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The Vine
SEMAP's Buy Local e-Newsletter

Happy Summer Solstice!
What's Growin'
SEMAP Members in the News
Cookin' Local!
Local Food Events!
Visit the
Online Farm Guide!
Learn more about SEMAP's
Membership Levels at:
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News from the Vine - August 2010
Dear  :


I don't know about you, but during this time of year it's hard for me not to hear the Oliver classic, Food, Glorious Food playing in my head... 


With watermelon and cantaloupe here for their annual summer visit...perfect as breakfast, dessert, healthy snack, or main dish...


And their many amazing sizes, shapes and colors, available in beautiful abundance.  Now is the time to start perfecting that sauce recipe and preserving some Lycopene-packing deliciousness for winter.


Food, marvelous food, wonderful food, magical food, fabulous food, beautiful food, GLORIOUS FOOD!

Check out what's growing, where to find it, celebrate it, cook it, and of course, eat it, and more, below.

Happy Eating!

Exec. Dir.
                                                                                   Find me on Facebook
What's Growin'?         
This week be sure to check out these farmers markets and farm stands for the freshest summer produce available.  The majority of the farms listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign.

For more information on these farms
and many more, please visit our

HERBS / GREENS / FLOWERS:                                           FRUITS:  [PYO = Pick Your Own]
Alderbrook Farm, Dartmouth
                                                 Apples, Peaches & Plums
Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth                                                CN Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater
Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis                                                  Pocassett Orchards, Dartmouth
Cedar Spring Herb Farm, Harwich                                        Noquochoke Orchards, Westport
Cervelli Farm, Rochester                                                       Quansett Gardens, Dartmouth
E & T Farm, W. Barnstable                                   
Four Town Farm, Seekonk                                                   Cantaloupe and Watermelons  
In the Weeds Flower Farm, Brewster                                  
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton
Quittacas Farm, E. Freetown                                                Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth
Satucket Farm Stand, Brewster                                            CN Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater
Village Farm, Dennisport  
White Barn Farm, Wrentham                                               VEGETABLES: 
Corn                                                                                     Cucumbers
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton                                                 Billingsgate Farm, Plympton
CN Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater                                           Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth
Cervelli Farm, Rochester                                                      Cape Abilities, Dennis                      Noquochoke Orchards, Westport                                         Coonamessett Farm, E. Falmouth
Oakdale Farms, Rehoboth                                                   Golden Rule Farm, Middleboro
Tavares Hillside Farm, Dartmouth                                        Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford
Tony Andrews Farm, Falmouth                                            Tavares Hillside Farm, Dartmouth

Garlic                                                                                   Onions
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton                                                Billingsgate Farm, Plympton
Forbidden Fruit Farm, Darmouth                                         Golden Rule Farm, Middleboro
Lucky Field Organics, Rochester                                         Noquochoke Orchards, Westport
                                                                                             Sampson Farms, Westport
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton  
                                            Summer Squash & Zucchini
Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth                                              Billingsgate Farm, Plympton
Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable                                  Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth
Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis                                                Coonamessett Farm, E. Falmouth
Cervelli Farm, Rochester                                                     Four Town Farm, Seekonk
Cape Abilities, Dennis                                                          Golden Rule Farm, Middleboro
CN Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater                                          Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford
Hickory Knoll Farm,  Lakeville                                             Noquochoke Orchards, Westport
Noquochoke Orchards, Westport                                        Oakdale Farms, Rehoboth
Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth                                                    Tavares Hillside Farm, Dartmouth
Quansett Gardens, Dartmouth                                             White Barn Farm, Wrentham
Tavares Hillside Farm, Dartmouth 
White Barn Farm, Wrentham                                 
Artisanal Cheese                                                                 Eggs
Foxboro Cheese, Foxboro                                                    Bull Frog Acres, Wareham
Shy Brothers Farm, Westport                                                Hilltop Farm, Westport
                                                                                              Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth
Beef & Pork (variety of cuts and products)                      Quansett Farms, Dartmouth
Dufort Farms, Rehoboth                                                       Quitticas Farm, E. Freetown
Gray Rock Farm, Tiverton RI                                                Silverbrook Farm, Dartmouth
JH Beauliue Livestock & Produce, Fairhaven                       Village Farm, Dennisport  

