The Vine SEMAP's Buy Local e-Newsletter
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News from the Vine - Late July 2010
Dear :
The warm summer weather brings not only juicy
garden vegetables but also a boat load of...
Festivals, events, and
SEMAP staff is overwhelmed with the quality and abundance of
local food events cropping up this summer, and wanted to pass on some of our
favorites to you! Keep reading for
great weekend ideas for the summer guests as well as the whole family.
Take a loved one - take the whole family - take a break!
Attend a local food outing, event, or class and learn something new about the friendly faces and traditional and innovative practices surrounding food and farms in our region.
Hope to see you there! SEMAP Staff
PLUS... Blueberries - get them while they last!  |
Save the Date! Southeastern MA is home to several FANTASTIC festivals and events that focus on sustainable issues including local food and agriculture.
Visit these great events and PARTICIPATE with hands on demonstrations and activities, EXPERIENCE cultures and traditions from our backyard to around the globe, and CONNECT with people just like you who are interested in the past, present, and future of local food and farming.
Cape Land & Sea Harvest - CLASH! 2010 Friday Sept. 24 - Sunday Sept. 26th A Salute to Fishing Farming and all
things Cape Cod! The Cape Land and Sea Harvest (CLASH) is a weekend
long celebration of the rich heritage and abundance of our local foods.
Tours, Tastings and Events all day Friday, September 25th + Saturday September 26th at farms, bogs, breweries, wineries, piers and other food-related businesses across the Cape.
Eat Local Week! - Monday September 20th through Sunday, September 26th. Cape Cod restaurants will be offering special local menus on Friday and Saturday evenings, featuring products sourced from local growers. Menus will be added to our restaurant page online as they become available. Please contact the restaurant of your choice directly for reservations. THERE'S MUCH MORE! See FULL schedule of events at: http://www.ediblecommunities.com/clash/
The Working Waterfront Festival - September 25 - 26th, 2010 "All in One Boat - The Cultural Mosaic of New England's Working Ports" http://www.workingwaterfrontfestival.org/
Join us in New Bedford, America's largest commercial fishing port, to
learn about the men and women who harvest the North Atlantic. Walk the
decks of a scalloper, dine on fresh seafood, mend a fishing net and
watch a Coast Guard rescue demonstration. Experience the workings of
the industry which brings seafood from the ocean to your plate.
Local farms and fisherman will have their fresh vegetables and seafood for sale once again at 2010 Festival! Stop by the SEMAP booth during farmers market hours, and be sure to bring a cooler for all your fresh catch!
6th Annual Connecting For Change: A Bioneers By the Bay Conference, Presented by the Marion Institute October 21-24, 2010 New Bedford, MA SUPER EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS: AUGUST 1st! www.connectingforchange.org
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Greg Mortenson - author of 3 Cups of Tea and Stone Into Schools, and executive director of Central Asia Institute, will be a Live Keynote Speaker at this year's 6th Annual Connecting for Change Conference!
Over 2,000 students, teachers, green business innovators, scientists,
grassroots leaders and everyday folks from across the East Coast will
gather to embrace, share, brainstorm, network, heal, learn, teach,
celebrate, recharge and connect for change. We will roll up our sleeves
and harvest tangible, practical solutions to the specific challenges we
face here in the Northeast and the world at-large.
Visit the SEMAP booth at Bioneers! SEMAP will be helping to organize the THREE DAY FARMERS MARKET, as well as the delicious vegetarian LOCAL LUNCHES!
Check out the Bioneers Conference Website for more information: www.connectingforchange.org Photo: Connecting for Change: A Bioneers by the Bay Conference and Kevin Trimmer Photography.
LOCAL RECIEPS SEMAP Member Chefs let us in our their favorite seasonal reciepes...
Blueberry Peach Crostata from Emily Ward at Garnish Events, Newport RI www.garnishevent.com
Pastry: 1 ½ cups all purpose flour ½ cup whole wheat pastry flour ½ teaspoon kosher salt 2 sticks cold unsalted butter - diced 6 Tablespoons of ice water
Filling: 2 pounds locally grown, firm ripe peaches ½ pint locally grown, organic blueberries 1 Tablespoon plus ¼ cup all-purpose flour 1 Tablespoon plus ¼ cup granulated sugar ¼ teaspoon orange zest ¼ teaspoon lemon zest 2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice ¼ teaspoon kosher salt 4 Tablespoons cold unsalted butter - diced
For the pastry: Place flour, sugar and salt in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times to combine. Add diced butter and toss to coat with flour. Pulse 12 - 15 times until butter is the size of peas. With the food processor running, add ice water all at once. Continue to pulse to combine, stopping just before the dough comes together. Place dough on a floured board and roll into a ball. Cut in half and form into 2 flat disks. Wrap each in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour. *Pastry can be frozen for future use
Preheat oven to 450 degree. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
Roll pastry into an 11 inch circle on a floured surface and transfer to sheet pan.
For filling: Cut peaches into wedges and place them in a bowl with blueberries. Toss with 1 Tablespoon of flour and 1 Tablespoon of the sugar, as well as the orange and lemon zest and orange juice. Place the mixture on the pastry circle leaving a 1 ½ inch border.
Combine the ¼ cup flour, ¼ cup sugar and salt in the bowl of a food processor. Add the butter and pulse until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle evenly over the fruit. Gently fold the border of the pastry over the edges of the fruit, squeezing it to make an edge. The center of the circle will not be covered with pastry.
