: 215.00 (order online!) Call or email farm to check on winter share availability!
Winter CSA Offerings:
Carrots - Beets - Onions - Potatoes - Eggs - Chard - Kale
- Spinach - Scallions - Pickled cucumbers & beets - Jams -
Mixed Field Greens - Winter Squashes! |
 FUN on the FARM!
VISIT A FARM THIS WEEKEND! Pumpkins, Hayrides, and Spooky Fun!
Hallowlantern Hayride! & Pick-Your-Pumpkins! CN Smith Farm, Inc. 325 South St., E. Bridgewater, Ma. Dates: October 21-24 and October 27-30th Times: Wednesdays & Thursday, sunset to 9PM; Saturday and Sundays, sunset to 10PM A night time 30 minute hayride (not haunted!) to view hundreds of expertly carved jack-o-lanterns. Catch the hayride on Wed., Thurs and Sunday dates from "Dark" until 9PM and on Friday and Saturday dates from "Dark" until 10PM. Adults, $14.00; Children 12 and under$12.00, or RIDE TWICE for $20 (adults) / $18 Children. Farmstand remains open until winter with all of our own apples, potatoes, our own fresh pressed cider, Halloween display and sales, jams, jellies, baked goods, squash, mums, and more!!
Bog Fright Night @ Tihonet Village Market - October 22-24th, 2010 Scary wagon rides run through the wooded bogs from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wagon ride tickets are $5.00 with pre-paid reservations and $7.00 at the event. Reservations are highly recommended to avoid long lines and secure a ride on the desired night. For advance tickets, stop in the Tihonet Village Market or call 508-295-5437 between 2-6 p.m
Local Food Events!
Visit SEMAP at the following festivals and events highlighting local food, farmers, and sustainable practices! Fine even more events on SEMAP's Event Page at
Oct. 22 - 24th Bioneers By the Bay: Connecting for Change Conference New Bed ford MA 2010 Keynote speaker: Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea. Over 2,000 students, teachers, green business innovors, scientists,
grassroots leaders and everyday folks from across the East Coast will
gather to embrace, share, brainstorm, network, heal, learn, teach,
celebrate, recharge and connect for change. We will roll up our sleeves
and harvest tangible, practical solutions to the specific challenges we
face here in the Northeast and the world at-large.
Delicious vegetarian all-local lunches provided with help by SEMAP and participating local growers: Golden Rule Farm, Middleboro - Billingsgate Farm, Plympton - Lucky Field Organics, Rochester - Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis - Web of Life Organic Farm, Carver - Ward's Berry Farm, Sharon and more!
Visit SEMAP at the conference FARMERS MARKET held all three days, 11am - 4:00pm! Stop in and pick up some fresh local vegetables, fruit, honey, baked goods and other local surprises! Find a great gift item or snack for later. Participating growers will be on hand to talk about their produce, farms, varities grown and how the public can better connect with the food they eat! Market vendors to include:Fresh Meadows, Carver - fresh picked cranberries A1 Pickles Company, Attleboro - several varieties of pickled cukes!Lucky Field Organics, Rochester - organic produce Hilltop Farm, Westport - fresh eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and more! Quansett Gardens, Dartmouth - fresh local apples, baked goods and squash! Nantucket Wild Gourmet, Chatham - locally caught fish smoked in the finest tradition - And More!
Nov. 4th SEMAP's Annual Meeting (see description above!) Great discussions
on local food, farming, eating local year-round, plus tastings of local
food and products from our neighbor farms and businesses! RSVP to; or call 508-295-2212 ext. 50 --------------- Nov. 30th Nutrient Dense Crop Production discussion - Dartmouth Ma. NOFA Mass. & Real Food Campaign - Sponsored by SEMAP at Friends Academy, Dartmouth Ma. How can we build vitality in our soils, crops, and bodies? How can we better understand the complex relationship between soil, crop nutrition, and human health? Learn how the Real Food Campaign is approaching these questions and working toward systemic solutions.  This two hour educational evening will introduce you to innovative principles and practices for producing more nutritious food to nurture healthier human lives. The lecture provides an introduction to a 5-part, year-long course on using soil biology, mineralogy and energy dynamics to grow better crops. The course takes place in 8 locations throughout the Northeast, including Dartmouth, MA. The speaker, Dan Kittredge, is a life-long organic farmer, Director of Real Food Campaign, and instructor of a 5-part course in Dartmouth in 2011: WHEN: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. WHERE: Commons Building, Friends Academy, 1088 Tucker Road, North Dartmouth, MA CONTACT: Ben Grosscup, NOFA/Mass 413-658-5374, email: COST: The event is free of charge & open to the public. Donations welcome!
SPONSORED BY: Real Food Campaign, Northeast Organic Farming Assn./ Mass. Chapter (NOFA/Mass), & Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP)
| Event Details  |
| |
|  | Bring your
family to celebrate the second annual harvest at Westport Town Farm's
Community Gardens. Enjoy local food, music and activities for all ages. |
Hosted by New Entry Sustainable Farming
Project Are
you interested in improving your soil fertility? Need
advice on financial planning for your farm business? Looking
to grow your livestock operations? Discuss
these topics with fellow small-scale farmers and learn how their approaches led
to successful farm business enterprises! Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 9th, in Sturbridge, MA, and REGISTER NOW for the New Entry
Sustainable Farming Project Farmer-to-Farmer
Conference. Receive the early bird discount price
of $40 (including lunch) by registering now! What
to expect at the conference: Farm Business Expertise: Farmers will learn from
seasoned experts and from each other
about how to maximize farm business enterprise potential. Diverse Range of Topics: Speaker panels will cover topics in the areas of soil
fertility, farm business and financial planning, strategies for ensuring the
health of livestock, and building sustainable communities around food. Peer-to-Peer Learning: A facilitated World Café discussion will give farmers
a chance to choose discussion topics of interest on site and share best
practices. Good Food and Drink: Enjoy a networking lunch and
a farmer-to-farmer networking reception. Go to to register and
for more information. Feel free to contact Kimberley Fitch at 978-654-6745 or
e-mail with questions. |
Pass it On..... Please send your friends and family this email by clicking the 'Forward email' link below!
See you at Bioneers!
SEMAP Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership P.O. Box 569 East Wareham, MA 02538 508-295-2212 ext 50