Oysters & Clams                                                                 Lobsters
Barnstable Seafarms                                                            Fishwife, Plymouth
Chatham Fish Pier, Chatham                                               Revolution Lobster, Westport
Cuttyhunk Oysters, Cuttyhunk Island                                   Salty Lou's, Sandwich


SEMAP Member Farmers Markets Listed below.
Find all regional market info on our website,

Massachusetts Farmers Market Week starting August 22!

Fall River Farmers Markets - 3 locations throughout the city!
Wednesdays: Ruggles Park,
9:00am - 1:00pm,Locust St & Seabury St.
New!Thursdays: Downtown, 11am - 6:00pm, Lou Sevin Square (102 South Main Street) Rain or shine!!
Saturdays: Kennedy Park,
7:00am - 12:30pm, Broadway & Bradford Ave.

Fairhaven Farmers Market, Sundays 1 - 4pm, Fairhaven High School
If you haven't heard yet it is Massachusetts Farmers Market Week starting August 22. 
Come celebrate at our wonderful market, we will be having entertainment from Jay and Abby Michaels on Sunday August 22.  Check out their website.  Join us every Sunday for all the local produce, crafts and fun at this great community event.

New Bedford Wings Court Farmers Market - Starting Thursday July 8th!
Visit the Wings Court Farmers Market in downtown New Bedford every Thursday 2  - 6pm, (Wing's Court is located off of Union St. between Brick pizzeria and On a Roll).  Great blueberries, hot house tomatoes, fresh greens, and delicious baked breads and treats.

Marshfield Farmers Market - Fridays, 2 - 6pm, Marshfield Fair Grounds
Marshfield Fair opens next Friday, August 20 and runs through Sunday, August 29.
The Farmer's Market will relocate to Proprietor's Green on Fridays, August 20 and 27 from 2 to 6 pm. Proprietor's Green is located behind Roche Bros. Supermarket on Rt. 139 in Marshfield.

Old Rochester Farmers Market - Tuesdays, 3 - 7PM at ORR, Mattapoisett MA

The Old Rochester Farmers' Market is a community event, bringing together local farmers, food makers, artisans and community members to celebrate sustainability, organic farming practices, and keeping it local.  This new market offers great produce, herbs, eggs, meat and fresh cut flowers from our local farmers, delicious baked goods from two well known bakers, and fantastic smoked meats and fish from an experienced local chef.  Also available are a variety of specialty items, such as jams, vegetable seasoning, all natural dog treats, handmade soaps, herbal tinctures and all natural bug repellant, as well as handmade jewelry and hand dyed silks.  Each week market customers enjoy all that their community has to offer, while listening to fabulous music from local musicians.  Stop by the market every Tuesday from 3:00-7:00 PM until October 19th at 135 Marion Road (ORRJHS), Mattapoisett.

george smith
SEMAP members in the news!

For two businesses, setting up wind turbines hasn't been a breeze.
The Herald News, Aug. 01, 2010

Area farmers, environmentalists object to proposed aerial spray treatment.
Patriot Ledger, Aug. 05, 2010

Cooking Local!

revolution boatLobster Sauce for Pasta
from Revolution Lobster, Westport MA

  1/2 cup chopped green pepper                3 garlic cloves, minced
  1/2 cup olive oil                                     1 T. fresh basil, chopped
  3 T. fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped      1/2 can tomato paste
  2 cups Italian/plum tomatoes             1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper seeds
     (local is best!)                                  
  2 cups of cooked and coarsely chopped lobster meat

Saute green pepper and garlic in olive oil.
Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 1/2 hour. 
Add 2 cups of cooked and coarsely chopped lobster meat.
Heat and serve over pasta.