Bake for 20 - 25 minutes until crust is golden and fruit is tender. Let cool for 5 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack. Serve warm or at room temperature with vanilla ice cream.
Local Food Events! Looking for more ways to enjoy local food and agriculture! Check out SEMAP's Events Page, and the listings below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Day at Stone Bridge Farm Events - Saturday July 24th 186 Leonard Street, Acushnet MA www.stonebridgefarmevents.com Farmers Market, 10:00 am - 2:00pm Each week local farmers bring fresh seasonal fruit, vegetables, herbs,
eggs, cut flowers, plants, and other handmade goods. We thank you for
buying directly from your local farmers which helps to keep our local
food and economy vibrant and sustainable.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- South Shore Locavores Monthly Food Meetings - Monday July 26th Topic: Honey! Monday, July 26th, at 6:45 p.m Kingston Public Library, at 6 Green Street, Kingston MA RSVP to Sia at 781 585-0517 x122
Guest speakers for this session will include local beekeepers, farmers, and cooks, who will speak about their experiences with beekeeping, the role of bees in farming, environmental concerns, and cooking with honey. Come at 6:45 p.m. for coffee and food samples. We hope to have a few examples of things made with honey. This is a great chance for a recipe swap, too, so if you have a favorite honey recipe, bring a copy to share with the group. We'll figure out a way to distribute recipes to people who are interested. The formal program begins at 7 p.m. and goes till 8:30. And once again, door prizes!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YMCA An Evening at Gulf Hill - Fundraising Dinner - Saturday July 31st www.ymcasouthcoast.org Join us at the Dartmouth YMCA for a Dinner Under the Stars! Catered by Smoke & Pickles (www.smokeandpickles.com)
When: 7:00 PM, with Live Music and Dancing until 11:30 PM Where: Dartmouth YMCA, Gulf Hill Road, S. Dartmouth Tickets: $75; purchase ONLINE or call 508-993-3361
proceeds from the dinner and auction will benefit the Annual
Scholarship Fund at the Dartmouth YMCA, which provides local families
much needed help with the cost of membership, programs, camps and child
care. This YCares Finachial Assistance is important to keep the Y
experience accessible to the entire community.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dartmouth Grange Lobster Bake - Saturday July 31st 1:00PM at the Dartmouth Grange Hall, 1133 Fisher Road, Dartmouth MA Tickets: $25 Contact: 508-636-1900
menu will include lobster, corn on the cob, potatoes, melted butter,
watermelon, lemonade and soda. Tickets are $25 per person and are
available at Alderbrook Farm, Partners Village Store and Baker Books. For more information, call the Dartmouth Grange at (508) 636-1900. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sustainable Braintree 'Biggest Carbon Loser Event' Saturday July 31st & August 28th @ the Braintree Farmers Market, Town Hall Mall on Washington Street, 9:00am - 1:00pm
Braintree residents will learn about the effects of climate change and what they can do to be part of the solution. By reducing the quantity of greenhouse gases we emit when we heat our homes, drive our cars and run our appliances, we can counter the effects of global warming, save money on our utility bills and, in the case of this event, win prizes in a quest to be crowned the Biggest Carbon Loser.
If you would like to register for the event or to find out more information please visit http://www.sustainablebraintree.org/energy/biggest-carbon-loser, call 781-794-8338 or e-mail michaelc@sustainablebraintree.org
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coastal Vineyard Events! August 1st, 2010 Noon to 5PM 61 Pardon Hill Road, S. Dartmouth MA 02748 /
774-202-4876 / www.coastal-vineyards.comVisit David Neilson on his 8 acre vineyard / winery to experience fine creative wines, grown and bottled in South Dartmouth MA.
August 1st, 2010 - Art Festival - Local artists: Dave, Tyler & Anita Poyant. Enjoy great art. Taste great wine. Sit out on the lawn overlooking the vineyard, sipping wine, relaxing, and enjoy life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chez Ducrot Cooking Classes - July 15 - August 12th, 2010 40 Russell Street, Plymouth MA Learn. Taste. Enjoy. Philippe and Linda Ducrot invite you to enjoy a "hand's-on" culinary experience that is a combination of learning, entertainment and tasting, all in one evening. During our hands-on cooking classes participants assist in the preparation of food - learning tips, techniques and recipes and enjoy sampling the results together. Classes are conducted regularly at Chez Ducrot or, we can hold a private class in your home providing an entertaining evening for you and your friends.
PASTA I - Thursday, July 29, 2010, 6-9 PM - (Reserve today - this class quickly sells-out!) Back by popular demand. So many ways to make pasta and so many delectable sauces to adorn it!
See FULL schedule online at www.chezducrot.com
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOFA / Mass Summer Conference, August 13 - 15, 2010 Umass Campus, Amherst MA NOFA/Mass is the Massachusetts chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. Learn from 200 workshops on organic farming, gardening and land care,
homesteading, sustainability, nutrition, spirituality, food politics,
activism, and much, much more...
Special workshops designed for kids and teens. An educational, fun opportunity for your children to bond with others from the Northeast while you attend workshops and events. Register online today! http://www.nofasummerconference.org/
Pass it On..... Please send your friends and family this email by clicking the 'Forward email' link below!
Nothing says New England like a good Lobster Bake....
SEMAP Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership 1 State Bog Rd. P.O. Box 569 East Wareham, MA 02538 508-295-2212 ext 50 www.semaponline.org