Lobster is good... AND good for you!!!

Nutritional information is based on 100 grams of
edible cooked product.

Product           Calories    Protein   Total Fat   Cholesterol

Lobster                 98          21g         0.6g          72mg

Chicken Breast    165         31g        3.6g           85mg    
(skinless, roasted)

Whole egg           149         12g       10.0g          42.3mg

Beef                     216          30g       9.9g           8.6mg

Nutritional information supplied in part by the New York Sea Grant Institute and the National Institute of Health, 1990.

Lobster is also high in:

■    Omega-3 fatty acids            ■    Amino Acids
■    Potassium & Magnesium     ■    Vitamin B12, B6, B3 and B2
■    Calcium & Phosphorous      ■    Iron, Zinc and Vitamin A
BBB_09_foodLocal Food Events!
Looking for more ways to enjoy local food and agriculture!  Check out SEMAP's Events Page, and the listings below.  Get out there and ENJOY LOCAL!

Sustainable Business Network's Seventh ALLocal Picnic - Saturday, August 21st
2:00 pm - 5:00 p
m, Highland Park/Fort Hill, Roxbury, MA

ALLocal Picnic with Garden Girl - Eat Local Food & Meet Local People!

This will be a very special summer afternoon at the home and gardens of Patti Moreno of Garden Girl TV.  Enjoy a $35 family style picnic in Roxbury with fresh ingredients harvested from Patti's own gardens as well as other gardens in the Boston area.  Children under 10 are welcome for $10.

ALL ingredients will be: sourced, processed, prepared as close to Roxbury as possible and within New England.

Information and registration at  [Directions will be sent after registration]
Bristol Aggie School to Host Surplus Auction - Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Bristol Agricultural High School, 135 Center Street, Dighton MA

The Aggie school is having a surplus auction next Saturday, auctioneered by Steve Medeiros.
Viewing starts at 8AM; auction to start at 10AM.

· Farm Equipment
· Landscaping Equipment
· Shop Tools
· Carpentry Tools
· Generators
· School Desks, Folding Chairs
· Floral Shop Cooler
· Equestrian Supplies, Carriages and Sleigh
· Industrial Maintenance Equipment & Supplies
· Food Service Equipment
· Full List Available Soon @ Contact Kyle Medeiros at (508) 669-6744; or by email.
Farm Day at Chamberlain Farm!   Sunday, August 22nd    12 noon - 4pm

12 Friends Street, Berkley, MA  /   (508) 880-2817  /
Farm Day is a chance to taste and sample locally grown items. Not only will you get a chance to purchase fresh from the farm, you will be able to sample some of the best that Southern New England has to offer.

Food Sampling of: vegetables and fruit, cheeses, wines & beers, meats, seafoods, baked goods, pig roast.

Live music, cash bar, grill open, hayrides, cranberry bog tours, pony rides, horseshoes, local artifact display, local historian and yard sale!

World Kitchen Garden Day - August 22nd, 2010! 
World Kitchen Garden Day is an annual, decentralized celebration of food produced on a human-scale. It is recognized each year on the 4th Sunday of August.  It is an opportunity for people around the world to gather in their gardens with friends, family, and members of their local community to celebrate the multiple pleasures and benefits of home-grown and locally-grown foods.

Please help us make this year's celebration of Kitchen Garden Day a success.  Here are some different things you can do depending on your interests, time, and talents:
1) "Attend" our event on Facebook and invite your friends to do the same .
2) Put your own Kitchen Garden Day marker on our global Meetup map, and use Meetup's tools to bring some like-minded people together in your area.
3) Share the event on your website, blog, or online calendar using text from this message and one of the graphics on our Flickr.
4) Share this email broadly within your personal and professional networks.

Many thanks,
Roger Doiron
Founder, Kitchen Gardeners International,
Fellow, Food and Society Fellows Program,

Kitchen Gardeners International is a 501c3 nonprofit founded in Maine, USA with friends from around the world. Our mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities to achieve greater levels of food self-reliance through the promotion of kitchen gardening, home-cooking, and sustainable local food systems.
South Shore Locavore's Pot Luck!   August 23rd, 2010 
7pm - 8:30pm at the Sampson Hall (Beal House) , Kingston MA  /
Join the South Shore Locavores for our first annual Summer Pot Luck celebrating local foods. The SSL's are sponsored by edible South Shore and Kingston Public Library.

Bring a dish to share. And please bring the recipe, and the story behind the recipe (if there is one), as well. eSS will be doing something with the recipes (we're just not sure what - yet).

The program is free, but donations will be accepted to cover expenses and ...used to purchase books for the library ($5 suggested). Pre-registration is requested. Register in person at the Library, email, or call 781-585-0517 x112

26th Annual Massachusetts Tomato Contest

tomato trophies

The 26th Annual Massachusetts Tomato Contest will be held at Boston's City Hall Plaza Farmers' Market on Monday, August 23rd in conjunction with the City Hall Plaza Farmers' Market and the start of Massachusetts Farmers' Market Week. Tomatoes will be judged by a panel of experts on flavor, firmness/slicing quality, exterior color and shape. Always a lively and fun event, the day is designed to increase awareness of locally grown produce.

Farmers who want to submit entries can bring tomatoes to the City Hall Plaza Farmers' Market between 9:00 am and 10:15 am on August 23rd or drop their entries off with the corresponding registration form to one of several locations around the state on August 21st or 22nd. These tomatoes will be brought in to Boston on Monday. For the complete details, including contest criteria and a registration form, go to

The 26th Annual Tomato Contest is sponsored by the New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Association, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources and Federation of Massachusetts Farmers' Markets.

Food Film and Locavore Pot Luck Dinner - Saturday August 28th, 2010

6:00pm at Holly Hill Farm, 236 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset  /
Holly Hill Farm is pleased to announce the  fourth season of films about food and agriculture screened outside on the side of the Tomato Barn. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs and come check out these award winning films. Donations accepted to benefit The Friends of Holly Hill Farm, the non-profit that uses the farm as its outdoor classroom for education programs. 
Island Creek Oyster Festival, Duxbury MA - Sept. 11th, 2010
The Island Creek Oyster Festival is an afternoon-long, sustainable event set to take place on Saturday, September 11th, 2010 from 3 to 11 p.m. on Duxbury Beach. Now in its fifth year, the Festival highlights the best in local oysters, food, music, and beer. As always, the proceeds of the entire event go to the Island Creek Oysters Foundation. Please consider your $50 or $150 entry fee a direct donation to the Foundation and its mission to help feed malnourished regions through hands-on education.
Read more at the Foundation's website:
19th Annual  Soule Homestead Harvest Festival - September 18th & 19th, 2010
10:00am - 5:00pm at Soule Homestead Education Center, Middleboro MA

The 19th Annual Soule Homestead Harvest Fair and Joe Davies Folk Festival will be held on Saturday September 18th (10am-5pm) and Sunday September 19th (11am-5pm). The fair is a great opportunity to enjoy a fun day outdoors with the entire family. The fair will feature continuous live folk music all day long in addition to a trick horse show, sheep dog demonstrations, hay rides, face painting, and a children's tent with old-fashioned games and crafts. The fair will offer educational exhibits by New England Reptile and Raptor with Marla Isaac, Native American Artifacts with Randy Julius, South Coast Historical Society's "Pirates of New England" and craft demonstrations by local artisans. Local crafters will offer their handmade creations for sale. 

Delicious homemade food will be offered including vegetarian chili, squash bisque, hummus with organic vegetables grown at Soule Homestead in addition to veggie burgers, pizza, hot dogs, ice cream from Peaceful Meadows, and a variety of desserts. 

Admission is $7 for everyone (children younger than 6 are free). Free parking is available and admission will be free for volunteers. Please call the Homestead for more information on volunteering at 508-947-6744.  Please visit:


Cape Land & Sea Harvest - CLASH! 2010
Friday Sept. 24 - Sunday Sept. 26th

A Salute to Fishing Farming and all things Cape Cod!

The Cape Land and Sea Harvest (CLASH) is a weekend long celebration of the rich heritage and abundance of our local foods.

Tours, Tastings and Events all day Friday, September 25th + Saturday September 26th at farms, bogs, breweries, wineries, piers and other food-related businesses across the Cape.

Eat Local Week! - Monday September 20th through Sunday, September 26th.  Cape Cod restaurants will be offering special local menus on Friday and Saturday evenings, featuring products sourced from local growers.  Menus will be added to our restaurant page online as they become available.  Please contact the restaurant of your choice directly for reservations. 
THERE'S MUCH MORE!  See FULL schedule of events at:

The Working Waterfront Festival - September 25 - 26th, 2010
"All in One Boat - The Cultural Mosaic of New England's Working Ports"

Join us in New Bedford, America's largest commercial fishing port, to learn about the men and women who harvest the North Atlantic. Walk the decks of a scalloper, dine on fresh seafood, mend a fishing net and watch a Coast Guard rescue demonstration. Experience the workings of the industry which brings seafood from the ocean to your plate.

Local farms and fisherman will have their fresh vegetables and seafood for sale once again at 2010 Festival!  Stop by the SEMAP booth during farmers market hours, and be sure to bring a cooler for all your fresh catch!

OcTOBEYfest - Harvesting Hope - Friday October 1st, 2010
A Tobey Hospital Community event to benefit the Southcoast Center for Cancer Care
Under a tent on the grounds of AD Makepeace, Wareham MA

Cocktails: 6pm /  Dinner: 7pm /  Charitable auction /  Cocktail attire
This fundraising event will feature local food, drink and the wonderful dance performance from Change the World and dancing with music by The Neil McCarthy Blues Band.

More information to be listed online soon!  Contact: 508-273-4362
6th Annual Connecting For Change: A Bioneers By the Bay Conference,
Presented by the Marion Institute
October 21-24, 2010   New Bedford, MA

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Greg Mortenson - author of 3 Cups of Tea and Stone Into Schools, and executive director of Central Asia Institute, will be a Live Keynote Speaker at this year's 6th Annual Connecting for Change Conference!

Over 2,000 students, teachers, green business innovators, scientists, grassroots leaders and everyday folks from across the East Coast will gather to embrace, share, brainstorm, network, heal, learn, teach, celebrate, recharge and connect for change. We will roll up our sleeves and harvest tangible, practical solutions to the specific challenges we face here in the Northeast and the world at-large.

Visit the SEMAP booth at Bioneers!  SEMAP will be helping to organize the THREE DAY FARMERS MARKET, as well as the delicious vegetarian LOCAL LUNCHES!

Check out the Bioneers Conference Website for more information:

Fiber Festival of New England - November 6 & 7, 2010
Mallary Complex at Eastern States Exposition, W. Springfield MA
The New England Sheep & Wool Growers and Eastern States Exposition announce the establishment of "THE Fiber Festival of New England", to be held November 6 & 7, 2010, in the Mallary Complex on the grounds of Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Mass.

After several years of requests for an event bringing vendors and fiber enthusiasts together, the New England Sheep & Wool Growers Association and Eastern States Exposition developed the Festival which is expected to draw visitors from all of New England. The feedback from contacted vendors has been positive. One vendor remarked, "After over twenty years in this business, this new venue provides a great opportunity to more directly market our products in the New England area."

More information to come!  Visit:

Pass it On.....
Please send your friends and family this email by clicking the 'Forward email' link below!

Enjoy the local flavors!

Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership
P.O. Box 569
East Wareham, MA  02538
508-295-2212 ext 50